Tuesday, July 14, 2015

~the day will come that ends the underworld"s luciferean way of run kim run&shun~©~©

~that day is upon the way,
skies&adornment of the greyest of greys& white

to our enemies dismay we stand,
all who will come into stay,
to fight for Jesus&I,
in what will be our new land of
~ the genesis II new beginning~©
 &this at hand

 this underworld misery,
of the most agonizing days to ever exist in& of the human ties kind

it's their time to run away,
 So much at stake & all for  the sake of what is left to good,

the dropping of that reiche,

the cake they will bear,
one of
a no bake non ending ache

prayers at those in the lairs,
 their glares blocked as they,

following me,
 I run for the stairs~©

©~ Emmanuel
& Kimberly marie Lapointe,rev.12,Jesus Christ's wife, Queen,eternal~©

©~ Emmanuel
& Kimchirev12.blogspot.

©~ Em&ki rev.12~©

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