Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Vision/Dream of MAGNIFICENT EAGLE & Believers being taken with JESUS

Discussion in 'Sign Gifts' started by Warrior4TheLordMar 14, 2012.

  1. Just woke up from the most beautiful amazing vision/dream I have had in my life. Me, my sister, a family friend, and a few other people I did not recognize (all of whom are Christians and have relationships with God) were driving in a car during the day in Colorado (were I live). As slow down for the red light, I look up in the sky and see the most giant enormous beautiful eagle flying right above our car and around the area we are by (It was so huge I could not believe what I was seeing, but most of all it was the most beautiful bird I have seen in my life, glimmers of golden sparkle were shining off it,it was a golden brown & white color). We were all in shock & awe of this bird, I can't even explain how amazing & vivid it looked. Right after it passed I then got a vision of Jesus coming back for his people, I saw spirits lifting up to the sky & myself in pure white cloth. It ended right there, can someone interpret this beautiful vision of the eagle for me thanks guys!!!:)
    We teamed up with Faith Counseling. Can they help you today?

  2. It strikes me that it was so visible and prominent -- you couldn't miss it. I don't know about you, but I've pushed aside thinking about what Jesus' return might look like, to the point where I think I'd be in total shock. You saw a graceful, mobile, firm, forthright, personal living being. Nothing could stop the eagle or run it down, and there was no doubt it was there.

    A lot of people are getting their own versions of Jesus' return or Heaven lately -- something must be up.
  3. Firewater

    FirewaterRegular ContributorSupporter

    Lovely dream. There's a lot of rich imagery in the bible around eagles.
    Exodus 19:4
    ‘You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.
    This speaks to me of the Lord's yearning for us to be with Him & HIs tender care.
    Deuteronomy 32:11
    like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them aloft.
    There's plenty of stirring going on in the world at the moment! The Lord is hovering over us just like over the car you were travelling in. He speads His wings to catch us when we fall & uderneath are the everlasting arms.

    Psalm 103:5
    who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
    We'll certainly be renewed in our new bodies- no aches & pains :) & that youthful look ;)

    As slow down for the red light (waiting on the Lord), I look up in the sky and see the most giant enormous beautiful eagle flying
    Isaiah 40:31
    But those who wait on the Lord
    Shall renew their strength;
    They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
    They shall run and not be weary,
    They shall walk and not faint.
    Endurance in the last days as we wait for the Lord's return

    Ezekiel 1:10 Their faces looked like this: Each of the four had the face of a human being, and on the right side each had the face of a lion, and on the left the face of an ox; each also had the face of an eagle.
    The eagle can symbolize power & deity- lord of the creatures of the air soaring over the created earth. Some commentators liken these four faces to the revelation of the Lord Jesus in the 4 gospels with the eagle being the gospel of John.
  4. joshycoolyNewbie

    An awesome dream! In revelations it says: she is given two wings of a great eagle to fly into the wilderness. I think your dream may have shown how the lord is with you and will keep you now and in the end times, the spirits taken up may be the christians (and you) in the rapture! So definate re-assurance! Hope it was some help, God Bless :) x
  5. kimmiemaefollower of Yeshua

    Just the title of this reminds me of the book, THE FINAL QUEST by Rick Joyner

    The eagle represents Isaiah 40:31 and Joel 2:28. There is a great power coming upon the earth for those that have waited upon the Lord. Who sit in HIS counsel. Who can be still and know that HE IS GOD. (I don't mean Saints that do nothing).

    Bob Jones is another prophet that speaks of these events and so is John Paul Jackson. I am so excited that the Lord is showing you this!!! Just as the day of Pentecost they waited and were endued with POWER from the Holy Spirit.THis is for the GREAT HARVEST of souls, not just for our enjoyment.
  6. GarySneakersMember

    Beware of this eagle. You have no idea, what or who it is. Spirits can mask their identity
    behind creation. As it passed, it swept you up. But to where? Your dream did not reveal
    that, of course not. Others in this post, point to 4 faced beings of fire and to creation
    Rick Joyner, Bob Jone, etc. So where did the eagle take you? If the eagle returns, yell
    at it to reveal it's self, do not be in shock or awe.
  7. FirewaterRegular ContributorSupporter

    GaryP - welcome back
  8. kimmiemaefollower of Yeshua

    I just keep thinking of this dream and the Lord took me to Joel 2:22-32 this morning. There seems to be an order of endtime events that line up with your dream in verses 2:27-32. I think the eagle is the outpouring of the spirit on ALL mankind. Often we see the dove as a symbol of the Holy Spirit, but the eagle is bigger. All will see the manifest POWER of the Lord. Of course not all will believe, but we must proclaim the GOSPEL with POWER! Amen?

  9. Thank you all for your replies, I appreciate the insight!!!!
  10. xAmadeusxNewbie

    Wow, way to suck the glory right out of her vision. If she could feel the divine glory of Christ clearly it was the lord that showed here these. I had a vision once that I was sure a demon sent, but was revealed to be an angel. Because it was a warning I was headed for hell, something the devil would never show you, it wouldn't make sense. Spirits would never show you things like that, they want to do everything they can to stop you from worshipping.

  11. I love this interpretation & it makes the most sense to me!!!!The eagle is so powerful & versatile!!!
  12. Miss79Junior Member

    I think the eagle was the symbol of God, an eagle never let's his offspring fall he will catch them if they do. Especially because the wings had a golden shine (king-like). :cool:
  13. Laureatewhatisthebaytreeknown4? What's debate reknown for?

    Biblical animals often pertain to a nation, and we all know who America the Beutiful is, with her bald Eagle, the golden eagle is the largest bird of prey in north America, (it is also the national bird of Mexico). You wouldn't know of a nation that is associated with 'Shock and Awe'. Lets see you saw a Great sign/wonder in the sky/heaven, this is exactly how Revelation 12:1starts off, (in verse14) And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. You and the passengers of the vehicle are not only on the same road/path (i.e., Chrstianity) but you also share the same car/core= heart on this path, when you see a red light you slow down and prepare to stop according to law, in Heb. ADM/red = ADM/man + light, hence you collectively saw the light of man, which acc. to John 1:4 is the Word of Eloheem, and when you looked up and saw the grrat sign appear in heaven, means when you come to the word of Eloheem/bible you will look up Rev. 12 and see the great sign mentioned. This vision and scripture indeed pertains to the rapture, if you like to hear more about my take on Rev. (12) I would be delighted to share.

  14. I would love to hear it, thanks for sharing your interpretation!!!

  15. More or less three years ago I had a bizzare dream of a

    humungous white eagle. In it, I was with my brother in a

    train. I noticed that the whole train has a lot of vacant

    seats for people. It seems to me that God wants to send a

    message that few will be able to find the way to heaven.

    When I looked outside I saw a giant eagle, white and

    fluffy as the clouds. At first, I saw it from afar in its

    full body, until it came closer to us. This time, the only

    visible part of that mysterious bird is its head.

    Suddenly, I realized that its not an eagle at all, but

    myriads of angels hovering in the sky forming an eagle. I

    was overwhelmed with what I discovered and began to praise

    the Lord.

    From here, I told my brother to go to our relatives and

    start preaching the Gospel so they too, will know the

    truth,accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and

    eventually be saved. We did it... but while preaching, a

    powerful earthquake shook the ground but that didn't stop

    us from preaching for we are hopeful that they'll be born

    again before our Lord Jesus comes.

    Then as we go outside the house of our relatives, I saw

    people were panicking and confused. They run to and fro

    but aimless. Suddenly I heard a noisome sound that

    captured the attention of everyone. A sound that brought

    chills at the back of my spine but uplift my spirit with

    extraordinary vigor and vitality. I then remember the

    words of our Lord Jesus Christ to his disciples, "look

    above for your redemption is nigh."

    As I lift my gaze in heaven behold the giant, white and

    fluffy eagle is flying just above us. Below it is a white

    temple with 4 Greek pillars in front, that resembles the

    supreme court of our nation or possibly the Jewish Temple.

    I'm not quite sure though. Then the great eagle, once

    again turns out to be a multitude of angels flying in one

    direction. They wear white robes with golden girdles. As I

    saw them, I knew to my self that it is the Glorious

    Appearing of our Lord, His prophesied rapture of the

    church or saints. People were in panic but some, including

    me, lift up our hands above and start praising the Lord.

    In the later part of my dream, I saw flaming and huge

    boulders falling from the sky hitting the inhabited earth.

    Then a great war and distress broke out in the land.

    This is the Second of my three dreams which I think has

    apocalyptic message.
  16. kimmiemaefollower of Yeshua

    Thanks to LaodoceanWatchman for posting this dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Awesome awesome AWESOME God we serve. I thank God for giving you a revelation of the end or beginning of Jesus' reign along with the Bride.

    This dream has a common thread to many dreams about being empowered to preach the gospel and travel quickly. If anyone is interested I can post some of them here????

  17. yes please do:)!!!
  18. kimmiemaefollower of Yeshua

    Here is the first in a series of dreams (they are not my own)
    Patricia’s Dream
    I dream I was at home with my husband and daughter, getting something from the kitchen. There was a blinding flash of light and a shaking/vibration. I started yelling excitedly to my husband, "what just happened, what was that!" We all looked at each other and knew we were changed- we were in physical form but with an incredible light in us that was visible.
    I jumped up in the air a few feet and stayed there. I told my daughter to try. We discovered we weren't bound by physical laws and then realized we could move by thought. We went to find other people this had happened to. We found some people like us celebrating and calling the changed people "the enlightened ones." I wanted to go see the moon since we could move by thought. I went to the moon and was scuffing around in the dust/dirt thinking how cool it was making tracks on the surface. Then I discovered there was a city on the moon. It freaked me a little so I returned to where the celebration was.
    I discovered that the world was in chaos. Society had almost totally broken down. Someone told me "terrorists" had just massacred a group of people outside the building. We discovered there were basically 3 groups of people: the changed ones, the people who were Christians in name only (they were freaking), and the rest of the people who had become like mad dogs wanting to try to kill the changed people and the "Christians." Those of us that were changed were translated various places to witness to the "Christians" and explain salvation.
    We had the power to know any illnesses a person had and instantly heal them. The Christians left behind were “very” sad because they knew they would be martyred for their faith if they received Christ. They knew the antichrist would come to power and the mark would be instituted. It was a hard decision for them. The "mad dog" people were very frustrated and insanely angry because they could not catch us or kill us. These people formed loose gangs to hunt us down, but we would be translated somewhere else, and they couldn't hurt our physical body. After a while society settled down a little and things became less chaotic, but the changed people would continue to appear to people to witness to them. I had the sense that the antichrist had come into power to restore order. The dream was so vivid and incredible. I woke up feeling blown away by how incredible this dream was, and thinking "wow, that makes perfect sense." The dream had a lot more detail, but I've tried to just give a synopsis.
  19. kimmiemaefollower of Yeshua

    Here is another dream (again not mine)

    Manifest Sons Of God Mark 's Dream
    Thursday, April 22, 2004 6:08 PM

    I was inside a large white house. It was seemingly dimly lit, but not uncomfortable. I was standing in the kitchen part of the house when I began to hear noise outside of people scurrying to run and get inside the house. There seemed to be a storm coming. People were running from all directions to get into this house, but I was so curious at the commotion and what the storm was all about and the noise I wanted to go outside and see. When I got outside it was night. What seemed to be daytime moments before when I was in the house was night when I got out. I seemed to be the real odd ball in all this as everyone else was running into the house to get away from the storm. I seemed like one of those real smart people who go down to the beach to watch the tidal waves come in.
    Immediately I looked up into the night sky and everything was as it always has been, but only for a moment – suddenly every star shook from their place like leaves would shake from a tree if hit really hard and in that very same split second the power of God hit me with the force of a tornado wind and a lightning bolt at the same time. I was changed in that "twinkling of an eye", but I was not "caught up". looked down somewhat at the person I now looked like and I seemed much bigger and stronger - seemingly 7 feet tall and very broad shoulders and somewhat like we would picture a warring angel. I seemed twice the body mass as I am now and it was all muscle and no fat, but I was also arrayed in a light bluish robe and I found rings had been put on my fingers. I looked around and it was all daylight again and I knew, without question, I was in the full authority of Christ and walking in the full will of the Father. I had no agendas and no goals or programs – only to walk and do as I was directed. As I looked across the land I could see all the nations of the earth before me and that there were thousands of other people who were changed in the same way as I was and who were all preaching the Gospel of Salvation and were all bringing in a massive harvest. From all nations I could see a great harvest of multitudes of people coming to Christ. These people who were transformed and walked in the power and authority of Christ could do as Christ did in healing, raising the dead, commanding demons to come out of people. I looked and saw all of the nations at once and simultaneously as this harvest was going on there was a forming of the nations for a one world government. I could see the rising of the Anti-Christ leader and the formulation of persecution toward those bringing in this harvest and those who were coming into this harvest, but it seemed almost non-relevant to me – almost like a side issue as the Harvest was the main event and purpose of the times. It seems of late the Lord has me repeatedly writing about the manifest sons of God as this seems to be about again. I continue to state I do not know if I will actually be one, but I am seeing these things through the eyes of such. A point to this is how suddenly it did come and happen. Things were normal one moment then a few moments later it had all changed and there were a large, but specific number of these people who were changed into the image of Christ. Not all who believed in Jesus were changed. As I walked down a dirt road I could see the various emotions that arose from this event. Religious leaders did not get it at all, did not know what to do about it and many cases rose up against it. Some were like Nicodemus and truly wanted to know the truth and did inquire and also came into the harvest. The whole range of the glory of God poured out upon the earth to all the hate and murderous spirits of those who hated Christ was all rising up and flooding the earth at the same time. Lots of young people I saw coming in and I looked and saw many of the older saints were restored to their former strength and seemingly to their youth. They were still the age they were, but seemed they were made also young again.

  20. wow that's an amazing dream, very interesting..

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