03/10/2018 03:24 pm ET Updated 1 hour ago

GOP: Actually, There Are Lots Of Women In The White House, Like Our Wives

Donald Trump loves women so much that he married three.
In honor of Women’s History Month, the Republican National Committee’s Instagram account is setting the record straight about the number of women in the Trump administration. 
How could we possibly be one of the most male-dominated administrations in recent history? the GOP seemed to ask in its Friday post. After all, just look at all our wives and daughters.
The RNC was already called out for a similar remark earlier this week, when it tweeted that President Donald Trump “has appointed more women to senior-level positions than previous administrations.
That tweet was quickly debunked thanks to a Brookings Institute report from last May, which found that, while Trump is roughly on par with the George W. Bush administration as far as women in high-level positions are concerned, he remains significantly behind both the Clinton and Obama administrations. 
But at least according to the GOP, it seems we’ve been counting wrong this entire time. In a post presumably meant to point out the many women Trump has appointed to senior-level government and campaign positions, the GOP saw fit to include both the second and first lady as well as Trump’s own daughter, Ivanka. Which is to say, a quarter of the women the GOP was able to muster up are there by virtue of either marriage or birth. 
The original Instagram post read, “Contrary to mainstream belief, President Trump has appointed more women to senior-level government and campaign positions than previous administrations. He’s empowering ALL Americans with his winning agenda. Take a look at some of these leading ladies.”
And here are some of those leading ladies now:
The original Instagram story has expired, but the GOP was so proud of our president the ally that they also made it into the post you see below.
Congratulations to Donald Trump, a man so dedicated to advancing the careers of women that he’s not only married to one, but he helped make one, as well. Thank you, sir, for your service. 


International Women's Day 2018