Tuesday, March 22, 2016

~No matter how I scream&cry at Him to Stop~

~God will not stop touching me sexually,
&I mean this,
U say yah right sure He does,
&I say,
It can happen!!!

God really does do this to me,
&it is absolute Torment,

I cannot even run away from Him,
&Noone believes me,

&Noone will help me rev.12 to stop Him~©

~God is the invisible force in my bed~©

Kimberly Marie Lapointe,rev.12 Arwen&Aragorn:
Lord of the Rings~©

©~Em& ki rev.12 Great~Eagle Rescue,
& Tge Flood II~©
& Tge Ark II~©
& Tge Genesis II~©


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