Friday, June 19, 2015

~streams of contentnent~©

~streams of contentment~

~looking to the streams as we walk through our forest theme
 a whisper a song upon the day
 the arrival we've waited upon

~looking to the streams of contentment,
 they beam graciously, awaiting the night's
 flowing seam of continuous dreams&
Evergeens in our forest theme

 ~the Day song travels along this throng of our traveler's strong
wrapped in time,
of an immeasurable

~the streams of contentment flow through our forest theme none to dread,
keeping the days&the nights
safely in our marriage bed

~these  streams of contentment will forever hold our forest theme keeping the days&nights
safely in our marriage bed~

~safely in our marriage bed~©

©~ Emmanuel
& Kimberly marie Lapointe,rev.12,Jesus Christ's wife, Queen,eternal~©

©~ Emmanuel
& Kimchirev12.blogspot.

©~ Em&ki rev.12~©

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~11-8-3. de-k'-at-oó~I tithe, collect tithe from~

                       ~11-8-3. de-k'-at-oó~ Lexicon de-k'-at-oó: to collect tithes Original Word:  δε-κ'-ατ-όω Part of Speech: ...