Tuesday, May 12, 2015

~Jesus in my veins~©

~Look online,
*on my Twitter,
*my blog&
*on youtube.com for:

~Jesus&Jesus&myself in my veins~©
(My hands&my feet)©
&also Jesus"s&my(our) ~baby boy from rev.12~©
under the skin on my feet~©
~God has miraculously Shaped my veins like ~Jesus Christ my husband&myself~ together~&our son~
*under the skin on my feet~©

*look online on google + plus&google*

~&look up:
~kimberly marie Lapointe,revelation12~© &
Revelation12:14~ ©

~also the KJV Bible version~
&~Amplified version~

©~ copyrighted: Kimberly marie Lapointe,rev.12,Jesus Christ's wife, eternal, Queen& Emmanuel~

& Kimberly marie rev 12~


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                       ~7839. s-ha-ch-a-ruth~ Strong's Concordance s-ha-ch-a-ruth: blackness Original Word:  שַׁחֲרוּת Part of Speech:  ...