Englishman's Concordance
I-sa-ia-h 17:5
H-E-B: ืִืงְืฆ֑ืֹืจ ืְืָืָ֛ื ืִּืְืַืงֵּ֥ื ืฉִׁืֳּืִ֖ืื ืְּืขֵ֥ืֶืง
NA-S: the ears, Or it will be like one gleaning ears of grain
KJ-V: with his arm; and it shall be as he that gathereth ears
I-NT: harvests become gleaning ears the valley
~LO'T-R - All Arwen's high vocal soundtracks and Eagle theme~
1 | and ye shall be comforted |
k-lฤ- — 1 Occurrence
Deuteronomy 5:13
H-E'B: ืชַּֽืขֲืֹ֔ื֮ ืְืขָืฉִׂ֖֣ืืชָ ืָּֿื־ ืְืַืืְืชֶּֽืָ֒׃
NA-S: you shall labor and do all your work,
I-NT: shall la-bo-r and do all your work
I-sa-ia-h 17:5
H-E-B: ืִืงְืฆ֑ืֹืจ ืְืָืָ֛ื ืִּืְืַืงֵּ֥ื ืฉִׁืֳּืִ֖ืื ืְּืขֵ֥ืֶืง
NA-S: the ears, Or it will be like one gleaning ears of grain
KJ-V: with his arm; and it shall be as he that gathereth ears
I-NT: harvests become gleaning ears the valley
~5-50-5. c-hi-l'-ia-s~
Original Word: ฯฮนฮป-ฮนฮฌ-ฯ, ฮฌ-ฮดฮฟ-ฯ, แผก
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: chi-l-i'-as
Phonetic Spelling: (kh-i' l'-ee-as')
Definition: one thousand
Usage: a thousand, the number one thousand.
~Kim-chi-t’s Head Covering: Between Rabbis and Priests~

Kim-chi-t as H'e-ro-i-ne: The Stories that Form Us
“I'try to cover my hair at all times so that even the four walls will not see my hair. If I adhere closely to the laws regarding head-covering, I hope that I will be privileged to give birth to sons who are God-fearing and knowledgeable in T'o-ra-h.”[1]
In these hopeful words, written by an observant Jewish woman, we hear the voice of Kim-chi-t, the Talmudic mother of seven sons, all of whom served as high priests. When the rabbis ask her, “What good deeds have you done [to deserve such worthy sons]?” she answers, “May [evil] befall me if, in my days, the beams of my house saw the hair of my head or the seams of my tunic.” Kim-chi-t claims that a mother’s modest behavior positively affects the outcome of her progeny.[2]
Arguably, for women who wear head coverings, Kim-chi-t’s lesson is inspirational. The act of covering one’s hair becomes utterly praiseworthy and spiritually worthwhile because of the reward it yields. However, this story traps Kim-chi-t and us in a script that she did not write. It justifies Kim-chi-t as a positive model. She emerges as a T'al-mu-d'ic woman who teaches us about the importance of head coverings as a means to control women’s sexuality, upholding the rabbinic belief that woman’s hair exudes sexuality. But, a closer look from a feminist perspective at the sources that mention Kim-chi-t tell another story.[3]
Kim-chi-t’s Story in the Ye-ru-s-
The story of Kim-chi-t appears in several places in rabbinic literature and is most commonly associated with its figuration in the Ba-v-l'i (b. Y'om-a 47a). However, an earlier tradition found in the Ye-ru-s-ha-l'mi (y. Yoma 1:1; 38d)[4] has influenced many later sources (other than the B'a-v-l'i), because of its more positive portrayal of Kim-chi-t and the message she conveys about female modesty, as compared to the B'a-v-l'i.[5] Even so, a careful comparison between the b. Y'om-a and y. Y'o-ma versions throw the image of her as a role model for women into question.
The Ye-ru-s-ha'l-mi reads:
ืืจืืฉืืื ืืืื ื:ื (ืื ืข”ื)ืืขืฉื ืืฉืืขืื ืื ืงืืืืช ืฉืืฆื ืืืืจ ืขื ืืืื ืขืจื ืืื ืืืืคืืจืื ืื ืชืื ืฆืื ืืจื ืฉื ืจืืง ืืคืื ืขื ืืืืื ืืืืืชื ืื ืื ืก ืืืืื ืืืื ืืฉืืืฉ ืชืืชืื ืืืืื ื ืืืืื ืืจืืช ืืืื ืฉื ื ืื ืื ืืื ืื ืืืืืื ืืืื ืืื
y. Yoma 1:1 (38d)There is a story about S-him’on, the son of Kim-chi't who went out to speak to the king on the eve of Y-om Ki-pp-u'r[6] and a drop of saliva sprayed from [the king’s] mouth onto [S-him’on’s] garments and he became impure. And his brother Ye-hu-d'a'h
entered and served as the high priest in his [S-him’on’s] stead. And their mother [Kim-chi-t] saw two of her sons [serve as] high priests on the same day.
ืฉืืขื ืื ืื ืืื ืื ืืงืืืืช ืืืืื ืฉืืืฉื ืืืืื ื ืืืืื ืฉืืื ืืืืื ืืืืจื ืื ืื ืืขืฉืื ืืืืื ืืฉ ืืืื ืืืจื ืืื ืืื ืขืื ืื ืจืื ืงืืจืืช ืืืชื ืฉืขืจืืช ืจืืฉื ืืืืืจืช ืืืืงื ืืืืื
Kim-chi-t had seven sons and all of them served in the position of high priest. The sages sent [a question to her] and they said to her: “What good deeds have you done [lit. have in your possession]?” She answered them: “May [evil] befall me if, in my days, the beams of my house saw the hair of my head or the seams of my tunic (undergarment).”[7]
ืืืจืื ืื ืงืืืืื ืงืื ืืงืืื ืืงืืืืช ืกืืืช ืืงืจืื ืขืื ืื ืืืืื ืืช ืืื ืคื ืืื ืืืฉืืฆืืช ืืื ืืืืฉื
They said [about Kim-chi-t]: “All flour is flour, but the flour of Kim-chi-t is fine flour.” And they applied to her the verse, “All her glory—the daughter of a king—is inside and her raiment is of golden settings.” (Psalms 45:14)
Kim-chi't as a Modest Woman of High Standing
Kim-chi't’s story stands out here as a positive role model because her modesty extends beyond the public sphere and into the private space she inhabits. Even the inanimate beams of her house never see her hair uncovered.[8] In this regard, she models in her home-space the kind of upright behavior that we expect of her priest sons when they serve within the structure of the temple.
While she herself may not be born of priestly stock, and her sons receive this status from their father, it is only Kim-chi't who is mentioned here. Without any mention of her husband, the rabbis comfortably position her firmly within the priestly framework when they claim her as an upstanding mother to seven priests. On some level, she is a female parallel to the high priest, in that she too is at the top of an ordered family hierarchy. Kim-chi-t is the matriarch who maintains a sense of family order by ensuring modest behavior even inside her home.[9]
What is in Kim-chi't’s Name?
Additionally, this Ye-ru-s-h'a-l-mi version of the source presents a positive play on Kim-chi't’s name, reminding us of its relationship to the Hebrew word for flour, k'em-a-ch. By equating Kim-chi't with the finest flour, an essential commodity that is life-sustaining, she is portrayed as a mother unlike others in her ability to sustain the genealogical structure of the priesthood, presumably by birthing the children of her priest husband, who is oddly absent from this source.[10]
The Royal Princess Who Merits Son-s Wearing Golden Mountings (Psalms 45:14)
In addition, Kim-chi't is associated with the “modest” royal princess of Psalms 45:14 who dons an exquisite dress “em-b'ro-i-de-re-d with golden mountings” (ืִืִּืฉְׁืְּืฆืֹืช ืָืָื ืְืืּืฉָׁืּ). The rabbis seem to be drawing a connection between Psalms 45:14 and the biblical descriptions of the high priestly vestments, which use the same term for golden mountings (see e.g. Exodus 28). They read the verse as suggesting that the modest princess will merit golden-mounting-wearing sons – i.e. high priests. The scene conjures up an image of the princess’ wedding day in which she is married off to a king and promised the reward of great sons who will be appointed as “princes throughout the land” (Psalms 45:16-17).
Relying on Psalms as a prooftext, the Ye-ru-s-ha-l-mi refuses to doubt that Kim-chi't’s great sons are her reward. In this way, the rabbis propose that mothers’ behaviors play a role in their sons’ futures. They purport that female modesty is intimately tied to a son’s good fortune. A mother’s impact on them, therefore, is far more than biological and while Kim-chi-t does not teach them Torah, she does think about how her own upright actions might affect them.
*and;i,am also;a very real queen et-c.
*thee-hebrew scriptures are:absolutely clear.
i,just reported u,again google.
~5-50-5. chi-l'ia-s~
Original Word: ฯฮนฮป-ฮนฮฌ-ฯ, ฮฌ-ฮดฮฟ-ฯ, แผก
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: chi-l-i'a-s
Phonetic Spelling: (kh-i' l-ee-a-s')
Definition: one thousand
Usage: a thousand, the number one thousand.
~10-67. be-ki-ra-h~
Original Word: ืְּืִืืจָื
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Transliteration: be-ki-ra-h
Phonetic Spelling: (be-k-ee-ra-w')
Definition: first-born (always of women)
~5-50-6. chi-l'i-ar-c-ho-s~
Original Word: ฯฮนฮปฮฏฮฑฯฯฮฟฯ, ฮฟฯ
, แฝ
Part of Speech: Noun,
Transliteration: chi-l'i-ar-c-ho-s
Phonetic Spelling: (k'hi-l-ee'-ar-k-ho-s)
Definition: a chi-l'i'ar-ch, a commander of a thousand
Usage: a commander of a thousand men, a military tribune.
~4-41-5. prรณ-t'o-t'-o-kia~
Original Word: ฯ-ฯ'ฯ-ฯ'ฮฟฯ'ฯ-ฮบฮนฮฑ, ฯ
ฮฝ, ฯ'ฮฌ
Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter
Transliteration: p'rรณ-t'o-t'o-kia
Phonetic Spelling: (pro-t'o't-ok'-ee-a'h)
Definition: the rights of the first-born
Usage: the birthright, the rights of the first-born.
~5-50-7. chi-l'io-i~
Original Word: ฯฮฏฮป-ฮนฮฟ-ฮน,
ฮฑ'ฮน, ฮฑ
Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: chi-l-io-i
Phonetic Spelling: (kh-i-l'-ee-o'y)
Definition: a thousand
Usage: a thousand.
~5-508. Chi-os~
Original Word: ฮง'ฮฏฮฟ-0ฯ, ฮฟ'ฯ
, แผก
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: Ch-io-s
Phonetic Spelling: (kh-ee'-os)
Definition: Ch-io-s, an island in the Aegean Sea
Usage: Chios (modern S-c-io),
~10-6-8. be-ki't'h~
Original Word: ืְּืִืืช
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Transliteration: be-ki-t'h
Phonetic Spelling: (be-k-ee-t'h')
Definition: a weeping
*"(Be&be)" absolutely =belle(sarahJ.connor),) and:bella(Swan)(in;thee-revelation 12 lot-re-t-c prophecy trail.
h-ab·bล·แธตรฎm — 1
H'E-B: ืַืִּืְืָּ֖ื ืֶื־ ืַืֹּืִ֑ืื ืค ืַืֹּืืֶืจ֩
NA-S: up from G'i-l-g'al to
Bo-c-him. And he said,
KJ-V: from G'i-l-g'al to
Bo-c-him, and said,
I-NT: G'i-l-g'al to Bo-c-him said brought
k'ษm'aแธ·kรฎ·rฤ-h — 1
H'E-B: ืฉָׁืַ֗ืขְืชִּื ืฆָืจָื֙ ืְּืַืְืִּืืจָ֔ื ืง֧ืֹื ืַּืช־
NA-S: The anguish as of
one giving birth to her
first child, The cry
KJ-V: [and] the
anguish as of her that
bringeth forth her first
child, the voice
I-NT: heard the
anguish giving the cry
of the daughter
bล·แธตรฎm — 1 Occurrence
Judge-s 2:5
H'E-B: ืַืָּืง֥ืֹื ืַื֖ืּื ืֹּืִ֑ืื ืַืִּืְืְּืืּ־ ืฉָׁ֖ื
NA-S: that place Bo-c-him; and there
KJV: of that place Bo-c-him: and they sacrificed
INT: place he Bo-c-him sacrificed and there
~24-28. ch-a-y'i-l~
Original Word: ืַืִื
Part of Speech: Noun
Transliteration: c-ha-y'i-l
Phonetic Spelling: (k-ha-h'-y'i-l)
Definition: strength, efficiency, wealth, army
~ 5-50-9. chi-t'รณn~
Original Word: ฯ'ฮน-ฯ'ฯ-ฮฝ,
แฟถ-ฮฝ'ฮฟฯ, แฝ
Part of Speech: Noun,
Transliteration: chi-t'รณ-n
Phonetic Spelling: (kh-ee-t'-one')
Definition: a tunic
Usage: a tunic, garment, undergarment.
From H-23-4-2; probably a force, whether of men, means or other resources; an army, wealth, virtue, v'a-lo-r,
KJ-V Usage: able, activity, (+)
army, band of men
(soldiers), company, (great)
forces, goods, host, might,
power, riches, strength,
strong, substance, train,
(+) valiant (-ly), valour,
virtuous (-ly), war, worthy
Feminine of H24-28; an intrenchment
KJV Usage: bulwark.
1. b'u-l'w'ark, entrenchment, rampart, fortress
Origin: from H-24-28
TWO-T: 623e
Parts of Speech: Noun Feminine
ch-ê'y-lâ-m ch-ê'l'âm
From H24-28; fortress;
KJ-V Usage: H'e-lam.
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
ืืืื ืืืื
H'e-la-m = "stronghold"
1. a place east of the Jordan, west of the Euphrates, in G'i-l'ea-d,
Origin: from H-24-28
From H-24-28; fortress; Chi-l'en, a place in Palestine
KJV Usage: Hi-l'en.
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
Hi-l'en = "place of caves"
Another form of H-25-8-0; beauty
KJ-V Usage: comely.
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
1. beauty, grace
Origin: another form for H-2-5-8-0
Another form for H-23-51; a wall
KJ-V Usage: wall.
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
1. wall, party-wall, thin wall
From H-24-34; properly the (outer) wall side; hence exterior; figuratively secular (as opposed to sacred)
KJV Usage: outer, outward,
ืืืง ืืง ืืืง
ch-ê'y-q ch-ê'q c'hô-q
k-ha-ke, k-ha-ke, k-ho-k'e
apparently meaning to in-close; the bosom (literally or figuratively)
KJV Usage: bosom, bottom,
lap, midst, within.
From H-23-57 in the sense of splendor; Chi-ra-h, an A-du-l-la-mi-t'e
KJ-V Usage: Hirah.
Hi-ra-h = "a noble family"
ืืืจื ืืืจื
chฤฑ̂-y-râ-m chฤฑ̂-y-r-ôm
kh-ee-rawm', kh-ee-ro-me'
Another form of H2361; Chi-ra-m or Chi-r-om,
KJV Usage: Hi-ra-m, Hu-r'am.
~5-51-0. chi-รณ'n~
Original Word: ฯ'ฮนฯ-ฮฝ, ฯ-ฮฝ-ฮฟฯ, แผก
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: chi-'รณn
Phonetic Spelling: (kh-ee-one')
Definition: snow
Usage: snow.
~2-51-1. c-ha-l-la-q~
Original Word: ืַืָּืง
Part of Speech: Noun
Transliteration: ch-al-la-q
Phonetic Spelling: (khal-la-w-k')
Definition: smooth
~2-51-2. c-ha-l-lu-q~
Original Word: ืַืֻּืง
Part of Speech: Noun
Transliteration: c-ha-l-lu-q
Phonetic Spelling: (khal-lo-o'k')
Definition: smooth
~5-51-1. ch-la-m-us~
Original Word: ฯฮปฮฑฮผฯฯ, ฯฮดฮฟฯ, แผก
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: ch-la-m-us
Phonetic Spelling: (kh-la-
Definition: a ch-la-m-y-s
or short cloak
Usage: a short cloak, worn by military officers and soldiers.
~5-51-4. Ch-lo-รฉ~
Original Word: ฮง'ฮป-ฯฮท, ฮท-ฯ, แผก
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: Chloรฉ a prim. word
Phonetic Spelling: (kh-lo'-a'y)
Definition: Ch-lo-e
Usage: Ch-lo-e
~5-51-5. ch-lรณ-ro-s~
Original Word: ฯฮป-ฯ-ฯฯ-ฯ, ฮฌ,
Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: ch-lรณ-ro-s
Phonetic Spelling: (kh-lo-ro-s')
Definition: pale green, pale
Usage: green, pale green.
i,am callling ems on u.
oh really pigs!!!u asked for it.
*Google is attacking who,i,am&deleting things from:JESUS AND MY- POSTS ,I,AM SCREAMING!!!!&CRYING!!*ANGERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYYYY
*they just deleted what,i,posted about who: they are harming:Jesus And I.
*i,just got it back.
Recent Earthquakes_Mountain View Acres, California, United States
Mountain View Acres has had: (M1.5 or greater)
- 9 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
- 16 earthquakes in the past 7 days
- 34 earthquakes in the past 30 days
- 482 earthquakes in the past 365 days
5.1 magnitude earthquake:O-ja-i, California, United States
9 hours ago
Ojai, California, United States
Ojai, California, United States
Ojai, California, United States
Ojai, California, United States
Ojai, California, United States
Ojai, California, United States
Ojai, California, United States
Ojai, California, United States
Ojai, California, United States
Ojai, California, United States
Part of Speech: Proper
Transliteration: Chi-l-qi-
Phonetic Spelling: (k-hi-l-
Definition: "my portion is Yah",
From the same
KJV Usage: Ha-chi-la-h.
From the same
KJV Usage: Ha-chi-la-h.
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
Ha-chi-la-h = "dark"
1. a hill is southern Judah, on the edge of the wilderness of Z'ip-h
Origin: from the same as H24-4-7
Parts of Speech: Proper Name Location
- ืֲืִืืָื
- c-ha.khi.la-h
- N:N--L
- Hachilah
- Ha-chi-la-h = "dark"
1) a hill is southern Judah, on the edge of the wilderness of Z'i-p- - h
From H24-4-9; wisdom (in a good sense)
KJ-V Usage: skillful, wisdom,
wisely, wit.
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
1. wisdom
a. skill (in war)
b. wisdom (in administration)
c. shrewdness, wisdom
d. wisdom, prudence (in religious affairs)
e. wisdom (ethical and religious)
Origin: from H24-4-9
TWOT: 647a
Parts of Speech: Noun Feminine
(C-ha-l-d-ee); corresponding
KJV Usage: wisdom.
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
1. wisdom
Origin: corresponding to H-24-51
TWOT: 27-2-9b
Parts of Speech: Noun Feminine
- ืׇืְืָื
- c-ho-kh.ma-h
- A:N-F
- wisdom
- 1) wisdom
2.4 magnitude earthquake: from Pawn-ee, O-k-la-ho-ma, United States
1 week ago
Recent Earthquakes:Mountain View, California, United States
Mountain View has had: (M1.5 or greater)
- 2 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
- 9 earthquakes in the past 7 days
- 48 earthquakes in the past 30 days
- 505 earthquakes in the past 365 days
Pawn-ee, O-kl-a- ho-ma Pa-รกr-i | |
M 5.8 -Pawn-ee, O-k-la-ho-ma
2016 O-k-la-ho-ma earthquake
Collateral forms of H-24-51; wisdom
KJV Usage: wisdom, every
wise [woman].
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
ืืืืืช ืืืืืช
1. wisdom
Origin: collateral forms of H-24-51
TWOT: 647a
Parts of Speech: Noun Feminine
- ืׇืְืืֹืช
- c-ho-kh.mo-t
- H:N-F
- wisdom
- 1) wisdom
A primitive root (compare H-2-47-0); to be sick
KJV Usage: be diseased.
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
1. (Qa'l) to suffer, be sick, be diseased
Origin: a primitive root [compare H2470]
TWOT: 648
Parts of Speech: Verb
- ืָืָื
- c-ha.la
- H:V
- be sick
- 1) (Q-al) to suffer, be sick,
ch-e-l'e-b ch-ê-l'e-b
kh-eh'-l-eb, kh-a-y'-l'eb
meaning: to be fat; fat, whether literally or figuratively; hence the richest or choice part
KJV Usage: X best, fat (-
ness), X finest, grease,
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
ืืื ืืื
1. fat
a. fat (of humans)
b. fat (of beasts)
c. choicest, best part, abundance (of products of the land)
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Transliteration: c-ha-la-q-la-q-qo-t'h
Phonetic Spelling:(khal-a'k-la-k-k'aw')
Definition: smoothness
I-sa-ia-h 17:5
H-E-B: ืִืงְืฆ֑ืֹืจ ืְืָืָ֛ื ืִּืְืַืงֵּ֥ื ืฉִׁืֳּืִ֖ืื ืְּืขֵ֥ืֶืง
NA-S: the ears, Or it will be like one gleaning ears of grain
KJ-V: with his arm; and it shall be as he that gathereth ears
I-NT: harvests become gleaning ears the valley
From the same as H-24-5-9; milk (as the richness of ki-ne)
KJ-V Usage: + cheese,
milk, sucking,
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
1. milk, sour mi-l-k, cheese
a. milk
b. abundance of the land (me-ta-p'h.)
c. white (as mi'l-k)
Origin: from the same as H-24-5-9
TWO-T: 650a
Parts of Speech:
- ืָืָื
- c-ha.la-v
- H:N-M
- milk
- 1) milk, sour milk, cheese
1a) milk
1b) abundance of the land (metaph.)
1c) white (as mi-l'k)
From H24-5-9; fruitful; Ch-e'l-bo-n
KJ-V Usage: H'e'l-bo-n.
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
H'e'l-bo-n = "fertile"
1. a town a few miles northwest of Da-ma-s-c-us, modern 'H'el-bo-n', still noted
Origin: from H-24-5-9
Parts of Speech: Proper Name Location
- ืֶืְืּืֹื
- ch-el.bon
- N:N--L
- H'el-bo-n
- H'el-bo-n = "fertile"
- ~*kl-ฤ-ro-n'o-mia~
From G-2.8-1-8; heirship,- that is, (concretely)
- *a patrimony or:
- (generally) a possession
*KJ-V Usage:
- *pa-t-ri-mo-n'y
- [หpa-t-rษหmล-nฤ]NOUN
- *property inherited from one's father or male ancestor:
- &
- *kl-ฤ-ro-n'om-os
(in its original sense of partitioning, that is, [reflexively] getting by apportionment); a sharer by lot, that is, - *an inheritor
properly something inherited, that is, (abstractly) occupancy, or (concretely) an heirloom; generally an estate, patrimony or portion
KJ-V Usage: heritage, to inherit,
inheritance, possession.
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
ื ืืื
1. possession, property, inheritance, heritage
a. property
b. portion, share
c. inheritance, portion
Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: c-ha-m
Phonetic Spelling: (kh-aw-m)
Definition: hot
valley of God;
KJ-V Usage: Na-
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
ื ืืืืื
Na-h'al-i'e-l = "torrents of God"
1. a station of Israel in the wilderness;
A primitive root; properly to sigh, that is, breathe strongly;
1 | and ye shall be comforted |
so will I comfort | |
1 | you; and ye shall be comforted |
1 | and will comfort |
1 | she hath none to comfort |
1 | she had no comforter. |
1 | there is none to comfort |
1 | to thee, that I may comfort |
1 | and ye shall be comforted |
1 | and ye shall be comforted |
From H-51-62; consolation
KJV Usage: comfort.
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
ื ืืื
1. comfort
Origin: from H-51-6-2
TWOT: 13-4-4c
Parts of Speech: Noun Feminine
- ื ֶืָืָื
- ne.ch-a.ma-h
- H:N-F
- comfort
- 1) comfort
ne ch-em-yâh
consolation of Ja-h;
- ื ְืֶืְืָื
- ne.ch-em.yah
- N:N-M-P
- Nehemiah
- Ne-h-em-i-ah = "Je-ho-
- v'ah
- comforts"
be-re-k-yâh ber-e-k-yâh-û
be-h-re-k-ya-w', be-h-re-k-ya-w'-ho-o
knee (that
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
Ber-a-chi-ah or Ber-e-chi-ah = "Jehovah blesses"
- ืֶּืจֶืְืָื
- be.re-kh.yah
- N:N-M-P
- Be-re-chi-a'h
- Ber-a-chi-a'h or Be-re-chia-
- h = "Jehovah blesses"
voice of Ja-h; K'o-la-ja-h
KJ-V Usage: K'o-la-i-a'h.
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
K'o-la-i'a-h = "voice of Je-ho-
- ืงืֹืָืָื
- qo.la.yah
- N:N-M-P
- K'o-la-ia-h
- K'o-la-ia-h = "voice of Jehovah"
ma-l-k-ee-ya-w', mal-k-ee-ya-w'-ho-o
king(AND NOW QUEEN) of (that is, appointed
KJV Usage: Ma-l-chi-a'h, M'al-chi-ja-h.
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
ืืืּืืืּ ืืืּืּื
From H4428 and H7769;
KJ-V Usage: Malchishua.
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
Mal-chi-s-hu-a = "my king is
ma-l-kฤฑ̂-y - t'se-d'eq
From H4428 and H-66-
KJ-V Usage: Mel-chi-z'e-de-k.
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
Mel-chi-z'e-de-k = "my king is
1. king of Salem and priest of the Most High God to whom Abram paid tithe after the battle
brother of (the) king; A-c-him-e-le-k,
KJ-V Usage: A-him-e-l-e-ch.
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
A-him-e-l-e-ch = "my brother is
- ืֲืִืืֶ֫ืֶืְ
- a.chi.me.l'e-kh
- N:N-M-P
- A-him-e-l-e-
- ch
Per-ha-p-s her (that
KJ-V Usage: A-hu-ma-i.
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
A-hu-ma-i = "a water reed: brother of waters"
KJ-V Usage: A-him-e-le-ch.
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
- ฮฮต-ฮป-ฯ'แฝท
- Mel-chi
- Mel-chi, one of the
- ancestors of Jesus.
- ฮฮต-ฮป-ฯ'แฝท
- Mel-chi (i.e. Ma-l-ki), the
my king);KJ-V Usage: Mel-chi.
- ฮฮต-ฮป-ฯ'แฝท
- Me-l-ki
- N:N-M-P
- ฮฮต-ฮป-ฯ'ฮต-แฝท (Rec. -ฯ'แฝท),
- แฝ (Heb. ืֶืֶืְ)
Part of Speech: Noun
Transliteration: ch-om
Phonetic Spelling:(kh-o-me)
Definition: heat
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