Saturday, February 27, 2016

~Luciferean Psychosis is the Exact Prognosis~©

~No-matter what I tell God,
No-Matter what I show Him,
No-matter what I remind Him of,
He will not listen to His Own Word in Hus vengeance
Upon True-Love
&keeps on going to&fro on a wim,
the lu-herd,
sow Obsurd,
His glove holed at the level,
He holds wanton dishevel

God is absolutely psychotic,
He is truly delusional,
 believing that He can
 even for a moment get away
from Destiny"s Master Plan
with pulling a fast one
 in this lair of the masked one,
Like noone would even notice His antics
of the shamed Lotus&
of the chair stealing four legs porkportis

On the most serious of notes,
God truly is delusional with His toting motes,
Truly lost on the Bible's map,
Smeared with that of framework sap,

God is now truly trying to bury me
with a fervency that tops even
 His most recent indescency
with no care to who's lap His own
head has come to rest

Kimberly Marie Lapointe,rev.12 Arwen&Aragorn:
Lord of the Rings~©

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