Tuesday, September 29, 2015

~My rev.12 Great~Eagle Rescue~©

~ My revelation 12 Great~Eagle Rescue~©

~In the first dream I was standing in an old~fashioned white night~gown,
~I was all alone surrounded by a mountain of dirt;
It surrounded me all sides;
*In the dirt was; garbage,worms&dead bodies,
~ I was bare foot&I was looking straight forward ~when from above me I saw two -yellow EAGLE'S TALONS(FEET),
~I knew they were too BIG to be anything but supernatural;symbolic,
~The Great~Eagle gently picked me up by MY shoulders&lifted me out of that place of upset~©

~The second dream came 4 months after the first;
~Same as the First dream but this next time,
~The Great~Eagle quickly swooped down&grabbed me&Flew away with me~©

~I was taken in the third dream to a place &u can read about the third dream etc. in my blog~©

~I  truly am the woman from rev.12 Jesus Christ's wife,queen, eternal~©

©~ Emmanuel
& Kimberly marie Lapointe,rev.12 Jesus Christ's wife,queen, eternal~©

©~ Emmanuel

©~ Em&ki rev.12~©

©~ Emmanuel, eve II~©
&Ruth II~©

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