Friday, April 10, 2015

mr.Barrack&his wife thinks that they are someone good in this story.©

Mr.Barrack &his wife etc. think they are someone good in Jesus's&my Love story.©

*The Bible&The Torah are absolutely clear;
*they are No such people.
*they allow homosexuals(sodomites)marriage,giving gays the same rights as Christians&jews.
*obama also allows the murder of unborn babies.
&many,many other sins,
*like letting himself be luciferean against Jesus&I.©
*God would not ever allow a cushite/african to rescue the woman from rev.12.Jesus Christ's wife,queen.©
*mr.Barrack wants to try&"recue" an unfortunate girl in a bad situation is all,
*that way he can try&be in control.©
*he is not allowed in this *Bible story ever in a good way or his wife or their like gov.&cushite/african people.©
*wearing pale yellow& or bright yellow etc.doesn't make you me or my "eagle talon rescue."©
*those are absolutely my own veru personal dreams© from God in *Jesus Christ's name about my Bible rescue©
*Not ever for anyone else!!! *to use for some other girls rescue!!!
*they are absolutely mine personally&are absolutely copyrighted.©

*God would not ever use mr.&mrs.Barrack in a good way,not ever.©
*remember obama&his wife just want to act like they are in this story&have control of it.©
*they are in no such story.©( as mine&Jesus"s rev.12,Love story.)©

*I am not making this up.
*obama&his wife etc.are doing things acting like God told them they are "Jesus Christ's wife"s rescue.©
*but acting like they need to go&find her.©

* they are not allowed in this Bible story in any way,shape,or form of throne,
*not ever!!!
&cannot even handle it.©
*this is the one time *Obama&his wife are sitting it out with their bratty daughters etc.©

*God would not ever tell *obama&his wife etc.
that their is another girl or woman who is Jesus Christ's wife,*rev.12©
*so that obama&his wife etc. can go&help her.
*Not ever!!!

*a huge reason this plot is going on is because of obama,his wife,&the governments etc.©

*God cannot ever let government get lifted up in this with me,Jesus Christ's wife,queen.©

* Government murdered Jesus Christ.©

*God said No government in this Bible story.©


© copyrighted:Kimberly marie Lapointe,rev.12,Jesus Christ's wife, queen,eternal,©
©~Emmanuel&kim rev.12~
© ~kimchirev12~

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