Thursday, February 14, 2019



Magnitude 5.2 Earthquake in the Afar Region of Ethiopia.

The United States Geological Survey recorded a Magnitude 5.2 Earthquake at a depth of 10.0 km, in the northern part of the Afar Region of Ethiopia, slightly before 1.30 pm local time (slightly before 10.30 am GMT) on Saturday 24 March 2018. There are no reports of any damage or injuries arising from this quake, but it was feltlocally, and it is possible that some minor damage has occurred.

The approximate location of the 24 March 2018 Ethiopian Earthquake. USGS.

The deserts of Northern Ethiopia and Southern Eritrea are extremely volcanically active, with dozens of volcanoes fed by an emerging divergent margin along the East African Rift; Erta Ale is on the Ethiopian Rift, the boundary between the Nubian Plate and the Danakil Microplate. The African Plate is slowly splitting apart along the Ethiopian Rift and the East African Rift to the south (which is splitting the Nubian Plate to the West from the Somali Plate to the East). Arabia was a part of Africa till about thirty million years ago, when it was split away by the opening of the Red Sea Rift (part of the same rift system), and in time the Ethiopian and East African Rifts are likely to split Africa into a number of new landmasses. This rifting exerts pressure on the rocks around the margin of the sea, slowly pushing them apart, not smoothly but in fits and starts as the pressure overcomes the tendency of the rocks to stick together, creating shocks that we experience as Earthquakes.

Rifting in East Africa. The Danakil Microplate is the red triangle to the east of the Afar depression at the southern end of the Red Sea. Università degli Studi di Firenze.

Witness accounts of Earthquakes can help geologists to understand these events, and the structures that cause them. The international non-profit organisation Earthquake Report is interested in hearing from people who may have felt this event; if you felt this quake then you can report it to Earthquake Report here.
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    Share this to help a soul right now, Ya'll will agree with me that the rate of online scamming is increasing by the day. I'm also a victim of it as i was scammed about 25,000usd all in the quest of seeking for an home loan. I actually gave up until a government official directed me to PROSPER LOAN FIRM, Despite the fact of my plight i had to give it a try since it was coming from a top government official. All comment ya'all see online are crap, I know the pains i went through just because i was looking for a loan i had to keep on selling valuables to keep paying unforeseen fees. I and some great personality have started a movement to end online scam because people are dying everyday, losing their homes, selling their property just because they need a loan. Apart from been a beneficiary of about 295,000usd in PROSPER LOAN FIRM lending scheme , We have also made a research to see that they are the best around the globe as far as online lending is concern, They have proven their self trustworthy and reliable back to back without failing. To end people debt, financial burden and been victimized here is the details of prosper loan firm. Email: OR call +1(816) 366-8769 to put an end to your financial needs now. I'm Heather Patrick from Georgia, United States. //...It doesn't take you anything to share this great information and good news. Email: OR call +1(816) 366-8769 and celebrate financial outbreak for the rest of your life.

    1. Hello Everybody,
      My name is Ahmad Asnul Brunei, I contacted Mr Osman Loan Firm for a business loan amount of $250,000, Then i was told about the step of approving my requested loan amount, after taking the risk again because i was so much desperate of setting up a business to my greatest surprise, the loan amount was credited to my bank account within 24 banking hours without any stress of getting my loan. I was surprise because i was first fall a victim of scam! If you are interested of securing any loan amount & you are located in any country, I'll advise you can contact Mr Osman Loan Firm via email

      First name......
      Middle name.....
      2) Gender:.........
      3) Loan Amount Needed:.........
      4) Loan Duration:.........
      5) Country:.........
      6) Home Address:.........
      7) Mobile Number:.........
      8) Email address..........
      9) Monthly Income:.....................
      10) Occupation:...........................
      11)Which site did you here about us.....................
      Thanks and Best Regards.
      Derek Email

      Hello Everybody,
      My name is Ahmad Asnul Brunei, I contacted Mr Osman Loan Firm for a business loan amount of $250,000, Then i was told about the step of approving my requested loan amount, after taking the risk again because i was so much desperate of setting up a business to my greatest surprise, the loan amount was credited to my bank account within 24 banking hours without any stress of getting my loan. I was surprise because i was first fall a victim of scam! If you are interested of securing any loan amount & you are located in any country, I'll advise you can contact Mr Osman Loan Firm via email

      First name......
      Middle name.....
      2) Gender:.........
      3) Loan Amount Needed:.........
      4) Loan Duration:.........
      5) Country:.........
      6) Home Address:.........
      7) Mobile Number:.........
      8) Email address..........
      9) Monthly Income:.....................
      10) Occupation:...........................
      11)Which site did you here about us.....................
      Thanks and Best Regards.
      Derek Email
    2. I was searching for loan to sort out my bills& debts, then i saw comments about Blank ATM Credit Card that can be hacked to withdraw money from any ATM machines around you . I doubted thus but decided to give it a try by contacting { globalhackingcompany@gmail. com} they responded with their guidelines on how the card works. I was assured that the card can withdraw $5,000 instant per day & was credited with$50,000,000.00 so i requested for one & paid the delivery fee to obtain the card, after 24 hours later, i was shock to see the UPS agent in my resident with a parcel{card} i signed and went back inside and confirmed the card work's after the agent left. This is no doubts because i have the card & has made used of the card. This hackers are USA based hackers set out to help people with financial freedom!! Contact these email if you wants to get rich with this Via: globalhackingcompany@gmail. com or WhatsApp Via +1 (929) 390-8581..
    3. I know a professional hacker globalhackingcompany@gmail.Com who has worked for me once this month. He offers legit services such as clearing of bad records online without being traced back to you, He clone phones, hack Facebook account,blank atm card, instagram, WhatsApp, emails, Twitter, bank accounts, Skype, FIXES CREDIT REPORTs, track calls. He also help retrieve accounts that have been taking by hackers. His charges are affordable, reliable and 100% safe. Contact him via address below...
    4. Haven't you heard about Mr Beckham blank ATM card and how other people had benefited from it? I am miss Patrice Eric, i want to share a blog and forums on how to get real blank ATM card, i thank Mr Beckham who helped me with an already hacked ATM CARD and i was so poor without funds that i got frustrated. One morning as i was browsing on the internet, i saw different comments of people testifying of how Beckham helped him from being poor to a rich man through this already hacked ATM CARD. I was skeptical if this was true, i decided to contact him to know if he is real he proved to me beyond all doubts that its was really for real so i urgently receive my blank ATM card. Contact his email and today am also testifying on how Beckham helped me. I never believed in it until the card was sent to me, which am using today Contact the company now and become rich. Email:
      also view his website
      here is my private email .
  2. My Brothers and Sister all over the world, I am Mrs Boo Wheat from Canada ; i was in need of loan some month ago. i needed a loan to open my restaurant and bar, when one of my long time business partner introduce me to this good and trustful loan lender DR PURVA PIUS that help me out with a loan, and is interest rate is very low , thank God today. I am now a successful business woman, and I became useful. In the life of others, I now hold a restaurant and bar. And about 30 workers, thank GOD for my life I am leaving well today a happy father with three kids, thanks to you DR PURVA PIUS Now I can take care of my lovely family, i can now pay my bill. I am now the bread winner of my family. If you are look for a trustful and reliable loan leader. You can Email him via,mail ( Please tell him Mrs Boo Wheat from Canada introduce you to him. THANKS
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  5. Hello Everybody,
    My name is Ahmad Asnul Brunei, I contacted Mr Osman Loan Firm for a business loan amount of $250,000, Then i was told about the step of approving my requested loan amount, after taking the risk again because i was so much desperate of setting up a business to my greatest surprise, the loan amount was credited to my bank account within 24 banking hours without any stress of getting my loan. I was surprise because i was first fall a victim of scam! If you are interested of securing any loan amount & you are located in any country, I'll advise you can contact Mr Osman Loan Firm via email

    First name......
    Middle name.....
    2) Gender:.........
    3) Loan Amount Needed:.........
    4) Loan Duration:.........
    5) Country:.........
    6) Home Address:.........
    7) Mobile Number:.........
    8) Email address..........
    9) Monthly Income:.....................
    10) Occupation:...........................
    11)Which site did you here about us.....................
    Thanks and Best Regards.
    Derek Email
  6. Hi Viewers Get your Blank ATM card that works in all ATM machines all over the world.. We have specially programmed ATM cards that can be used to hack ATM machines, the ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, at stores and POS. We sell this cards to all interested buyers worldwide, the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $10,000 on ATM and up to $50,000 spending limit in stores depending on the kind of card you order for, we are here for you anytime, any day. Email; ( ) I'm grateful to Mike because he changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except, contact him now ( )
  7. Hi Viewers Get your Blank ATM card that works in all ATM machines all over the world.. We have specially programmed ATM cards that can be used to hack ATM machines, the ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, at stores and POS. We sell this cards to all interested buyers worldwide, the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $10,000 on ATM and up to $50,000 spending limit in stores depending on the kind of card you order for, we are here for you anytime, any day. Email; ( ) I'm grateful to Mike because he changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except, contact him now ( )
  8. Hello everyone,my name is susan,i want to share with you how i got a blank atm card that changed my life. I saw a post of a man who got atm card from a guy called jossy,i decided to contact him,he told me how the card work,i gave him a try,i received the card 4 days later,i went to the atm and to my greatest surprise,i was able to withdraw $2000 that day,i was so happy because i lost my job and ever since then,life has been misearable for me.Until now,am still using the card and i have been able to with $30,000. Thanks to Jossy blank card,i now have a business of my own and a car,my family are living well. Am sharing this here because of those who might be in need of it.He is the best guy that sell blank atm card,he is a genius,please contact him at... for yours. 
  9. PLEASE READ!!!! Hello Guys,This is a Life Time transformation !!!Am so happy I got mine from Jamie. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Jamie because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Jamie sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. I’m grateful to Jamie because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except Philippines, Czech Republic and Slovenia, Jamie’s email address is Jamiehacking99(AT)gmailcom
  10. I was searching for loan to sort out my bills& debts, then i saw comments about Blank ATM Credit Card that can be hacked to withdraw money from any ATM machines around you . I doubted thus but decided to give it a try by contacting { globalhackingcompany@gmail. com} they responded with their guidelines on how the card works. I was assured that the card can withdraw $5,000 instant per day & was credited with$50,000,000.00 so i requested for one & paid the delivery fee to obtain the card, after 24 hours later, i was shock to see the UPS agent in my resident with a parcel{card} i signed and went back inside and confirmed the card work's after the agent left. This is no doubts because i have the card & has made used of the card. This hackers are USA based hackers set out to help people with financial freedom!! Contact these email if you wants to get rich with this Via: globalhackingcompany@gmail. com or WhatsApp Via +1 (929) 390-8581..
  11. Hello Everybody,
    My name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of $250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of $250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius, call/whats-App Contact Number +918929509036 via email:( Thank you.
  12. I know a professional hacker globalhackingcompany@gmail.Com who has worked for me once this month. He offers legit services such as clearing of bad records online without being traced back to you, He clone phones, hack Facebook account,blank atm card, instagram, WhatsApp, emails, Twitter, bank accounts, Skype, FIXES CREDIT REPORTs, track calls. He also help retrieve accounts that have been taking by hackers. His charges are affordable, reliable and 100% safe. Contact him via address below...
  13. Hello everyone,my name is anita,i want to share with you how i got a blank atm card that changed my life. I saw a post of a man who got atm card from a guy called jossy,i decided to contact him,he told me how the card work,i gave him a try,i received the card 4 days later,i went to the atm and to my greatest surprise,i was able to withdraw $2000 that day,i was so happy because i lost my job and ever since then,life has been misearable for me.Until now,am still using the card and i have been able to with $50,000. Thanks to Jossy blank card,i now have a business of my own and a car,my family are living well. Am sharing this here because of those who might be in need of it.He is the best guy that sell blank atm card,he is a genius,please contact him at... for yours. 

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  ■ ~ISAIAH: 9:6~ ■ ~6For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall...