Thursday, April 23, 2015

Jesus offered me His right hand.©

Dream: (when I was a  very young girl&I was already a Christian)©

~I drempt that I was outside at night&Jesus&His mother were where I was standing,
*I got so scared because They are Holy and I wanted to run away,
*So I turned to run away and as I did start to run away,
*I, all of a sudden was instantly back in front of ~Jesus&~His mother~again,
*Jesus then offered me His right hand&said to me,
"Donot be afraid"©
*Jesus spoke this to me without ever moving His lips;
*He spoke to me with His mind,
*Like He&God speak to people etc. in heaven.©
*I had absolute peace&
*I was already so absolutely in love with Jesus as my *Lord,Saviour,&Messiah.©

*God did this on behalf of Jesus Christ my husband&His mother who is my mother in law.©

*Jesus offered His right hand to me&
 when the right hand from a man is offered in ~Christian symbology&our society this is:
an offer of real marriage.©

*and yes,
~I absolutely accepted ~Jesus Christ's~&God's hand in marriage eternally~.©

©this hand in marriage by ~Jesus physically&God can only be offered once *by,for&on~Jesus Christ's~behalf&For God too.©

©God then many,many,years later;
*had&has literally come to me&told me Himself.©

*God by His Own word was mandated to find ~Jesus Christ,
~His Only Begotten Son&
Himself a woman to marry&God chose me for ~Jesus Christ His ONLY Begotten Son&Himself to be their wife.©

*~This is called a:
marriage&is absolutely God's way.~

*Because this marriage is for ~Jesus Christ~&God Himself,
*God literally had No choice but to do the honors Himself of Choosing the girl/woman,
*Me,&then making it known to me,&confirming it to me,&"sealing the marriage in" by Everlasting marriage blood covenants©
*with ~Jesus~me~&Himself.©

*God made absolutely everything clear to me&Confirmed everything to ~me~©
*Before I was allowed to bring Jesus's&my Love story to the public.©

~The Bible~and ~The Torah~are absolutely clear~.

*I was very young when I had this dream&there are many who know about this dream;
*I first put this dream online 15 years ago.©

© copyrighted:Kimberly marie Lapointe,rev.12,Jesus Christ's wife, Queen, eternal.©
©~Emmanuel&Kimberly rev.12~©



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