Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Nov 4, 2016 · In February, Latifah Smith-Nabengana, a 15-year-old in Cincinnati, claimed that she had been impregnated by Jesus and was carrying “ Junior Jesus.

Latifah smith-nabengana from
Feb 27, 2017 · Latifah Smith- Nabengana, a pregnant 15-year-old teenager from Ohio has claimed that Jesus Christ is the father of her unborn baby. According to her, an ...

Latifah smith-nabengana from
Jun 25, 2017 · Latifah Smith-Nabengana says she was visited by an “Angel of God” in July 2015, who told her that she had been chosen to bear the Christ's son. “He told me ...

Jan 28, 2018 · A 15-year old young lady, Latifah Smith-Nabengana has guaranteed that Jesus Christ impregnated her after a " divine experience." Smith-Nabengana who hails ...

15-year-old Latifah Smith-Nabengana from Ohio, USA claims Jesus impregnated her through the spirit.She said the visitation came in July 2015.According to World News Daily ...

Feb 18, 2016 · And believe me, people have not taken this claim, made by 15- year-old Latifah Smith-Nabengana, lying down…so to speak. The girl elaborates ...

Cincinnati| A 15-year old girl from Ohio claims to be carrying the child of Jesus Christ, after being “divinely impregnated” during an encounter with ... side-ads ...

Feb 12, 2016 · A 15-year old girl, Latifah Smith-Nabengana has claimed that Jesus Christ impregnated her after a “divine encounter.” Smith-Nabengana who hails from  ...
You visited this page on 5/8/18.

Feb 18, 2016 · And believe me, people have not taken this claim, made by 15-year- old Latifah Smith-Nabengana, lying down…so to speak. The girl elaborates however, claiming ...

Feb 17, 2016 · In July 2015, an " angel of God" visited Latifah Smith- Nabengana and told her she had been chosen to bear Christ's son. No, this is not a ' fake news' ...
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