Sunday, May 31, 2015

~&Jesus's&my collection of 33 Lanterns~©


~3 lanterns of the 33 lanterns that are of ~Jesus's&my collection~
* (of 33 beautiful lanterns)~©
~were lit up on my& Jesus"s larger&longer dresser,

~&on the smaller dresser in our bedroom I saw more of our 33 beautiful lanterns,
they weren't lit up, yet,
~How many I wasn't sure at first,
~I then walked to the lanterns on the smaller dresser that weren't lit up &
Next to lanterns was a box of items,
~I started looking in the box&in it were all kinds of different objects&also
pictures of ~Jesus&I&Yochanan~

~ Jesus was pointing to each item&I then started to pick up the items as
He pointed to a specific item&as Jesus pointed to the item I knew to place the item into the lantern,
~& as I was putting the items into the lanterns I would get excited,
~I would open the lantern door of each lantern&place the object or picture into each lantern&as I did this,
the lantern would light up,

~Jesus was also placing items that He had been holding into the lanterns~

~there was no candle but whatever item that was being placed into the lantern became it's candle&the flame~

~each lantern would light up a different glowing pastel color~

~like a rainbow of glowing lights from the combined lantern lights~

~I started counting the lanterns&there were 11~

~on Jesus's&my nightstands there were also lanterns& for these  lanterns,
~I took my wedding ring&placed it into the lantern on Jesus's side of our bed& thenJesus took His wedding ring&placed  it into the lantern on my side of our bed~

~It was so beautiful the colors were glowing pastels from both of the lanterns that our wedding rings were placed into;
  ~&rainbows were forming from the glowing pastel lights on Jesus&I,(on our hands,in our hair,our feet,on every part of our bodies&I looked&Jesus was touching my pregnant belly&there was a rainbow across my stomach&His hand&arm)~

~on our bed,on the walls,on the ceiling,
on our door,on the windows,on the floor&on our baby's cradle~

~at the base of our bed was a table like piece of furniture about the length acrosswise of our bed&it had a beautiful gold/white tapestry covering w/gold crosses on it& more of the lanterns were on this~

~we did this until every one of the 33 lanterns of our collection were lit up in our bedroom~©

Kimberly marie Lapointe,rev.12,Jesus Christ's wife, Queen, eternal~©

& Kimberly marie rev.12~©


~Em&ki rev.12~©

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