Saturday, March 17, 2018

Google executive, 27, accused of 'sleeping her way to the top' in irate online posts after affair with boss Sergey Brin, 40, was exposed

Google executive, 27, accused of 'sleeping her way to the top' in irate online posts after affair with boss Sergey Brin, 40, was exposed

  • Amanda Rosenberg named as the new lover of Sergey Brin
  • The Google co-founder is one of the world's richest men with $22bn fortune
  • He and wife Anne Wojcicki, both 40, married in 2007 and have two children
  • Miss Rosenberg went to the same £31,000-a-year school as the Middletons
  • She is marketing manager for Google's Glass computerised spectacles
  • The 27-year-old came up with the 'Ok, Glass' command to activate the device
  • Brin and his wife reportedly have a prenuptial agreement in case of divorce 

The British lover of Google co-founder Sergey Brin, 40, has found herself the target of heavy abuse online after news of her affair with the married multi-billionaire emerged.
Amanda Rosenberg, 27, who attended one of the UK's most exclusive schools with Kate Middleton has been accused of 'sleeping her way to the top' and of destroying Brin's marriage of six years to Anne Wojcicki.
Google has been rocked by talk of the romance, and a spokesman confirmed this weekend that Brin – one of the world’s richest men with a $22 billion fortune - has been living apart from his wife and mother of his two children.
Amanda Rosenberg is pictured wearing Google glasses
Amanda Rosenberg is pictured wearing Google glasses
Amanda Rosenberg
Amanda Rosenberg
A good looking girl... 'who knows she is': Miss Rosenberg, shown left wearing the Google Glass device and right in a picture from her Google+ profile, previously dated Ewan Butler, 28, a trainee teacher living in the UK
Abuse: Amanda Rosenberg has come under attack on her Google + profile for her alleged affair with the internet giants co-founder, Sergey Brin
Abuse: Amanda Rosenberg has come under attack on her Google + profile for her alleged affair with the internet giants co-founder, Sergey Brin
The abuse has been posted to Rosenberg's Google + account, with one individual known as Bill Kowba commenting on a picture, 'Was this photo taken before or after you slept with a married man and destroyed his marriage.?'
Another irate person, under the handle Jan Vries, wrote, 'You are such a soulless person. No morality. Ruining a man's life. Think of his two children...Shame on you.'
However, the abuse was not totally one sided, with others standing up for her.
'Do you have nothing better to do than write nasty comments to this girl?' someone else wrote, under the handle holdengirl02 1.
If they divorce, Californian law suggests their massive fortune would have to be halved – although they reportedly signed a strict pre-nuptial agreement.
While the internet was agog with talk of Brin romancing his much younger employee, the Daily Mail tracked down a distinctly unsurprised former boyfriend of Miss Rosenberg – who said she ‘knew the power of her womanly ways’.
Attacks: Ellie Poole said that she was disappointed with Rosenberg and accused her of sleeping her way to the top
Attacks: Ellie Poole said that she was disappointed with Rosenberg and accused her of sleeping her way to the top
Ewan Butler, 28, a trainee teacher living with his parents in Darlington, said: ‘Amanda’s a good looking girl, and she knows she is. 
'And she’s good at “playing” men – she played me.’
Brin’s relationship with Rosenberg emerged only yesterday – but the pair were pictured together earlier this year at a New York Fashion Week event, both wearing the controversial Google Glass computerised spectacles for which she is marketing manager.
An employee of Google since she graduated with a communications degree from Leeds University, she initially worked for the internet giant in London before last year moving to San Francisco to work at its Silicon Valley nerve center.
She soon won a role promoting Google Glass, widely criticised as the glasses which enable users to film and broadcast over the internet everything they see non-stop, worrying privacy campaigners.
Head Gear: Amanda Rosenberg is pictured here in an image from her Google + account - which came under attack from those upset at her alleged affair with Google co-founder, Sergey Brin
Head Gear: Amanda Rosenberg is pictured here in an image from her Google + account - which came under attack from those upset at her alleged affair with Google co-founder, Sergey Brin
Miss Rosenberg wrote an online blog soon after she arrived – describing herself as a ‘misanthropic Brit struggling to come to terms with Californian optimism’.
She wrote: ‘I’d been living a beautifully choreographed life in London for pretty much my entire life; family, friends, job, life. Then one day I realized the beauty had faded.
‘So I applied for a transfer with my company to a different country. Yes! The romance of a transfer!
‘Luckily for me this all worked out like I dreamed it would...NOT. Of course it didn’t work out like that!
‘I remember having conversations with people about moving countries, and no one talks about how it felt to be alone. 
'I wanted to grab them and scream “Why are you not telling me about how you ate lunch in the toilets at work for the first week because no one talked to you?”.’
Employee: Miss Rosenberg pictured in a YouTube marketing video for Google Glass. She won her role promoting the controversial spectacles after coming up with the voice command ¿Ok, Glass¿ to activate them
Employee: Miss Rosenberg pictured in a YouTube marketing video for Google Glass. She won her role promoting the controversial spectacles after coming up with the voice command ¿Ok, Glass¿ to activate them
Employee: Miss Rosenberg pictured in a YouTube marketing video for Google Glass. She won her role promoting the controversial spectacles after coming up with the voice command ‘Ok, Glass’ to activate them
Connected but no longer together: Brin and his estranged wife are bound together by business dealings - he is an investor in her DNA company 23andMe - and the children they share.
Connected but no longer together: Brin and his estranged wife are bound together by business dealings - he is an investor in her DNA company 23andMe - and the children they share.
Diane von Furstenberg fashion show
Diane von Furstenberg fashion show
Glasses promotion: Rosenberg with boss Brin and fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg in New York
Power couple: If Brin and Wojcicki, his wife of six years, divorce, Californian law suggests their massive fortune would have to be halved - although they reportedly signed a strict pre-nuptial agreement
Power couple: If Brin and Wojcicki, his wife of six years, divorce, Californian law suggests their massive fortune would have to be halved - although they reportedly signed a strict pre-nuptial agreement
Power couple: If Brin and Wojcicki, his wife of six years, divorce, Californian law suggests their massive fortune would have to be halved - although they reportedly signed a strict pre-nuptial agreement
Interconnected: Google has invested $10million in 23andMe, the company that Miss Wojcicki (right) co-founded in 2006 and which sells DNA testing kits
Interconnected: Google has invested $10million in 23andMe, the company that Miss Wojcicki (right) co-founded in 2006 and which sells DNA testing kits
Marriage on the rocks: A Google spokesman confirmed that Brin – one of the world’s richest men – has for several months been living apart from Wojcicki, the mother of his two children
Miss Rosenberg, who previously lived in Wimbledon, adding tellingly that her first thought in her new office was: ‘Hello new boss, hello new team...LIKE ME IMMEDIATELY.’  


Sergey Brin, 40, is being roundly mocked on the internet over his apparent relationship with Amanda Rosenberg. 
One of numerous websites ridiculing the reported affair draws particular attention to his recent enthusiasm for the ‘Google Glass’ computerised spectacles. 
The website jibes: ‘Since Google Glass launched the company’s co-founder, Sergey Brin, hasn’t been spotted without a pair. 
'He’s placed himself atop the privacy-eroding project, publicly, and inside Google’s secret labs. 
'Maybe it’s because he’s f****** the Glass marketing manager, Amanda Rosenberg.’
The blog goes on: ‘Knowing that one of the most vital, powerful men at the company has been using Google’s most ambitious product as a dating pool won’t be smooth news for the rest of the team.’
She also wrote that she was initially so shy she failed to turn up at her first work drinks invitation, fearing she would be ‘the weird loner in the corner’, so stayed in eating biscuits alone on her sofa instead.
In an internet profile Miss Rosenberg wrote of herself: ‘I’m part of the master race that is the Chinese Jew or Chew, if you will. 
'Born in Hong Kong but bred in the UK. A misanthrope who’s bad at maths, so I got the worst of both worlds.’
Elsewhere she declares that her motto is: ‘He who hesitates is a damned fool.’
Miss Rosenberg is understood to have an English father and a Hong Kong Chinese mother who worked as an investment banker.
After leaving Marlborough, where Pippa Middleton was two years above her she soon began a year-long relationship with fellow Leeds University student Mr Butler.
Told his ex was being linked to the Google tycoon, he said: ‘It wouldn’t surprise me in the least – she’s that kind of girl.’ 
He added: ‘Although Amanda did have a posh crew she knocked around with she wasn’t stuck up like you might expect from a Marlborough girl. 
'With me I think there was a fascination with me being northern – I was pretty much the only person in our student halls who went to a comprehensive.’
More than a marketing manager: Miss Rosenberg also appears in promotional shots for the Google Glass product
More than a marketing manager: Miss Rosenberg also appears in promotional shots for the Google Glass product
More than a marketing manager: Miss Rosenberg also appears in promotional shots for the Google Glass product
More than a marketing manager: Miss Rosenberg also appears in promotional shots for the Google Glass product
More than a marketing manager: Miss Rosenberg also appears in promotional shots for Google Glass 
California dreamin': Amanda wrote on her blog that she was initially so shy in her new role in Google's Silicon Valley HQ she failed to turn up at her first work drinks invitation, fearing she would be 'the weird loner in the corner'
California dreamin': Amanda wrote on her blog that she was initially so shy in her new role in Google's Silicon Valley HQ she failed to turn up at her first work drinks invitation, fearing she would be 'the weird loner in the corner'
Amanda Rosenberg
Amanda Rosenberg
Amanda Rosenberg
Amanda Rosenberg
Mixed-race heritage: Miss Rosenberg is understood to have an English father and a Hong Kong Chinese mother. She describes herself as 'part of the master race that is the Chinese Jew or Chew, if you will'
Geek chic: Miss Rosenberg's blog details how she made every effort to fit in with Google's in-crowd
Geek chic: Miss Rosenberg's blog details how she made every effort to fit in with Google's in-crowd
Celebrity lifestyle: Miss Rosenberg poses with British rapper and iconic glasses-wearer Tinie Tempah
Celebrity lifestyle: Miss Rosenberg poses with British rapper and iconic glasses-wearer Tinie Tempah
Romantic link: Hugo Barra, Google's product management drector for Android, introduces the Nexus 7 last year
Romantic link: Hugo Barra, Google's product management drector for Android, introduces the Nexus 7 last year
Romantic link: Hugo Barra, Google's product management director for Android. Miss Rosenberg was previously linked to the Google executive, who recently announced he was leaving the firm to take a job in China
Intriguingly Miss Rosenberg had already had a high-flying Google boyfriend in America – senior executive Hugo Barra, who recently announced he was leaving to join a Chinese computer firm.
Last night Miss Rosenberg – who got her Google Glass job after coming up with the voice command ‘Ok, Glass’ to activate the device - could not be contacted for comment.
A spokesman for Brin – who founded Google with Larry Page in 1998 – said that he was not legally separated from his wife and that ‘they remain good friends and partners’.




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