Monday, April 4, 2016

Fruit flies,on the Sand;Making their own personal Jesuses their; I &Hoky spirit custom fit to go&the assemblies of mold

~Dream:April 4th 2016th~©

Drempt It was a dark outside but it was daytime,
I was looking at a park,
It looked like a State park(forestry) with a lake with a beach in the background,
 I then knew it was the State Park in my hometown,
In this park there were picnic tables
lined up and all of the picnic tables were on top of beach sand,
at each table I saw women sitting,
and they each had a bowl in front of them,
And each bowl had fruit in it,
As I looked at the fruit,
I saw that it was rotting and there were fruit flies on it,
in it and flying all around it,
Next I could see that the women were not even noticing the fruit flies
Or that the fruit was rotten,
and they were talking to eachother but they were not looking at eachother,
I looked over to the one of the picnic tables that was in the row and I saw the red-dragon filipina asian heritage false prophet and she was talking to the people at her table,
She also had her bible with her and she was rummaging through it,
I could see that her bible had all of these papers stuffed into it and most of the pages of her bible had also had been ripped out and they as I looked I could see she had put the pages that had been torn out from her bible back into her bible but they were now all in the wrong places,
Her bible was completely disorganized;
out of order,
I could also see that she had put money into her bible,
I could also see that there were things that she had circled and underlined and as I watched her she also was eating the rotten fruit in the bowl that was in front of her,
I felt sick watching these women eat that rotten fruit and then I had seen that her daughter was also at that table with her,
and she too was eating the rotten fruit,
Next I was now in this scene with these women and I noticed that I absolutely was sitting on a throne in this State Park,
I was in Front of these women,
I had a Long Beautiful tapestry garment(Queen"s Robe) on with A Crown upon my head,
I was also wearing ballet shoes that matched my Tapestry Robe,
The Tapestry Garment had buttons all down the front of it and I could see the thread stitching next to each button,
It was So Beautiful to me rev.12,
&it also had A Beautiful Design; Crosses all over it,
I had in my rev.12 hands and upon my rev.12 lap: A fruit Bowl of my own,
&My rev.12 Arms were wrapped around it,
It was So Big and Full of All kinds of Fresh Ripe Fruit,
My rev.12 fruit was Beautiful,in color,in size,in texture and in quantity and assortment,
 I was very happy looking at my fruit,
It was Absolutely Beautiful Fruit,
And I was pleased about it as I have written,
As I sat on My Throne,
I then saw that On my rev.12 Lap was My Bible
And Tucked in next to me rev.12 On my Throne was The Torah,
I looked at my Bible and upon it was enscribed:
Kimberly Marie Lapointe
Revelation 12
The wife Eternal of:
Emmanuel The Christ©

*I then saw a man's hand reach into my Fruit Bowl and take a piece of the fruit and I looked closely I could see that there was a hole in the man's hand that I was shown as He had reached in to take the Fruit,
&then I saw Him put it to His mouth and He was eating it,
Jesus Christ My Husband The Messiah was also wearing A Beautiful King"s Garment and on His Head I also saw A Crown
He looked So Absolutely Beautiful,
He was Standing Right By My rev.12 Side,
He then picked My Bible up from my lap and He also took The Torah and Held them in His HANDS,
And Smiled at me,
I got So upset that I started to cry,
I was So happy that He was with me rev.12&Eating My Rev.12 Fruit,
I wanted Him So Much,
and I felt my real life Agony in the dream
Mixed with Happiness,

*I woke myself up crying.~©

Next Dream post:Making their own personal Jesuses etc....

©~Emmanuel&Kimberly Marie Lapointe,rev.12 Arwen&Aragorn:
Lord of the Rings~©

©~Em&ki rev.12 Great~Eagle Rescue,
& Tge Flood II~©
& Tge Ark II~©
& Tge Genesis II~©


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