Tuesday, October 14, 2014

dead racoon in an elevator..pepper, fossel in oil...

There was a dead racoon in an elevator, in the anti-christs storefront wherehouse, pepper
went to look in the elevator in the antichrists store,wherehouse,
She went into his elevator and the door shut, then there was lightning kept on hitting the elevator,
and pepper, she was screaming badly, so badly, next, she is in the elevator on the 6th floor, then,I saw her become like a puddle of looked like motor oil, in this oil was what looked a fossil, it was as large as she is, almost like a dinosaur, and it had a demonic skeleton face on it, then I saw ray foster, he gets hurled from a kind a "spaceship", the one from his (imagination)he was screaming and was hurled toward the sky as I watched I saw  and a crow, was stuck to him, ray foster was  being hurled right into the sun, next ,I saw as he seemed to be melting grimly from  the heat of the sun,, he turned to liquid, the "liquidified" ray went right into the sun, and the, sun turned black as soot, then I see many others being hurled right into the sun. Next I am with Jesus he takes my hand and says, "it is time",I knew what he meant, he meant for the flood,I held his hand tightly and said, "yes, my husband, it is time."
Kimberly Marie lapointe(rev.12....)

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