Wednesday, April 18, 2018



 – by Joseph Jammer Medina
Man, Avengers: Infinity War is a gift that keeps on giving. The trailers released have been universally praised as strong ones for the upcoming Marvel Studios film. In addition to really teasing the big war that is to come, it didn’t do so at the expense of the characters we have grown to love over the past decade. As such, it has become a master class in fantastic trailer editing.
Of course, editors around the world have taken notice of this and have taken to their YouTube channels to flex their creative muscles, using the Avengers: Infinity War theme in trailers for other big franchises. There are a couple that I have stumbled upon that I find nothing short of perfect.
The first can be seen above, and is a trailer for the beloved Lord of the Rings trilogy from Peter Jackson. Its epic scope, memorable moments, and iconic characters make it the perfect type of movie to set to the Infinity War soundtrack. And can I also take a moment to stress just how well the visual effects hold up today? Because damn.

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The second trailer that wonderfully utilizes the Avengers: Infinity War theme is another high fantasy franchise – Game of Thrones. It too has the necessary scope to make this trailer about as unforgettable as the original. However, as great as it is, it does suffer from one weakness. That weakness is its unfinished nature. What I mean by that is that it is very clear that we still do not have an ending or overall endgame for the series. Regardless, I think fans will get a kick out of this.
What are you think of these two Avengers: Infinity War-style trailers? Lesner your thoughts in the comments down below!

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SOURCE: CarpenterSound, VG934
 Joseph Jammer Medina is an author, podcaster, and editor-in-chief of LRM. A graduate of Chapman University's Dodge College of Film and Television, Jammer's always had a craving for stories. From movies, television, and web content to books, anime, and manga, he's always been something of a story junkie.

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