Thursday, March 17, 2016

~The Sewage Tank&The Leviathan type creature~©

~Dream: The Sewage Tank&The Leviathan type creature:2006~©
In this dream:
I was in a desolate place,
No grass,Dry dirt,
no trees,no plants,
&I was wearing a robe,
&my head was covered by a jewish head covering;I am the woman from rev.12 Jesus Christ's real wife;the Holy Jewish Prophetess~©

I could see that the only light in this desolate place
was coming from something to my right,
As I looked I could see that quite a distance from me
 was what looked to be a sewage tank,
&There was light coming from the sewage tank,
It was slightly downhill,
&it also had smoke or steam coming from the top of it,
The smoke or steam was coming from the top of the water in the sewage tank,

I could not stand up very well for the wind was blowing,
&I saw a tumble weed at the same time go by me on my left side slightly uphill,
I saw a Levithan type creature going by me through the air headed straight toward the sewage tank on my right~©

****~This dream represents what has been going on in my life with this red-dragon plot on me,
The wind was blowing in both directions;
I am the woman from rev.12 Jesus Christ's real wife,queen;
The Holy Israelite/ Hebrew/Jewish prophetess~©


& Kimberly Marie Lapointe,rev.12 Arwen&Aragorn:
Lord of the Rings~©

©~Em& ki rev.12 Great~Eagle Rescue,
Tge Flood II~©
& Tge Ark II~©
& Tge Genesis II~©


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