Monday, May 30, 2016

My Rev.12 Great~Eagle Rescue Dreams©

1st Dream of My rev.12 Great~Eagle Rescue given to Me rev.12 In:May 2004,
I was 33 years old©

I Drempt that I rev.12 was in a old-fashioned white night gown,
I had no shoes or socks on My feet,
I was Standing on dirt,
I was looking forward and I could see that All around Me was a mountain of dirt,
I was completely Surrounded by this Mountain of dirt,
But It was far away that it was not touching Me rev.12 physically,
I could see that in the Mountain of dirt was:Garbage,worms,
&dead bodies,
  Right above Me I could see Two-yellow bird feet( They Were Eagle"s Talons;Feet),
These were the BIGGEST EAGLE'S FEET,
I knew This Eagle had to be Supernatural;Symbolic,
Next The Eagle picked Me rev.12 up Gently by My shoulders and Lifted Me out of that place of Great Upset and Then Flew Away with Me rev.12©

*The Mountain of dirt=The Substance people are trying to Bury Me rev.12 With©
*The Garbage=All of the Condemnation and Persecution that people are Harming Me rev.12 With©
*The dead bodies are the luciferean Spiritually dead who are in on this plot at Me rev.12©

2nd Dream Of My rev.12 Great~Eagle Rescue Given to Me rev.12 In:September 2004,
I was 33 years old©

The 2nd Dream is AS the First,
 except this time,
****The Great~Eagle Swooped down

Quickly Grabbed Me rev.12©

©~Emmanuel&Kimberly Marie Lapointe,rev.12 Arwen&Aragorn:Lord of the Rings Prophecies~©

©~Em&ki rev.12 Great~Eagle Rescue,
& Tge Flood II~©
& Tge Ark II~©
& Tge Genesis II~©


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