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P.S. You received this message because received the following message:
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2018 23:11:33 +0000
From: "kim Lapointe rev.12" <>
To: Amazon Prime <>
Subject: Re: Your Prime Membership: New books in Prime Reading, new movies and
TV shows in Prime, your Prime horoscope and more
On Sat, Mar 31, 2018, 2:54 PM Amazon Prime <> wrote:
> Plus member deals, tips, playlists and products
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Fref%3Dpe_33269 60_277955900_pe_sef_logo&H=SY7 M93PRWX3BSC8MO57IYYJYA5QA&ref_ =pe_3326960_277955900_pe_sef_ logo>
> Get the most out of your Prime membership: Be the first to know what's new
> and included with Prime. Check out Prime Insider
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%3Fref_%3Dpe_3326 960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_intro& H=K43KRU2Z2T4QO2KWMZWNWXUVVSKA &ref_=pe_3326960_277955900_pmw n_3>
> New and last chance books in Prime Reading
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Freading%2Fspri ng-page-turners.html%3Fref_% 3Dpe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3. 31_prnew_nws_pr_tit1&H=2ERRLJA 4049WDLGHBSI0KV0AA3UA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fdp%2FB01069X4H0%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_pr new_nws_pr_img1&H=A1Y25LM4CP5P 5AL4QPG5UWHJCMOA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fdp%2FB00N2A6HLG%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_pr new_nws_pr_img1&H=XFJKVDEDTQA7 CSPG9EHPGAOOBA4A&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fdp%2FB003IEJZV0%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_pr new_nws_pr_img1&H=GU8QTNK70JXC LKPQGUEASRRAFSAA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fdp%2FB07B7L6Y5G%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_pr new_nws_pr_img1&H=TNTCILSL1DAP OR18UXTGZ9IGATWA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fdp%2FB01BEGV5DY%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_pr new_nws_pr_img1&H=HBRMF6HWDRYK M4IKQWIOEVY9OMOA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fdp%2FB00NAJZDIM%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_pr new_nws_pr_img1&H=UIOGP8BK0LDC L0CRYOACOXKBDKCA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> Your Prime membership includes more than 1,000 books, magazines and comics
> available to download and read for free. Here are 7 new books to try
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Freading%2Fspri ng-page-turners.html%3Fref_% 3Dpe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3. 31_prnew_nws_pr_cpy1&H=NMNOW0A E7YVXAZ7QFIXCBLLTTNGA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>,
> including the *The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons
> in Personal Change, Good and Cheap: Eat Well on $4/Day* and *Those Who
> Save Us*. We also recommend Amazon Original Story *The Victims' Club* by
> Jeffery Deaver.
> Last chance: Check out *In the Company of Women* by Grace Bonney,
> *Wreckage* by Emily Bleeker and other popular books rotating out
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fs%2F%3Frh%3Di%253Adigital- text%252Cn%253A154606011% 26sort%3Dpopularity-rank% 26hidden-keywords% 3DB01BEGV5DY%7CB00NAJZDIM% 7CB0070ZLZ1G%7CB01AW25FPU% 7CB008HALOEQ%7CB009ODR5HA%7C% 26ref_%3Dpe_3326960_277955900_ pmwn_3.31_prnew_nws_pr_cpy2&H= R1VOKXLSRFZYJDP536SA7MWCNRSA&r ef_=pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_ 3>.
> Remember, once you download a book you have as long as youd like to read
> it.
> To start reading, download the Kindle app
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fkindle-dbs%2Ffd%2Fkcp%3Fref_ %3Dpe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_ 3.31_prnew_nws_pr_cpy3&H=CCOJX OYNA1WYHFNEA1BARVSMHVAA&ref_= pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> on any smartphone, tablet, Mac or PC. Learn more about your Prime reading
> benefits here
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Freading%2Fprim e-reading-perks.html%3Fref_% 3Dpe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3. 31_prnew_nws_pr_cpy4&H=4DDJTLA VYOFZEUGROKRCLATNAV0A&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> and find book recommendations on Amazon Charts
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fcharts%2F%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ prnew_nws_pr_cpy5&H=CJWIFYHXVK W8KRFACN8NY7GBQS8A&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>.
> New TV shows and movies on Prime in April
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Fvideo%2Fcoming -pv-april.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ pvnew_nws_pv_tit1&H=SC2DSK3LNA UXSFFNDDCYKSOX1XEA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fdp%2FB079T2HPTY%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_pv new_nws_pv_img1&H=MMNNQMASG1JX 3AAQO3PP72OGNH4A&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fdp%2FB079QF9FFS%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_pv new_nws_pv_img1&H=9EYIEMOTQK6P PAWB7G4ALCMOYMWA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fdp%2FB0764NTXSC%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_pv new_nws_pv_img1&H=1FIFA8FOPC9Y 4BPWQ0HFWFB7SSIA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fdp%2FB0797F5CPJ%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_pv new_nws_pv_img1&H=AAB9WZ1CW71R DDWBJUNGPXZF7EEA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fdp%2FB077BSH541%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_pv new_nws_pv_img1&H=ANGATZYKKRKA EQWPMJFJL0LKHQOA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fdp%2FB076KY88MY%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_pv new_nws_pv_img1&H=QEE004RGMBDF KPDD77GAYRQV8AGA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> Stream now: Prime Original *Bosch* returns for a fourth season. Watch or
> re-watch the first three seasons
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fgp%2Fvideo%2Fdetail% 2FB00I3MQNWG%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ pvnew_nws_pv_cpy2&H=75A19JASPO GERBFA8TSMQNAV6MOA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> of the detective series before diving in. Or check out the debut season of
> the new Prime Original series, *The Dangerous Book for Boys*.
> Coming soon: If you're not in a TV mood, look for *The Florida Project*,
> an award-winning film that follows a precocious six-year-old girl over the
> course of a summer. (Tip: Have a box of tissues handy.)
> Other April additions include fresh seasons of *Red Rock* and *Vikings*,
> and critically acclaimed film *The Killing of a Sacred Deer*. Find
> everything new on Prime
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Fvideo%2Fcoming -pv-april.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ pvnew_nws_pv_cpy3&H=UX3DT5ELEY CCAHOYB5JLZLSB3JEA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>,
> which includes thousands of movies and TV shows to stream at no additional
> cost.
> Editor's pick: Prime Original *The Dangerous Book for Boys*
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2FSeason-1-Official-Trailer% 2Fdp%2FB079T2HPTY%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ed pick_edi1_pv1_tit1&H=4B6VNGLMA LJ9XKBTLAQBHG6MR9AA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> [image: Editor's Pick]
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2FSeason-1-Official-Trailer% 2Fdp%2FB079T2HPTY%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ed pick_edi1_pv1_img1&H=9RVO3MAHV ZYRKQTDDHYWDAR4LHWA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> New Prime Original series *The Dangerous Book for Boys*
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2FSeason-1-Official-Trailer% 2Fdp%2FB079T2HPTY%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ed pick_edi1_pv1_cpy1&H=XA1JYPVBM KXXGR8SOUMVNNWCECEA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>,
> inspired by the book of the same name, is a heartwarming story of a family
> overcoming loss. Tune in to the debut season, available exclusively to
> Prime members
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2FSeason-1-Official-Trailer% 2Fdp%2FB079T2HPTY%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ed pick_edi1_pv1_cpy2&H=HJX36BLRA VVO65XSRSRBYBAIYZSA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>.
> Your Prime horoscope
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Fvideo%2Fpv-hor oscope-april.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ horoscope_nws1_pv1_tit1&H=NJ35 RCPMFNDTLCHVAKBO54AIZUIA&ref_= pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> [image: Prime Video Horoscope]
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Fvideo%2Fpv-hor oscope-april.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ horoscope_nws1_pv1_img1&H=LH8A NLXT0NVEHVWLX5XIVGPBHT4A&ref_= pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> There is not enough time in the day to watch everything we seriously get
> it. Here's a shortcut to finding your next favorite title. Discover which
> TV show or movie is predicted to pair best with your Zodiac sign
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Fvideo%2Fpv-hor oscope-april.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ horoscope_nws1_pv1_cpy1&H=XX22 ANFTBGCAUJXIBMRRAGQLGC4A&ref_= pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>.
> Get your Prime horoscope here
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Fvideo%2Fpv-hor oscope-april.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ horoscope_nws1_pv1_cpy2&H=YYHJ TSBCGU1NNIPAOFSKKCAQSBEA&ref_= pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>.
> Top playlists in Prime
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Fmusic%2Fpm-top -playlists.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ pmtop_tre_pm_tit1&H=KRKBPW2MMM HFGYDHJBX8VQCIM5YA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fdp%2FB07BDQ7NG3%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_da nger_new_pv_img1&H=E2HRA8S0BWC HAXHEZ0ZJOYPRUJCA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fdp%2FB079DYD9RJ%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_da nger_new_pv_img1&H=IWE2KPWCU8I A5IO6P6BAOUKESY4A&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> When it comes to setting the right vibes, playlists have changed the game.
> Check out the top 10 most popular playlists on Prime in March
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Fmusic%2Fpm-top -playlists.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ pmtop_tre_pm_cpy1&H=BTTOIU0XSC 64Q5W8V5AJIZ35WRMA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>.
> Explore more than 2 million songs, plus thousands of playlists and
> stations, all available to stream on Prime Music
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fgp%2Fdmusic%2Fpromotions%2FP rimeMusic%3Fref_%3Dpe_3326960_ 277955900_pmwn_3.31_pmtop_tre_ pm_cpy2&H=OPHOOYBNNCGEOW7WBXHU XARHZGKA&ref_=pe_3326960_ 277955900_pmwn_3>
> at no additional cost to your membership.
> Top pop on Prime
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Fmusic%2Fprime- music-pop.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ pmguide_tip1_pm1_tit1&H=VAX9MF L77CQ40WD1OAZHIF1RFV4A&ref_= pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> [image: Prime Music playlists]
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Fmusic%2Fprime- music-pop.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ pmguide_tip1_pm1_img1&H=4RPWWQ HPNFKTGON9YRFHTUIHNACA&ref_= pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> Are you an unabashed Michael Jackson fan? Or do you listen to Lady Gaga or
> The Weeknd on the sly? Whatever the case, check out our top pop on Prime
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Fmusic%2Fprime- music-pop.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ pmguide_tip1_pm1_cpy1&H=PWAGZD DLT6J82EXQFVDIOASBIAOA&ref_= pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> a compilation of hit songs, albums and playlists curated by Amazon's
> music experts. This selection will get even the most reluctant of pop fans
> on the dance floor, or at least secretly tapping their feet. Explore top
> pop on Prime
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Fmusic%2Fprime- music-pop.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ pmguide_tip1_pm1_cpy2&H=KQSYTR CFP4V5WADOCOQ7SEAXYLEA&ref_= pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>.
> Member deal on a Prime-exclusive device
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fb%3Fnode%3D10667898011% 26ref_%3Dpe_3326960_277955900_ pmwn_3.31_pmdeal_pro1_oth1_ tit1&H=CHKQA7UVJNXGKNQL33HRLMU 8M3IA&ref_=pe_3326960_ 277955900_pmwn_3>
> [image: Prime Member Deal]
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fb%3Fnode%3D10667898011% 26ref_%3Dpe_3326960_277955900_ pmwn_3.31_pmdeal_pro1_oth1_ img1&H=LRYFNAH0ABTIPB0J6NHQNNI UKYAA&ref_=pe_3326960_ 277955900_pmwn_3>
> Running low on your favorite products? Reorder with the simple push of Dash
> Button
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fb%3Fnode%3D10667898011% 26ref_%3Dpe_3326960_277955900_ pmwn_3.31_pmdeal_pro1_oth1_ cpy1&H=GXKUWTDGK0E1KPOMRAJSABB ARJIA&ref_=pe_3326960_ 277955900_pmwn_3>,
> a Prime-exclusive device available for just $4.99. For a limited time, you
> can get a second Dash Button for free. We recommend keeping one in the
> kitchen and one in the laundry room, so you dont ever run out of paper
> towels or laundry detergent. Learn more here
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fb%3Fnode%3D10667898011% 26ref_%3Dpe_3326960_277955900_ pmwn_3.31_pmdeal_pro1_oth1_ cpy2&H=K3ZE9WDW6P0Z6GPLR8R8VN4 CQ8EA&ref_=pe_3326960_ 277955900_pmwn_3>.
> [image: Prime Insider Tip]
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Ftips%2Fprime-p hotos-legacy.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ pitip_nws1_oth1_tit1&H=RHOBWEX ABRPBZ7RXFQUIZ1V7X4MA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> [image: Prime Insider Tip]
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Ftips%2Fprime-p hotos-legacy.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ pitip_nws1_oth1_img1&H=NLLWUEO SAJ0TZRDWSJI9NIS2ESSA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> *This is the third in a series of photography tips for Prime members.*
> Whether you prefer a smartphone or camera, there are photos you shouldn't
> forget to take. Here are some "can't miss" photo opportunities to think
> about and look for
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Ftips%2Fprime-p hotos-legacy.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ pitip_tip1_oth1_cpy1&H=6EMSEAK 6C7SZPXLUEDISIG4TSJUA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>,
> recommended by the experts at DPReview.
> In case you missed it: Learn how to take everyday photos when you're busy
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Ftips%2Fphotos- day-in-life.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ pitip_tip1_oth1_cpy2&H=AMWSTXI YBI2MECODBVVMOGRPGBWA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> (first in series) and make your photos shine
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Ftips%2Fmake-ph otos-shine.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_33 26960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_piti p_tip1_oth1_cpy3&H=AINNCYKAVQ9 50YRC3IHGA15JQCWA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> (second in series).
> And remember, as a Prime member you get free unlimited photo storage
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2FCloud-Drive-Storage%2Fb% 3Fie%3DUTF8%26node% 3D13234696011%26ref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ pitip_tip1_oth1_cpy4&H=CKBW1C8 G3PEJEGFKBFBNPFOLBAIA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>.
> [image: Prime Insider Spotlight]
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fs%3Frh%3Di%253Agrocery% 252Cn%253A16310101%252Cn%253A% 252116310211%252Cn%253A1632272 1%252Cn%253A16323101%252Cp_89% 253AHappy%2520Belly%257CWicked ly%2520Prime%26bbn%3D16323101% 26ie%3DUTF8%26ref%3DCPL_PNL_ FB_TrailMix0331%26ref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ spo_spo1_exc1_tit1&H=EHW0A3JHQ ZUOGA0KLCYOEA8PPZSA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> [image: Prime Insider Spotlight]
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fs%3Frh%3Di%253Agrocery% 252Cn%253A16310101%252Cn%253A% 252116310211%252Cn%253A1632272 1%252Cn%253A16323101%252Cp_89% 253AHappy%2520Belly%257CWicked ly%2520Prime%26bbn%3D16323101% 26ie%3DUTF8%26ref%3DCPL_PNL_ FB_TrailMix0331%26ref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ spo_spo1_exc1_img1&H=SNUAT6CMK HP0RZBCLD2VXURRDAGA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> *Fuel your next adventure:* Prime-exclusive Happy Belly and Wickedly
> Prime trail mixes may be the greatest snack ever, perfect for outdoor
> excursions, workday breaks or late night cravings. Whether you go classic
> and crunchy
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fdp%2FB071GB5H9C%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_sp o_spo1_exc1_cpy1&H=FKAWGBAQNPS 3I6CQZVEBBTEDCWQA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> or indulgent and exotic
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fdp%2FB071WYB1XW%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_sp o_spo1_exc1_cpy2&H=HQXAQMISX6D K1NCENKZD3TX0FAWA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> is up to you.
> As one customer described, "This is probably my 5th [bag of Happy Belly
> trail mix] and they never disappoint. This trail mix is mostly nuts, which
> we like in this house. You get a handful of nuts, with the little bits of
> sweetness from raisins and chocolate. For me, the ratio is perfect." Shop
> all Happy Belly and Wickedly Prime trail mixes
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fs%3Frh%3Di%253Agrocery% 252Cn%253A16310101%252Cn%253A% 252116310211%252Cn%253A1632272 1%252Cn%253A16323101%252Cp_89% 253AHappy%2520Belly%257CWicked ly%2520Prime%26bbn%3D16323101% 26ie%3DUTF8%26ref%3DCPL_PNL_ FB_TrailMix0331%26ref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ spo_spo1_exc1_cpy3&H=WKXYZE01Y IMNSTX79UHRASIVF6AA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>.
> What's new in Prime Samples this month
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fsamples%3Fref_%3Dpe_3326960_ 277955900_pmwn_3.31_pmsamples_ new1_exc1_tit1&H=DB3WGT3STZRFN VAPZ31TCS8YN4GA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> [image: Prime Samples]
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fsamples%3Fref_%3Dpe_3326960_ 277955900_pmwn_3.31_pmsamples_ new1_exc1_img1&H=HYWXYOXNCA3HO ACIFSP1ZZBJND4A&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> This month, check out new samples and sample boxes
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fsamples%3Fref_%3Dpe_3326960_ 277955900_pmwn_3.31_pmsamples_ new1_exc1_cpy1&H=IKXRVNG2FI597 KSRTCS3AQXL0RUA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> available for members through Prime Samples. When you purchase a sample
> product or box of different samples, you earn a credit that you can use
> toward a full-size product. Take a look at what's new in Prime Samples
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fsamples%3Fref_%3Dpe_3326960_ 277955900_pmwn_3.31_pmsamples_ new1_exc1_cpy2&H=QKIVRR0RGNDHB 2CIYLDBCGCA84IA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>.
> Rent movies with Prime
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= ememberdeals%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ pvrentals_nws1_pv1_tit1&H=GAQ1 I6M5NDC9RGPCGSSEVX3C3RSA&ref_= pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> [image: Prime Movie Rentals]
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= ememberdeals%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ pvrentals_nws1_pv1_img1&H=IWE3 KI8WFEQYLNW0PRVES0P7VTCA&ref_= pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> Your Prime membership unlocks exclusive discounts on digital movie rentals
> and purchases. Featured titles will change, so check the rent/buy deals
> page often for exclusive and timely offers
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimememberdeals%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ pvrentals_nws1_pv1_cpy1&H=IIQS WVWX103DDSA9WSFLVOZEQK4A&ref_= pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>.
> Through April 1: Rent *The Shape of Water*
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2FShape-Water-Sally-Hawkins% 2Fdp%2FB078HLD83H%2F%3Fref_% 3Dpe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3. 31_pvrentals_nws1_pv1_cpy2&H=M ACAVZPCMSYLQE92BPGTMGIUIT4A&re f_=pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3 >,
> *It*
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2FBill-Skarsgard%2Fdp% 2FB0756VMDV5%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ pvrentals_nws1_pv1_cpy3&H=YVGW EWPNDMQLVNI9MG01Z5OHXD0A&ref_= pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>,
> *Wonder*
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2FWonder-Julia-Roberts%2Fdp%2F B0786YMWXR%2F%3Fref_%3Dpe_3326 960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_pvrent als_nws1_pv1_cpy4&H=DWNDALAMVX L6PEQKQQMHAKLED2GA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>,
> and other recent releases for $2.99. See all Prime-exclusive deals on
> rentals and purchases
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimememberdeals%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ pvrentals_nws1_pv1_cpy5&H=785I V0NAO8AOHHIGC0PU0BLWA6AA&ref_= pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>.
> Member Corner: Customers love *Roseanne*
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2FLife-and-Stuff%2Fdp% 2FB07482B1R8%2F%26ref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ mcorner_nws1_pv1_tit1&H=MYG86A UYJ48NA9DI6YRTBAHCBJWA&ref_= pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> [image: Member corner]
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2FLife-and-Stuff%2Fdp% 2FB07482B1R8%2F%26ref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ mcorner_nws1_pv1_img1&H=JIGTOU GLSZWKJ8MYAA6AFHOHHAAA&ref_= pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> What a throwback: The *Roseanne* revival season just started on ABC and
> you can stream all nine seasons of the classic family series on Prime
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2FLife-and-Stuff%2Fdp% 2FB07482B1R8%2F%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ mcorner_nws1_pv1_cpy1&H=1AUTAF AXTARGX7UNJQ63TA0JU90A&ref_= pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>.
> We didn't have to look hard to find rave reviews of Roseanne by customers:
> *"This show goes down as a masterpiece; it's exactly what a TV show should
> be: Hysterically funny, profound, insightful, relevant, and, above all,
> completely entertaining."*
> *"Viewing this 'time-capsule' today brings me back and if for just 20
> minutes at a time the world seems a bit less threatening and a lot more
> approachable." *
> For more nostalgia, check out five other recommended '80s TV series
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Fvideo%2Ftv-cla ssics.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_3326960 _277955900_pmwn_3.31_mcorner_ nws1_pv1_cpy2&H=LAVBKIH9BQLXCL TVCZZSAATGEHSA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> or explore the full lineup of classic TV
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2FInstant-Video%2Fb%3Fnode%3D1 7142743011%26ref_%3Dpe_3326960 _277955900_pmwn_3.31_mcorner_ nws1_pv1_cpy3&H=NRIIBZ7EAEDUHS AGYL4RNU1DN3YA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> available in Prime.
> *P.S. We want your feedback!* Let us know what you think about this
> newsletter
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= https%3A%2F%2Famazonww. 2FSV_9piUTkcdcqNV4t7%3Fref_% 3Dpmwn_3.31_survey_nws1_pv1_ cpy4&H=GAJ5A2WN76B6ZQDXQT41WX6 PMCOA>
> by taking a quick survey. *This survey is hosted by an external party
> (Qualtrics), so the survey link does not lead to our website. Survey
> responses are subject to Amazon's Privacy Notice
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= com%2Fgp%2Fhelp%2Fcustomer% 2Fdisplay.html%3FnodeId% 3D468496%26ref_%3Dpe_3326960_ 277955900_pmwn_3.31_survey_ nws1_pv1_cpy5&H=8TIOWXGVVJAYTB CZPU2PWV9WYLQA&ref_=pe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>*.
> In case you missed it
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Freading%2Fpr-t op-reviewed.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_3 326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_icy mititle_nws1_oth1_tit1&H=S1285 CUJNXMMIVUBIK8ULXQTK2GA&ref_= pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> - Top 10 reviewed books in Prime Reading
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Freading%2Fpr-t op-reviewed.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_3 326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_icy mitop10pr_tre1_pr1_cpy1&H=HRG1 JO4T2EGRTGAVNIIKCBDWB5GA&ref_= pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> - 7 new ways Prime members can use Alexa
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Ftips%2Fnew-wit h-alexa.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_33269 60_277955900_pmwn_3.31_icymi7w aysalexa_tip1_oth1_cpy2&H=CUOW QN5MU5B6APMOHBIRW62XLXGA&ref_= pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> - Prime guide to rock
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Fmusic%2Frock-m usic-guide.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_33 26960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_icym ipmguide_tip1_pm1_cpy3&H=V2SKE WGEV4FVTLNS9H3MEUCHR9YA&ref_= pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> - Thrillingly fun movies and shows on Prime
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Fvideo%2Fpv-thr illing-fun.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ icymipv_nws1_pv1_cpy4&H=SNMZDA 2Q2AK6HVXNG6ZPVWESSREA&ref_= pe_3326960_277955900_pmwn_3>
> - 4 ways to Prime like The Tick
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Fvideo%2Fprime- like-tick.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ icymi4waystick_tip1_pv1_cpy5& H=SY8QFCARQDBLRUHA2PL7SAAYGYAA &ref_=pe_3326960_277955900_pmw n_3>
> - 7 ways Prime Student helps with college
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= Fprimeinsider%2Ftips%2Fprime-s tudent-guide.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwn_3.31_ icymi7waysstudent_tip1_oth1_ cpy6&H=WIVL1KRUMGIKZRBEUNYSYJB X2PCA&ref_=pe_3326960_ 277955900_pmwn_3>
> As a Prime member you have access to a number of premium benefits all
> included with your membership. Explore everything included with Prime
> < tml?C=364SCWRSFG6XZ&K=S7WVNA2V R6OD&M=urn:rtn:msg:20180331185 452209b932437a447128a270ee0472 0p0na&R=6S3YX6XZ46WL&T=C&U= 2Fdp%2FB00DBYBNEE%3Fref_%3Dpe_ 3326960_277955900_pmwnfooterpm p&H=D31X0SPLHGAGSL5EUGZ25XBTRF QA&ref_=pe_3326960_277955900_p mwnfooterpmp>
> .
> Know someone who would enjoy the weekly Prime newsletter? Forward this to
> your friends or family and ask them to subscribe
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> Dont forget to also subscribe to the Video
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> and Music
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P.S. You received this message because received the following message:
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2018 23:11:33 +0000
From: "kim Lapointe rev.12" <>
To: Amazon Prime <>
Subject: Re: Your Prime Membership: New books in Prime Reading, new movies and
TV shows in Prime, your Prime horoscope and more
On Sat, Mar 31, 2018, 2:54 PM Amazon Prime <> wrote:
> Plus member deals, tips, playlists and products
> Get the most out of your Prime membership: Be the first to know what's new
> and included with Prime. Check out Prime Insider
> New and last chance books in Prime Reading
> <
> <
> <
> <
> <
> <
> Your Prime membership includes more than 1,000 books, magazines and comics
> available to download and read for free. Here are 7 new books to try
> including the *The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons
> in Personal Change, Good and Cheap: Eat Well on $4/Day* and *Those Who
> Save Us*. We also recommend Amazon Original Story *The Victims' Club* by
> Jeffery Deaver.
> Last chance: Check out *In the Company of Women* by Grace Bonney,
> *Wreckage* by Emily Bleeker and other popular books rotating out
> <
> Remember, once you download a book you have as long as youd like to read
> it.
> To start reading, download the Kindle app
> on any smartphone, tablet, Mac or PC. Learn more about your Prime reading
> benefits here
> and find book recommendations on Amazon Charts
> New TV shows and movies on Prime in April
> <
> <
> <
> <
> <
> <
> Stream now: Prime Original *Bosch* returns for a fourth season. Watch or
> re-watch the first three seasons
> of the detective series before diving in. Or check out the debut season of
> Coming soon: If you're not in a TV mood, look for *The Florida Project*,
> an award-winning film that follows a precocious six-year-old girl over the
> course of a summer. (Tip: Have a box of tissues handy.)
> and critically acclaimed film *The Killing of a Sacred Deer*. Find
> everything new on Prime
> <
> which includes thousands of movies and TV shows to stream at no additional
> cost.
> <
> [image: Editor's Pick]
> <
> New Prime Original series *The Dangerous Book for Boys*
> <
> inspired by the book of the same name, is a heartwarming story of a family
> overcoming loss. Tune in to the debut season, available exclusively to
> Prime members
> Your Prime horoscope
> <
> [image: Prime Video Horoscope]
> <
> There is not enough time in the day to watch everything we seriously get
> it. Here's a shortcut to finding your next favorite title. Discover which
> TV show or movie is predicted to pair best with your Zodiac sign
> Get your Prime horoscope here
> <
> Top playlists in Prime
> <
> <
> <
> When it comes to setting the right vibes, playlists have changed the game.
> Check out the top 10 most popular playlists on Prime in March
> Explore more than 2 million songs, plus thousands of playlists and
> stations, all available to stream on Prime Music
> at no additional cost to your membership.
> <
> [image: Prime Music playlists]
> <
> Are you an unabashed Michael Jackson fan? Or do you listen to Lady Gaga or
> The Weeknd on the sly? Whatever the case, check out our top pop on Prime
> a compilation of hit songs, albums and playlists curated by Amazon's
> music experts. This selection will get even the most reluctant of pop fans
> on the dance floor, or at least secretly tapping their feet. Explore top
> pop on Prime
> Member deal on a Prime-exclusive device
> [image: Prime Member Deal]
> <
> Running low on your favorite products? Reorder with the simple push of Dash
> Button
> a Prime-exclusive device available for just $4.99. For a limited time, you
> can get a second Dash Button for free. We recommend keeping one in the
> towels or laundry detergent. Learn more here
> [image: Prime Insider Tip]
> <
> [image: Prime Insider Tip]
> <
> *This is the third in a series of photography tips for Prime members.*
> Whether you prefer a smartphone or camera, there are photos you shouldn't
> forget to take. Here are some "can't miss" photo opportunities to think
> about and look for
> recommended by the experts at DPReview.
> In case you missed it: Learn how to take everyday photos when you're busy
> (first in series) and make your photos shine
> (second in series).
> And remember, as a Prime member you get free unlimited photo storage
> [image: Prime Insider Spotlight]
> <
> [image: Prime Insider Spotlight]
> <
> *Fuel your next adventure:* Prime-exclusive Happy Belly and Wickedly
> Prime trail mixes may be the greatest snack ever, perfect for outdoor
> excursions, workday breaks or late night cravings. Whether you go classic
> and crunchy
> or indulgent and exotic
> <
> is up to you.
> As one customer described, "This is probably my 5th [bag of Happy Belly
> trail mix] and they never disappoint. This trail mix is mostly nuts, which
> we like in this house. You get a handful of nuts, with the little bits of
> sweetness from raisins and chocolate. For me, the ratio is perfect." Shop
> all Happy Belly and Wickedly Prime trail mixes
> What's new in Prime Samples this month
> [image: Prime Samples]
> <
> This month, check out new samples and sample boxes
> available for members through Prime Samples. When you purchase a sample
> product or box of different samples, you earn a credit that you can use
> toward a full-size product. Take a look at what's new in Prime Samples
> Rent movies with Prime
> <
> [image: Prime Movie Rentals]
> <
> Your Prime membership unlocks exclusive discounts on digital movie rentals
> and purchases. Featured titles will change, so check the rent/buy deals
> page often for exclusive and timely offers
> Through April 1: Rent *The Shape of Water*
> <
> *It*
> <
> *Wonder*
> <
> and other recent releases for $2.99. See all Prime-exclusive deals on
> rentals and purchases
> Member Corner: Customers love *Roseanne*
> <
> [image: Member corner]
> <
> What a throwback: The *Roseanne* revival season just started on ABC and
> you can stream all nine seasons of the classic family series on Prime
> We didn't have to look hard to find rave reviews of Roseanne by customers:
> be: Hysterically funny, profound, insightful, relevant, and, above all,
> *"Viewing this 'time-capsule' today brings me back and if for just 20
> minutes at a time the world seems a bit less threatening and a lot more
> For more nostalgia, check out five other recommended '80s TV series
> or explore the full lineup of classic TV
> available in Prime.
> *P.S. We want your feedback!* Let us know what you think about this
> newsletter
> <
> by taking a quick survey. *This survey is hosted by an external party
> (Qualtrics), so the survey link does not lead to our website. Survey
> responses are subject to Amazon's Privacy Notice
> In case you missed it
> - Top 10 reviewed books in Prime Reading
> <
> - 7 new ways Prime members can use Alexa
> <
> - Prime guide to rock
> <
> - Thrillingly fun movies and shows on Prime
> <
> - 4 ways to Prime like The Tick
> <
> - 7 ways Prime Student helps with college
> <
> As a Prime member you have access to a number of premium benefits all
> included with your membership. Explore everything included with Prime
> .
> Know someone who would enjoy the weekly Prime newsletter? Forward this to
> your friends or family and ask them to subscribe
> Dont forget to also subscribe to the Video
> <
> and Music
> <
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