Thursday, December 10, 2020

Eliakim key of the house of David





Isaiah 22:22, "The key of the house of David I will lay on his shoulder; so he shall open, and no one shall shut; and he shall shut and no one shall open." In this passage, beginning in verse 20, it appears that YHVH will call Eliakim and lay on his shoulders the key of the house of David. This passage has a prophetic depth referring to the Messiah to come, which is the meaning we will examine here.

Eliakim key of the house of David

Isaiah 22:22, "The key of the house of David I will lay on his shoulder; so he shall open, and no one shall shut; and he shall shut and no one shall open."

In this passage, beginning in verse 20, it appears that YHVH will call Eliakim and lay on his shoulders the key of the house of David. This passage has a prophetic depth referring to the Messiah to come, which is the meaning we will examine here.

The word key in this verse is maf-tay-ach in Hebrew. It means an opener, Strong's #4668.

The name Eliakim (EL-YAW-KEEM), Strong's #471, means "whom God raises up or sets up".

The word shoulder is she-kem, Strong's #7926, meaning the place of burdens like a yoke.

So now we have the paraphrase: "EL will lay the yoke on the place of burdens of the one He raises up; and this yoke is the opener of the house of David. What He opens no one shall shut; and what He shuts no one shall open."

In Revelation 3:7, Messiah said that He has the key of David. He also said, in John 14:6, He is the Way to the Father. Therefore, He is the opener, the key to the House of David.

Messiah earned this glory through His obedience to the commandments (the Torah) of the Father. [Ref. Philippians 2:8]

Messiah was raised up and, because of His obedience, all authority was given to Him. [Ref. Matthew 28:18] This authority includes the key to the House of David.

Thus far, the focus of our attention has been on the obedience of Messiah.

In Deuteronomy 18:18, YHVH said that He would raise up a prophet who would speak all His words; and that if the people did not obey His words in the mouth of the One He would raise up, they would pay the penalty.

In Luke 11:52, Messiah said that the lawyers (or scribes and Pharisees) had taken away the key of knowledge, hindering those who would enter the Kingdom. Remember, Hosea 4:6 says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. . ."

Then, in Matthew 16:6, Messiah said, ". . . beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees." In verse 12, they understood that "the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees" meant to beware of their doctrine.

In Mark 7:6-9, Messiah said that they rejected the word of YHVH in order to keep their own traditions.

In the last few sentences, the focus has been on the disobedience practiced by some of the leaders of the people.

In Matthew 9:13 and 12:7, Messiah said He desired ". . .mercy and not sacrifice."

This word mercy is the Greek word eleos, Strong's 1656. Although it means compassion, it also means honor, loyalty and faithfulness, which are the embodiment of obedience. In these passages He is quoting from 1 Samuel 15:22, where it says that YHVH desires obedience more than sacrifice. Included in obedience are justice, righteousness and truth. Psalm 89:14 says that justice and judgment are the foundation of the throne of YHVH. Proverbs 21:3 says that to do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to YHVH than sacrifice. Isaiah 9:7 says that there will be no end of the government established, or raised up, by Messiah. It will be established with justice and righteous judgment forever.

Again, in Psalm 4:5, it says to offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and trust in YHVH." Psalm 11:7 says that YHVH loves righteousness.

In 2 Samuel 7:12-16, YHVH tells David that He will set up his house forever, and that He will establish his throne forever. In 1 Kings 14:8, YHVH says David was His servant who followed Him with all his heart and kept His commandments. In Ezekiel 37:21-24, YHVH says that He will bring all the children from all the nations where He has scattered them. He will make His servant, David, king over them; and they shall walk in His judgments and observe all His statutes.

Notice that the Book of Ezekiel was written approximately 400-500 years after the death of David. So we see that the name David, as used here, is a symbol of the Messiah; and the house of David represents all those who walk in the will (the Torah) of YHVH.

The focus of the next few sentences will be on what the Messiah expects from us.

In Revelation 21:9-10, we are told that the bride, "the Lamb's Wife," is a city. In Revelation 22:14, we are told that the only ones who can enter into the city, and have authority over the tree of life, are those who do the commandments of YHVH.

In Matthew 11:29, Messiah told us to take up His yoke and learn of Him. In 1Corinthians 11:1, the apostle Paul tells us to imitate him as he imitates the Messiah. Again, in 1 John 2:6, we are told that anyone who abides in Messiah ought to walk just as He (Messiah) did.

In 1 John 3:4, we are told that transgression of the Law (the Torah) is sin. And, in 1 John 5:3, we are told that the Love of YHVH is to keep His commandments, and they are not burdensome.

I believe we have seen that the true Key to the House of David (the restoration of both the house of Israel and the house of Judah) is obedience to the Torah (the Law) of YHVH, just as Messiah was obedient and always did those things which pleased the Father. [John 8:29]

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