Friday, March 25, 2016

Asians Bleeding&Falling down the Sewers

~Dream May 2003:Walking on my street,
Water to my shins,
Red-dragon Asians bleeding falling down into the sewers~©

~I was walking on the sidewalk of the sidewalks that I used to live at,
The apartment where God made His Visitation to me rev.12,
&That is the apartment where He Incarnated me rev.12 in:2007,
I was with:3 girl family members of mine,
&one of their friends who is actually also a cousin of ours,
As we walked I could see there was water to our shins,
a small flood had happened,
We were walking toward the methodist church that used to be there but had gotten torn down and was replaced with a parking lot for the Baptist church on the hill,
I had wanted to take a walk to see if I could find my husband(The Messiah Jesus Christ)So as we walked I noticed the water,
And then As we neared the Baptist church on the hill because we were on that side of the street,
I lived on that same side of the street,
I could see that there were red-dragon asians crying,
I could see that they were bleeding,
They were in the road in the water by the intersection,
And the water in the road was moving fast,
Then I noticed there were these bigger sewers,
Thr old side grid large kind thar were built into the road and into the curbing,
The guy were trying to help eachother from being washed down into the sewers,
As I got right next to them,
They wanted me to help them,
And I refused to help them,
At the time of the dream I felt a little bad,
But I remember that I didn't want to get their blood on me because I was afraid of gettiig Hiv,
So they were falling down into the sewers and drowning.~©

©~Emmanuel& Kimberly Marie Lapointe, rev.12 Arwen&Aragorn:
Lord of the Rings~©

©~Em& ki rev.12 Great~Eagle Rescue,
& Tge Flood II~©
& Tge Ark II~©
& Tge Genesis II~©


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