Thursday, March 5, 2015

in a cave©

Vision: 2003©
(Yes, I have told many of my beautiful dreams&visions from God in Jesus's name,and they are absolutely©published; I am a published writer;I also have received awards for them  when I write them; people offer to put them in books with no charge to me.)©

I was laying on a hewned out rock;
My feet toward the cave"s entrance;
I had no shoes or socks on my feet;
I was wearing a long dress;
my head covered;
(Jewish head covering),
The caves"s entrance closed tightly like a pursed mouth;
Slowly the cave entrance started to open;
Looked like an mouth opening;
(was happening in slow motion),
in the entrance of the cave there was a dark cloud;
(like a storm cloud),
there was lightning flashes coming from inside the cloud.(and thunder)©

***me,laying on a hewned out rock;
The Rock is also a holy alter in my vision;
I like Jesus am a "human"living sacrifice;but NOT for sin; *** Jesus was the payment for sin;
***Jesus&I,are the only "Human" Living Sacrifices to ever exist"©
***God is in the cloud;
***God is near& with the prophet©

***the dark cloud:storm cloud:God angry or very serious;
***a detrimental message or messages for or about the people;  of a serious matter; or nature; and;
 ***revelations;for or about the prophet;©
(Bible is clear about all I write),
***Lightning: visions,prophecy;

***Thunder:God's voice; speaking
***God is not ever angry at the prophet.
***Bible&Torah are clear.

© copyrighted Kimberly marie lapointe revelation 12.,Jesus Christ's wife,eternal.©
© Kimchirev12

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