Tuesday, April 24, 2018



Meaning of Numbers in the Bible
The Number 10

The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 10

In the Bible, the number 10 is used 242 times. The designation "10th" is used 79 times. Ten is also viewed as a complete and perfect number, as is 3, 7 and 12. It is made up of 4, the number of the physical creation, and 6, the number of man. As such, it signifies testimony, law, responsibility and the completeness of order.
In Genesis 1 we find the phrase "God said" 10 times, which is a testimony of His creative power. God gave the 10 Commandments to man. Ten therefore represents man's responsibility to keep the commandments. A tithe is a 10th of our earnings and is a testimony of our faith in the Lord.
The Passover lamb was selected on the 10th day of the 1st month (Exodus 12:3), as was Jesus, the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world (John 12:28 - 29; 1Corinthians 5:7). The 10th day of the 7th month is the Holy Day known as the Day of Atonement. This unique day of fasting pictures the removal of Satan, the author of sin, before the Millennial reign of Jesus begins (Revelation 20:1 - 2). The last great world-ruling kingdom of man under Satan is symbolized prophetically by the 10 toes of Daniel 2 and the 10 horns of Revelation 13 and 17.

Appearances of the number ten

Ten generations of man lived on the earth before the flood waters came and swept away all those who were disobedient. Noah, the tenth generation, was 600 years when he and seven other family members entered the ark. The patriarchs who preceded him are Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methusaleh and Lamech (who was Noah's father). Incredibly, the average age of these 10 patriarchs is 857 years! If we leave out the unusual circumstance of God transporting Enoch at the age of 365, we end up with an average lifespan of 912 years!

Most quoted Old Testament books

The ten Old Testament books most referred to in the New Testament are the following.
  1. The book of Isaiah is referred to 419 times in twenty-three books.
  2. The Psalms are referred to 414 times
  3. Genesis is referred to 260 times
  4. Exodus is referred to 250 times
  5. Deuteronomy is referred to 208 times
  6. Ezekiel is referred to 141 times
  7. Daniel is referred to 133 times
  8. Jeremiah is referred to 125 times
  9. Leviticus is referred to 107 times
  10. Numbers is referred to 73 times

Women who caused the death of another person

  • Sisera killed by a woman who drove a peg through his head (Judges 4:21)
  • Abimelech was killed by a woman who dropped a milestone on his head (Judges 9:52-53)
  • A woman caused Sheba's head to be cut off (2Samuel 20:1, 21-22)
  • A harlot accidentally rolls over and kills her infant child (1Kings 3:19)
  • Jezebel, wife of King Ahab, has the prophets of God killed (1Kings 18:4)
  • Jezebel has Naboth, who owned a vineyard her husband Ahab wanted, murdered (1Kings 21:9-10)
  • A starving women, in the besieged city of Samaria, boils and eats her son (2Kings 6:24-29)
  • Athaliah, the mother of King Ahaziah, has all the royal seed killed (2Kings 11:1)
  • Esther has Haman's ten sons, which were enemies of the Jews, hanged (Esther 9:13-14)
  • The head of John the Baptist is requested of Herod, by Herodias, through her daughter (Matthew 14:8)

How is the number 10 related to the Exodus?

The ten plagues God sent on ancient Egypt, in order to free his people, represented his complete and total judgment of the pagan empire.
  1. The Nile River is turned into blood
  2. Plague of Frogs
  3. Plague of Lice
  4. Swarms of Beasts
  5. Plague on the Cattle
  6. Boils
  7. Great storm of hail, thunder and lightening
  8. Locusts
  9. Darkness over the entire land for three days
  10. The death of the firstborn of both man and beast

Additional information on the Biblical Meaning of 10

There are at least 10 books, mentioned in the Old Testament, which did not become part of the finalized Bible we read today. They are sometimes referred to as the 'lost books.'
  • The Book of the Wars of the Lord (Numbers 21:14)
  • The Book of Jasher (Joshua 10:13; 2Samuel 1:18)
  • The Book of the Acts of Solomon (1Kings 11:41)
  • The Book of Nathan the Prophet (1Chronicles 29:29)
  • The Book of Gad the Seer (1Chronicles 29:29)
  • The Prophecy of Ahijah the Shiloite (2Chronicles 9:29)
  • The Visions of Iddo the Seer (2Chronicles 9:29)
  • The Book of Shemaiah the Prophet (2Chronicles 12:15)
  • The Book of Jehu the Son of Hanani (2Chronicles 20:34)
  • The Sayings of Hosai (2Chronicles 33:19)
Additional Study Materials
Biblical Meaning of Numbers
1  -  2  -  3  -  4  -  5  -  6  -  7  -  8  -  9  -  10
11  -  12  -  13  -  14  -  15  -  16  -  17  -  18  -  19  -  20
21  -  22  -  23  -  24  -  25  -  27  -  28  -  29  -  30  -  31  -  33
34  -  40  -  42  -  44  -  50  -  65  -  70  -  120  -  153  -  200
390  -  400  -  430  -  444  -  490  -  666  -  1000

Number in Scripture:
Its Supernatural Design and Spiritual Significance
Some information on the
meaning of the number 10 derived from
The Holy Bible in Its Original Order, Second Edition

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