L~i~m~a~h~l -Neverending Story (MegaMix by:D~J C~hus~ki)
Me-rk-a-z Ba‘al-e Mel’akha
Informations about Merkaz Ba‘ale Mel’akha
Country | Israel |
Region | T-e-l A-v-i-v (05) |
Coordinates | Latitude : 32.07589 Longitude : 34.84123 |
Time zone | Asia/Je-ru-sa-l-em (GMT +2h) ~REVIEW:AND:THIS IS WHAT IS:THEE TRUTH.~. ~'ALMA~ *(A~L~M~A)=ALPHA LAPOINTE M ALPHA ~A~YE~K~A~H~(ALPHA YE S HU A KIM ALPHA HOLY GRAIL.) *EVEN IF GOD HITS ISRAEL, *ISRAEL IS: 'GOD'S EVERLASTING LOVE.' *HIS WOMAN. *ISRAEL IS WHO GOD HAS SEALED IN AS HIS EVERLASTING LOVE,OUR PEOPLE, *NATION ETC. *HIM,HITTING,ISRAEL CANNOT EVER TELL,U,IN ANY TRUTH THAT SHE IS NO-LONGER HIS WOMAN.(HIS EVERLASTING LOVE:HEBREW EVERLASTING MARRIAGE BLOOD COVENANT. *HIS WIFE. *HE CAN HIT HER ALL THAT HE WANTS TO,DENY HER ALL THAT,HEWANTS TO,EVEN HAVE TRIED TO DIVORCE HER&PROCLAIMED IT IN HIS HOT ANGER&YES,HE MOST CERTAINLY HAS WRITTEN HER A CERTIFICATE OF DIVORCE. *'HE HAS DIVORCED HER' ACCORDING TO HIS OWN ADMISSION BUT KNEW HE REALLY COULD NOT EVER DO THIS&EVEN SAID SO. *HE RETRACTED HIS WORDS. HE WAS ANGRY&WAS SPOUTING THAT. *THERE IS NOTHING THAT HE CAN EVER DO TO LITERAL DIVORCE ISRAEL. *HE CAN PLAY ALL OF THE LUCIFEREAN GAMES OF THROENS THAT HE SO,CHOSES. *HE CANNOT DIVORCE "HIS ASHERAH" &MARRY ANOTHER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. *&THIS FINAL ANSWER IS ACCORDING TO HIS OWN. *HE HAS EVEN TRIED TO BURY "HIS ASHERAH' IN THE PAST&DENIES HERE BEING IS WOMAN ALL THROUGHOUT HIHSTORY AFTER HE DIDNOT WANT HER TO BE HONORED BY HIS SIDE AFTER TELLING ISRAEL HE ASBOLUTELY HAS A WIFE NAMED:ASHERAH AND CALLED HER:"HIS ASHERAH."& THAT IS WHO I,EVER-ETERNALLY AM;CONCEIVED AND BORN:SEALED IN AS AS WELL. *HE REALLY DID TELL MY CHOSEN PEOPLE THAT HE HAD AN ASHERAH:"HIS ASHERAH"&HE ABSOLUTELY ADMITS TO THIS. *PEOPLE DONOT JUST MAKE STORIES UP ABOUT YAHWEH. *HE ABSOLUTELY GAVE THESE TRUTHS AND PROPHCIES TO HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE:MINE&TO PEOPLE ALL OVER THE GLOBE. ALL THROUGH HISTORY. &EVEN THEE ORIGINAL CARVINGS, &MANIFESTATIONS OF:'YAHWEH'S ASHERAH' *LOOK LIKE I,DO *JUST LIKE MEEST. Full: Front Limestone votive stela; decoration in low flat relief; in pediment is a 12 petalled rosette in a disk; 4 line neo-Punic inscription; symbol of the goddess Tanit is flanked by caducei… More Oval stone relief of woman with multiple necklaces, breasts, belt, holding a Y-shaped object in her hands Biblical and archaeological data indicate Asherah was Yahweh’s primary wife. Although a blasphemous and disturbing notion to some, the historical evidence indicates that: “Not only does Yahweh have a consort, *PROPHESIED TO WALK ON WATER, * BUT NOT UNTIL, *WAY AFTER YE S HU A. http://wifeofyahweh.com/ Asherah: God’s Forgotten WifeThose raised in the Judeo-Christian tradition may be surprised to learn that the god we were told was singularly sacred once had a wife. How do we know? Asherah figures prominently as the wife of El—the supreme god—in a treasure trove of cuneiform texts found in the second millennium port city of Ugarit (in today’s Northern Syria). For perhaps hundreds of years before Abraham migrated to what would become known as Israel, Asherah was revered as Athirat, Earth Mother and Fertility Goddess. Upon entering the region, the ancient Israelites soon adopted her and gave her the Hebrew equivalent name of Asherah. The Ugarit excavation of 1928 put Asherah, the goddess, on the map again, after having lost her place for thousands of years. Asherah, Partner of YahwehBut who was Asherah to the ancient Israelites? And why is she often found paired with Yahweh, the Hebrew god? Historians and archaeologists have pieced together Asherah’s narrative and found large chunks of it interwoven in the artifacts from the region and in the scriptures of the Hebrew Bible itself. Evidence suggests that Asherah was observed in ancient Israel and Judah as early as the 12th century BC, to a few decades before the fall of the southern kingdom of Judah (587-588 BC), a time known as the pre-exilic period. [Egypt 29963] ‘Nefertem in Nefertem Chapel at Abydos.’[Egypt 29924] ’Isis in H-o-ru-s S-h-ri-n-e a-t A-b-y-d-os’.Queen Nefertari - 'she for whom the sun doth shine' - was the Great Royal Wife of the legendary Pharaoh Ramesses II his one true love or a match made for political and dynastic reasons? &~OMG!!!!ISN'T SHE A BEAUTY!!!!~ &GOOGLE,NICOLE&SERGEY BRIN, &YOUTUBE&PINTEREST UNJUST CLOSED MY SCREENS THAT,I,WAS WORKING IN. *THEY HAVE A REAL LUCIFEREAN, CRIMINAL NERVE TO EVER, DO THAT AT WHO JESUS AND I,ARE. Chant of the Mystics: Divine Gregorian Chant "K~y~ri~e e~l~e~i~son (orbis fa~c~t~o~R... Oh lawd, he comin |
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