Thursday, October 26, 2023

~yษ™·แธต'-ab·bรชแธ~ ~y-iแธต·b-eh~ P'-ro-v'-e-r-b-s 31:18 HE-B: ืกַื—ְืจָ֑ื”ּ ืœֹֽื־ ื™ִื›ְื‘ֶּ֖ื” [ื‘ַืœַּื™ִืœ ื›] NA-S: Her lamp does not go out at night. KJ-V: her candle goeth not out by night. I-NT: her gain does not go night her lamp

  ~A Middle-earth Christmas - Part 1 - Collaboration w/ IronSoulElf .wmv-  ~~A Middle-earth Christmas - *Part 1 - Co-l'-la-bo-ra-t'-io-n w/ I-ro-n-So-u-l'-E-l'-f .w-m-v-  ~

                                          ~349. e-k~

Strong's Concordance
e-k: how?

Original Word: ืֵื™ืšְ
Part of Speech: adverb interrogative; 

e'-x-c-la-ma-t'-io-n; adverb interrogative
Transliteration: ek
Phonetic Spelling: (a-k'-e)
Definition: how?


P'-ro-v'-e-r-b-s 31:18
HE-B: ืกַื—ְืจָ֑ื”ּ ืœֹֽื־ ื™ִื›ְื‘ֶּ֖ื” [ื‘ַืœַּื™ִืœ ื›]
NA-S: Her lamp does not go out at night.
KJ-V: her candle goeth not out by night.
I-NT: her gain does not go night her lamp


Englishman's Concordance

l-ษ™·แธต'-ab·bล·w-แนฏ' — 1 Occurrence

Song-s 8:7
HE-B: ืœֹ֤ื ื™ֽื•ּื›ְืœื•ּ֙ ืœְื›ַื‘ּ֣ื•ֹืช ืֶืช־ ื”ָֽืַื”ֲื‘ָ֔ื”
NA-S: waters cannot quench love, Nor
KJ-V: cannot quench love,
I-NT: ...."cannot quench love will rivers

*Deep waters cannot quench love,
    nor rivers sweep it away.

*~W “We have a little sister;[b]
    she has no breasts as yet.
What shall we do for our sister
    on the day she is spoken for?
If she is a wall,
    we will build upon her a silver t'-u-rr'et;
But if she is a door,
    we will board her up with cedar planks.”~


Englishman's Concordance

w-ษ™·แธตi-แธ‡·แธรช — 2 Occurrences

E-z-e-ki-e-l' 3:5
HE-B: ืขִืžְืงֵ֥ื™ ืฉָׂืคָ֛ื” ื•ְื›ִื‘ְื“ֵ֥ื™ ืœָืฉׁ֖ื•ֹืŸ ืַืชָּ֣ื”
NA-S: speech or difficult language,
KJ-V: speech and of an hard language,
I-NT: of unintelligible speech difficult language you

E-z-e-ki-e-l' 3:6
HE-B: ืขִืžְืงֵ֤ื™ ืฉָׂืคָื”֙ ื•ְื›ִื‘ְื“ֵ֣ื™ ืœָืฉׁ֔ื•ֹืŸ ืֲืฉֶׁ֥ืจ
NA-S: speech or difficult language,
KJ-V: speech and of an hard language,
I-NT: of unintelligible speech difficult language whose



D-an-i-el 11:38
HE-B: ื™ְื“ָืขֻ֣ื”ื•ּ ืֲื‘ֹืชָ֗ื™ื• ื™ְื›ַื‘ֵּ֛ื“ ื‘ְּื–ָื”ָ֥ื‘ ื•ּื‘ְื›ֶ֛ืกֶืฃ
NA-S: did not know; he will honor [him] with gold,
KJ-V: knew not shall he honour with gold,
I-NT: know his fathers will honor gold silver

M'-a-la-chi 1:6
HE-B: ื‘ֵּ֛ืŸ ื™ְื›ַื‘ֵּ֥ื“ ืָ֖ื‘ ื•ְืขֶ֣ื‘ֶื“
NA-S: A son honors [his] father,
KJ-V: A son ho-n-our-et-h [his] father,
I-NT: A son honors father servant


Englishman's Concordance

’ฤƒ·แธต'-ab·beแธ·แธต'-ฤ — 2 Occurrences

N'-u-m-ber-s 22:17
HE-B: ื›ִּֽื™־ ื›ַื‘ֵּ֤ื“ ืֲื›ַื‘ֶּื“ְืšָ֙ ืžְืֹ֔ื“ ื•ְื›ֹ֛ืœ
NA-S: for I will indeed honor you richly,
KJ-V: great honour, and I will do
I-NT: for will indeed honor richly all manner

N'-u'-m-ber-s 24:11
HE-B: ืָืžַ֙ืจְืชִּื™֙ ื›ַּื‘ֵּ֣ื“ ืֲื›ַื‘ֶּื“ְืšָ֔ ื•ְื”ִื ֵּ֛ื” ืžְื ָืขֲืšָ֥
NA-S: I would honor you greatly, but behold,
KJ-V: thee unto great ho-n'-our; but, lo,

 the LORD
I-NT: said honor greatly behold has held


Englishman's Concordance

’ek·k'-ฤ·แธ‡รชแธ — 1 Occurrence

L'-ev-i-t'-ic-us 10:3
HE-B: ื›ָืœ־ ื”ָืขָ֖ื ืֶื›ָּื‘ֵ֑ื“ ื•ַื™ִּื“ֹּ֖ื ืַื”ֲืจֹֽืŸ׃
NA-S: the people I will be honored.' So A-ar-o-n,
KJ-V: all the people I will be glorified. And A-ar-on
I-NT: all the people will be glorified kept to A-ar-o-n


Englishman's Concordance

mim·mษ™·แนฏa-k'·k'-ab·bรชแธ — 1 Occurrence

Proverbs 12:9
HE-B: ื•ְืขֶ֣ื‘ֶื“ ืœ֑ื•ֹ ืžִ֝ืžְּืชַื›ַּื‘ֵּ֗ื“ ื•ַื—ֲืกַืจ־ ืœָֽื—ֶื׃
NA-S: T-han he who honors himself and lacks
KJ-V: [is] better than he that honoureth himself, and lacketh
I-NT: is lightly A servant honors and lacks bread

                         ~8-54-9. t'-a-mim~

Strong's Concordance
t'-am-i-m: complete, sound

Original Word: ืชָּืžִื™ื
Part of Speech: Adjective
Phonetic Spelling: (t'-aw-me-em')

Definition: complete, sound

E-xo-d-us 12:5
HE-B: ืฉֶׂ֥ื” ืชָืžִ֛ื™ื ื–ָื›ָ֥ืจ ื‘ֶּืŸ־
NA-S: Your lamb shall be an unblemished male
KJ-V: Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male
I-NT: your lamb shall be an unblemished male old

G-e-ne-sis 17:1
HE-B: ืœְืคָื ַ֖ื™ ื•ֶื”ְื™ֵ֥ื” ืชָืžִֽื™ื׃
NA-S: Walk before Me, and be blameless.
KJ-V: walk before me, and be thou perfect.
I-NT: before become and be blameless



L'-ev-i'-t'-ic-us 1:3
HE-B: ื”ַื‘ָּืงָ֔ืจ ื–ָื›ָ֥ืจ ืชָּืžִ֖ื™ื ื™ַืงְืจִื™ื‘ֶ֑ื ּื•ּ ืֶืœ־
NA-S: it, a male without defect; he shall offer
KJ-V: a male without blemish: he shall offer
I-NT: the herd A male without shall offer about

L'-ev-i-t'-ic-us 1:10
HE-B: ืœְืขֹืœָ֑ื” ื–ָื›ָ֥ืจ ืชָּืžִ֖ื™ื ื™ַืงְืจִื™ื‘ֶֽื ּื•ּ׃
NA-S: it a male without defect.
KJ-V: it a male without blemish.
I-NT: A burnt A male without shall offer

L'-ev-i'-t'-ic-us 22:21
HE-B: ื֣ื•ֹ ื‘ַืฆֹּ֑ืืŸ ืชָּืžִ֤ื™ื ื™ִֽื”ְื™ֶื”֙ ืœְืจָืฆ֔ื•ֹืŸ
NA-S: of the flock, it must be perfect to be accepted;
KJ-V: or sheep, it shall be perfect to be accepted;
I-NT: or of the flock must be perfect become to be accepted


Englishman's Concordance

t'-u-m·me·แธต'-ฤ — 1 Occurrence

De-u-t'-e-ro-n'-om-y 33:8
HE-B: ื•ּืœְืœֵื•ִ֣ื™ ืָืžַ֔ืจ ืชֻּืžֶּ֥ื™ืšָ ื•ְืื•ּืจֶ֖ื™ืšָ ืœְืִ֣ื™ืฉׁ
NA-S: he said, [L'-et] Your T'-hu-m-mim and Your U'-ri-m
KJ-V: he said, [L'-et] thy T'-hu-m-mim and thy U'-ri-m
I-NT: of L'-ev-i said your T'-hu-m-mim and your U'-ri-m ma-n


Englishman's Concordance

’eแนฏ·mฤ-แธต- — 1 Occurrence

I-sa-ia-h 42:1
HE-B: ื”ֵ֤ืŸ ืขַื‘ְื“ִּื™֙ ืֶืชְืžָืšְ־ ื‘ּ֔ื•ֹ ื‘ְּื—ִื™ืจִ֖ื™
NA-S: My Servant, whom I uphold; My chosen
KJ-V: Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect,
I-NT: Behold my Servant uphold my chosen delights

                         ~3-6-15. k'-a-la-h~

Strong's Concordance
k'-al-a-h: to be complete, at an end, finished,

 accomplished, or spent

Original Word: ื›ָּืœָื”
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: k'-a-la-h
Phonetic Spelling: (k'-aw-la-w')
Definition: to be complete, at an end, finished, accomplished, or spent

G-e-ne-sis 24:19
HE-B: ื•ַืชְּื›ַ֖ืœ ืœְื”ַืฉְׁืงֹืช֑ื•ֹ ื•ַืชֹּ֗ืืžֶืจ
NA-S: Now when she had finished giving him a drink,
KJ-V: And when she had done giving him drink,
I-NT: had finished giving said


Englishman's Concordance

แธตi-l'·lฤ-h — 1 Occurrence

1 Ch-ro-n'-ic-l'-es 27:24
HE-B: ืœִืžְื ื•ֹืช֙ ื•ְืœֹ֣ื ื›ִืœָּ֔ื” ื•ַื™ְื”ִ֥ื™ ื‘ָื–ֹ֛ืืช
NA-S: to count [them], but did not finish; and because of this,
KJ-V: to num-ber, but he finished not, because there fell wrath
I-NT: to count did not finish came it


                       ~แธตi-l·lฤ-m~  ~แธตi-l'·l'-ฤm~

Englishman's Concordance

แธตi-l'·lฤ-m(แธตi-l'·l'-ฤm) — 1 Occurrence

La-me-nt-a-t'-io-n-s(L'-am-e-nt-a-t'-io-n-s) 2:22

HE-B: ื•ְืจִื‘ִּ֖ื™ืชִื™ ืֹื™ְื‘ִ֥ื™ ื›ִืœָּֽื׃ ืค
NA-S: and reared, My enemy a-nn-i-hi-la-t'-e-d them.
KJ-V: hath mine enemy consumed.
I-NT: and reared enemy a-nn-i-hi-la-t'-e-


                           ~3-6-1-8. k'-al-la-h~

Strong's Concordance
k'-al-la-h:  bride

Original Word: ื›ַּืœָื”
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Transliteration: k'-al-la-h
Phonetic Spelling: (k'-al-la-w') (k'-al-l'-aw')
Definition: bride


Englishman's Concordance

k'ฤ·lฤ-h — 9 Occurrences

1 King-s 6:38
HE-B: ื”ַื—ֹ֣ื“ֶืฉׁ ื”ַืฉְּׁืžִื™ื ִ֔ื™ ื›ָּืœָ֣ื” ื”ַื‘ַּ֔ื™ִืช ืœְื›ָืœ־
NA-S: the house was finished throughout all
KJ-V: was the house finished throughout all the parts
I-NT: month is the eighth was finished the house all


Englishman's Concordance

l-ษ™·แธต'-al·lล·แนฏ'-ฤm — 2 Occurrences

L'-ev-i-t'-ic-us 26:44
HE-B: ื•ְืœֹֽื־ ื’ְืขַืœְืชִּื™ื֙ ืœְื›ַืœֹּืชָ֔ื ืœְื”ָืคֵ֥ืจ ื‘ְּืจִื™ืชִ֖ื™
NA-S: will I so abhor them as to destroy them, breaking
KJ-V: neither will I abhor them, to destroy them utterly, and to break
I-NT: nor abhor to destroy breaking my covenant

E-z'-e-ki-e'-l- 20:13
HE-B: ืขֲืœֵื™ื”ֶ֛ื ื‘ַּืžִּื“ְื‘ָּ֖ืจ ืœְื›ַืœּื•ֹืชָֽื׃
NA-S: on them in the wilderness, to annihilate them.
KJ-V: upon them in the wilderness, to consume them.
I-NT: on the wilderness to a-nn-i-hi-la-



*~THAT:"L" AND:"l" =LaPOINTE "~

*Ber-e-an- Standard Bible
Yet in spite of this, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject or despise them so as to destroy them and break My covenant with them; for I am the LORD their God.


Englishman's Concordance

w-ษ™·แธตi-l'·l'-ษ™·แนฏฤ-h — 1 Occurrence

Ho-se-a 11:6
HE-B: ื—ֶ֙ืจֶื‘֙ ื‘ְּืขָืจָ֔ื™ื• ื•ְื›ִืœְּืชָ֥ื” ื‘ַื“ָּ֖ื™ื• ื•ְืָื›ָ֑ืœָื”
NA-S: against their cities, And will demolish their gate bars
KJ-V: on his cities, and shall consume his branches,
I-NT: the sword their cities and will d-em-o-l'-is-h bars and devour


Son-g'-s 4:9
HE-B: ืœִื‘ַּื‘ְืชִּ֖ื ִื™ ืֲื—ֹืชִ֣ื™ ื›ַืœָּ֑ื” ืœִื‘ַּื‘ְืชִּ֙ื™ื ִื™֙ [ื‘ְּืַื—ַื“
NA-S: my sister, [my] bride; You have made my heart beat faster
KJ-V: my sister, [my] spouse; thou hast ravished my heart
I-NT: my heart my sister bride beat A single

Song-s 4:10
HE-B: ื“ֹื“ַ֖ื™ִืšְ ืֲื—ֹืชִ֣ื™ ื›ַืœָּ֑ื” ืžַื”־ ื˜ֹּ֤ื‘ื•ּ
NA-S: my sister, [my] bride! How
KJ-V: my sister, [my] spouse! how much better
I-NT: is your love my sister bride How better

Song-s 4:11
HE-B: ืชִּื˜ֹּ֥ืคְื ָื” ืฉִׂืคְืชื•ֹืชַ֖ื™ִืšְ ื›ַּืœָּ֑ื” ื“ְּื‘ַ֤ืฉׁ ื•ְื—ָืœָื‘֙
NA-S: Your lips, [my] bride, drip ho-ne-y;
KJ-V: Thy lips, O [my] spouse, drop
I-NT: drip your lips bride Honey and milk

Song-s 4:12
HE-B: ื ָืข֖ื•ּืœ ืֲื—ֹืชִ֣ื™ ื›ַืœָּ֑ื” ื’ַּ֥ืœ ื ָืข֖ื•ּืœ
NA-S: is my sister, [my] bride, A rock garden
KJ-V: [is] my sister, [my] spouse; a spring
I-NT: locked is my sister bride A rock locked

Song-s 5:1
HE-B: ืœְื’ַื ִּื™֮ ืֲื—ֹืชִ֣ื™ ื›ַืœָּื”֒ ืָืจִ֤ื™ืชִื™ ืžื•ֹืจִื™֙
NA-S: my sister, [my] bride; I have gathered
KJ-V: my sister, [my] spouse: I have gathered
I-NT: my garden my sister bride have gathered my myrrh


Englishman's Concordance

ki-l'·lลซ — 

G-e-ne-sis 24:19
HE-B: ืขַ֥ื“ ืִื־ ื›ִּืœּ֖ื•ּ ืœִืฉְׁืชֹּֽืช׃
NA-S: until they have finished drinking.
KJ-V: [water] for thy camels also, until they have done drinking.
I-NT: against lo have finished drinking

G-e-ne-sis 24:22
HE-B: ื•ַื™ְื”ִ֗ื™ ื›ַּืֲืฉֶׁ֨ืจ ื›ִּืœּ֤ื•ּ ื”ַื’ְּืžַืœִּื™ื֙ ืœִืฉְׁืชּ֔ื•ֹืช
NA-S: the camels had finished drinking,
KJ-V: And it came to pass, as the camels had done drinking,
I-NT: become after had finished the camels drinking

*~Strong's Hebrew #4-4-12~




Englishman's Concordance (References)

kim·lลซ·nฤ-h — 1 Occurrence




I-sa-ia-h 1:8
HE-B: ื›ְּืกֻื›ָּ֣ื” ื‘ְื›ָ֑ืจֶื ื›ִּืžְืœื•ּื ָ֥ื” ื‘ְืžִืงְืฉָׁ֖ื” ื›ְּืขִ֥ื™ืจ
NA-S: in a v'-i-ne-y-ar-d, Like a watchman's hu-t' in a c'-u-cum-ber field,
KJ-V: in a v'-i-ne-y-ar-d, as a lo-d-g'-e in a garden of c'-u-cum-ber-s,
I-NT: A she-l'-t'--er A v'-i-ne-y'-ar-d A w'-a-t'-ch-ma-n's A c'-u-cum-ber city

                   ~ha-แธต'·bรชแธ~    ~h'-a-แธต'·bรชแธ~

Englishman's Concordance

ha-แธต·bรชแธ(h'-a-k'bed) — 1 Occurrence

Is-ai-a-h 6:10
HE-B: ื”ַื–ֶּ֔ื” ื•ְืָื–ְื ָ֥ื™ื• ื”ַื›ְื‘ֵּ֖ื“ ื•ְืขֵื™ื ָ֣ื™ื• ื”ָืฉַׁ֑ืข
NA-S: Their ears dull, And their eyes
KJ-V: and make their ears heavy, and shut
I-NT: of this their ears dull and their eyes dim

*&this is:at:the-enemy.

                         ~ki-l'·lลซ·n'-รฎ~   ~ki-l'·l'-ลซn'-รฎ~ 

Englishman's Concordance

ki-l'·lลซ·n'-รฎ — 1 Occurrence


P'-sa-l'-m 119:87
HE-B: ื›ִּ֭ืžְืขַื˜ ื›ִּืœּ֣ื•ּื ִื™ ื‘ָืָ֑ืจֶืฅ ื•ַ֝ืֲื ִ֗ื™
NA-S: They almost destroyed me on earth,
KJ-V: They had almost consumed me upon earth;
I-NT: almost destroyed earth I


Englishman's Concordance

k'-a-k'·k'-al·lฤ-h — 1 Occurrence

I-sa-ia-h 49:18
HE-B: ืชִืœְื‘ָּ֔ืฉִׁื™ ื•ּֽืชְืงַืฉְּׁืจִ֖ื™ื ื›ַּื›ַּืœָּֽื”׃
NA-S: and bind them on as a bride.
KJ-V: and bind them [on thee], as a bride [do-et-h].
I-NT: put and bind A bride

*~bride [do-et-h].~

L'-e-x-ic-on :: Strong's H3615 - k'-ฤ-lรข

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Part of Speech
Root Word (Etymology)
A primitive root
Dictionary Aids

TWOT Reference: 

KJV Translation Count — Total: 206x
The KJ-V translates Strong's H3615 in the following manner: consume (57x), end (44x), finish (20x), fail (18x), accomplish (12x), done (9x), spend (8x), ended (7x), determined (4x), away (3x), fulfil (3x), fainteth (2x), destroy (2x), left (2x), waste (2x), miscellaneous (13x).
  1. to accomplish, cease, consume, determine, end,  finish, be complete, be accomplished, be ended, be at an end, be finished, be spent

    1. (Qa-l')

      1. to be complete, be at an end

      2. to be completed, be finished

      3. to be accomplished, be fulfilled

      4. to be determined, be plotted (bad sense)

      5. to be spent, be used up

      6. to waste away, be exhausted, fail

      7. to come to an end, vanish, perish, be destroyed

    2. (Piel)

      1. to complete, bring to an end, finish

      2. to complete (a period of time)

      3. to finish (doing a thing)

      4. to make an end, end

      5. to accomplish, fulfil, bring to pass

      6. to accomplish, determine (in thought)

      7. to put an end to, cause to cease

      8. to cause to fail, exhaust, use up, spend

      9. to destroy, exterminate

    3. (Pual) to be finished, be ended, be completed

Strong’s Definitions [](Strong’s Definitions Legend)
ื›ָּืœָื” k'-รข-lรข-h, k'-aw-la-w'; a primitive root; to end, whether intransitive (to cease, be finished, perish) or transitive (to complete, prepare, consume):—accomplish, cease, consume (away), determine, destroy (utterly), be (when... were) done, (be an) end (of), finish, fulfil, × fully, × have, leave (off), long, bring to pass, wholly reap, make clean riddance, spend, quite take away, waste.

~4-3-(2-5). may-i-m(m-ay-i-m)(ma-yi-m)~

Strong's Concordance
may-i-m(m-ay-i-m)(ma-yi-m):waters, water

Original Word: ืžַื™ִื
Part of Speech: Noun 
Transliteration: may-i-m(m-ay-i-m)(ma-yi-m)
Phonetic Spelling: (ma-h'-yi-m) (m-ah'-yi-m) (ma-h'-y-i-m)
Definition: waters, water

                         ~3-6-23. k'-el-u-la-h~

Strong's Concordance
k'-el-u-la-h: b'-et-ro-t'-h-al

Original Word: ื›ְּืœื•ּืœָื”
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Transliteration: k'-el-u-la-h
Phonetic Spelling:(k'-el-oo-la-w')(k'-e-lo-


Definition: b'-et-ro-t'-h'-al',b'-et-ro-t'-h'-a-l'


Englishman's Concordance

k'-ษ™·lลซ·lล·แนฏ'-ฤ·y-iแธต — 1 Occurrence

Je-re-mia-h 2:2
HE-B: ื ְืขื•ּืจַ֔ื™ִืšְ ืַื”ֲื‘ַ֖ืช ื›ְּืœื•ּืœֹืชָ֑ื™ִืšְ ืœֶื›ְืชֵּ֤ืšְ ืַื—ֲืจַื™֙
NA-S: The love of your betrothal-s, Your following
KJ-V: the love of t'-hi-ne espousal-s, when thou wentest
I-NT: of your youth the love of your betrothal-s your following after


Englishman's Concordance

t'-ฤ·m-a-แธต·t'-ฤ — 1 Occurrence

P'-sa-l'-m 41:12
HE-B: ื•ַืֲื ִ֗ื™ ื‘ְּ֭ืชֻืžִּื™ ืชָּืžַ֣ื›ְืชָּ ื‘ִּ֑ื™ ื•ַืชַּืฆִּื™ื‘ֵ֖ื ִื™
NA-S: As for me, You uphold me in my integrity,
KJ-V: And as for me, thou upholdest me in mine integrity,
I-NT: I integrity uphold set your presence


 ~A Middle-earth Christmas - Part 1 - Collaboration w/ IronSoulElf .wmv-  ~~A Middle-earth Christmas - *Part 1 - Co-l'-la-bo-ra-t'-io-n w/ I-ro-n-So-u-l'-E-l'-f .w-m-v-  ~

*~Strong's Hebrew #52-34~


Englishman's Concordance (References)

w-ay·ya-k·ki·rรช·hลซ — 1 Occurrence

1 King-s 18:7
HE-B: ืֵืœִื™ָּ֖ื”ื•ּ ืœִืงְืจָืืช֑ื•ֹ ื•ַื™ַּื›ִּืจֵ֙ื”ื•ּ֙ ื•ַื™ִּืคֹּ֣ืœ ืขַืœ־
NA-S: met him, and he recognized him and fell
KJ-V: met him: and he knew him, and fell
I-NT: E-l'-i-ja-h met recognized and fell on


*~L'-A-qu-i-la (/หˆl'-รฆ-k-wษช-l'-ษ™/ LA-K-wi-l'-ษ™,[3][4] I'-t'-al-ia-n: [หˆlaห-k-wi-la] N'-ea-po-l'-i-t'-an: [หˆlaหk-wiห-l'-ษ™]) is a city and c-om-un-e in central I'-tal-y. It is the capital city of both the Ab-ru-z-z-o re-gi-on and of the Province of L'-A-qu-i-la. As of 2023, it has a population of 69,558 inhabitants.[5] La-id out within me-d-i-ev-al walls on a hill in the wide valley of the A'-t'-e-r-n-o river, it is surrounded by the A-pe-nn-i-ne Mountain-s, with the G-ra-n S-as-so d'-I-t'-al-ia to the north-east.

L'-A-qu-i-la sits upon a hillside in the middle of a narrow valley; tall snow-capped mountains of the Gran S'-as-so mass-if f-la-n-k the town. A ma-z'-e of narrow streets, lined with B'-ar-o-qu-e and Re-na-is-sa-n-c-e buildings and churches, open onto elegant p'-ia-zz-as. Ho-me to the University of L'-A-qu-i-la, it is a lively college town and, as such, has many cultural institutions: a re-per-t'-o-r-y t'-h-ea-t'-re, a symphony o-r'-ch-est-ra, a f'-i-ne-ar-t'-s a-c-ad-em-y, a state conservatory, a film institute. There are several s-ki re-so-r-t'-s in the surrounding province (Camp-o I'-m-per-a-t'-o-reO-vi-n-do-l'-iPe-s-c-as-se-ro-l'-iRo-c-c-ar-a-soS;-c-a-nn-o).~


Englishman's Concordance
mรช·may — 1 Occurrence

1 S-am-u-e-l' 25:11
HE-B: ืœַื—ְืžִื™֙ ื•ְืֶืช־ ืžֵื™ืžַ֔ื™ ื•ְืֵืช֙ ื˜ִื‘ְื—ָืชִ֔ื™
NA-S: my bread and my water and my meat
KJ-V: my bread, and my water, and my flesh
I-NT: take my bread and my water and my meat whose

~Strong's Hebrew #5234~


Englishman's Concordance (References)

w-ay·ya-k·ki·r'-รชm — 1 Occurrence

G-e-ne-sis 42:7
HE-B: ืֶืช־ ืֶื—ָ֖ื™ื• ื•ַื™ַּื›ִּืจֵ֑ื ื•ַื™ִּืชְื ַื›ֵּ֨ืจ ืֲืœֵื™ื”ֶ֜ื
NA-S: his brothers he recognized them, but he disguised
KJ-V: his brethren, and he knew them, but made himself strange
I-NT: Joseph his brothers recognized recognized to

Englishman's Concordance
yษ™·rรช·แธตรฎ — 2 Occurrences

G-e-ne-sis 24:2
HE-B: ื™ָื“ְืšָ֖ ืชַּ֥ื—ַืช ื™ְืจֵื›ִֽื™׃
NA-S: your hand under my thigh,
KJ-V: I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh:
I-NT: your hand under my thigh

G-e-ne-sis 47:29
HE-B: ื™ָื“ְืšָ֖ ืชַּ֣ื—ַืช ื™ְืจֵื›ִ֑ื™ ื•ְืขָืฉִׂ֤ื™ืชָ ืขִืžָּื“ִื™֙
NA-S: under my thigh and deal
KJ-V: I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh, and deal
I-NT: your hand under my thigh and deal against


Englishman's Concordance
kim·rรฎ·rรช — 1 Occurrence

Job 3:5
HE-B: ืขֲื ָื ָ֑ื” ื™ְ֝ื‘ַืขֲืชֻ֗ื”ื•ּ ื›ִּֽืžְืจִ֥ื™ืจֵื™ ื™ֽื•ֹื׃
NA-S: settle on it; Let the blackness of the day
KJ-V: dwell upon it; let the blackness of the day
I-NT: A cloud terrify the blackness of the day

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