On Tuesday morning, Fox News contributor Tomi Lahren responded to a co-host at "The View" digging up her family ancestry for a bizarre attack launched on the 25-year-old earlier in the week. Lahren hit back, laughing at the ladies for finding out that her ancestors immigrated to the United States legally and suggested some time be spent on Senator Elizabeth Warren's (D-MA) ancestry next.
"What she found was really shocking, guys," started Lahren, speaking of "View" cohost Sunny Hostin. "She found that my family who came there, in the 1800s, from Norway and Germany, that they spoke Norwegian and German. Really what she did is prove that my family came here legally."
Hostin wasn't alone in the attack. Anti-Trumper Jennifer Mendelsohn posted Lahren's genealogy to Twitter in a similar charge against the commentator's support for merit-based immigration and recent comments on Fox News' "Watters' World" lamenting potential immigrants' lack of skills and inability to speak English.
"You don’t just get to come into this country with low skills, low education, not understanding the language, and come into our country because someone says it makes them feel nice," Lahren said on the Fox program.
"I really am happy though that she has such a fascination with my family history, and I'm hoping that she'll take on Elizabeth Warren's next," quipped Lahren, seemingly directing the comment at Mendelsohn.
On Monday's show, Hostin gleefully read from the ancestry report. "What's interesting is, someone did do some research on Tomi Lahren's family, and I have it in front of me," she said in a mocking tone. "Her second great grandmother had been here for ten years yet spoke no English. Oh my gosh. Her great grandfather’s 1885 baptism, recorded only in Norwegian because they didn’t speak any English. The 1930 census says Tomi’s three times great grandmother had been here for 41 years and still spoke German. She didn’t speak English either."
WATCH Lahren's response, below:
The attack from "The View" made earlier in the week can be seen below:
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