Sunday, August 23, 2015

~Miraculous picture of me rev.12 holding Jesus's&my(our)rev.12 baby boy~©

~If u deny the power that made[brought forth] these miracles,
U have Blasphemed the holy spirit&have committed the unpardonable sin,
~If it weren't unpardonable then Jesus Christ would not have called it the unpardonable sin,
U deem urselves worthy to critique the Messiah Jesus Christ,
~U are absolutely wicked,
 Does it make u feel better to deny Jesus's&my(our) Miracles that u can try&be me&Jesus Christ my husband rev.12,
~Ur denile of Jesus's&my(our) miracles makes them No less real~©

~Speaking ill begotten of Jesus Christ's&My(our)Miracles is the BLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT~©

~Saying that they are Gotten of in any deceitful manner is ur crime&u ALL will do ur time in Hell; Refer to my dream of the people(u) that are all willing to be pushed into Hell by Me in Jesus Christ's Holy name~©

©~ Emmanuel
& Kimberly marie Lapointe,rev.12,Jesus Christ's wife,queen,eternal~©

©~ Emmanuel

©~ Em&ki rev 12~©

©~ Emmanuel,Eve II~©
&ruth II~©

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