Wednesday, April 1, 2015

God is trying to pick biblical mistresses for Jesus.©(edited)

*God is trying to pick biblical mistresses for Jesus and my answer to God is absolutely NO!!!©

*I am not fucking lying!

*yes,Jesus can have *biblical mistresses.

*the twelve tribes of Israel were formed by one man&4 women.

*2 wives&2mistresses.

*that is not how this is but God made that Holy.

*I already wrote that Jesus is the Messiah not a regular pastor&can have biblical mistresses.

*40 righteous men in the bible had More than one wife&mistresses.

*Jesus can have only one biblically legal wife,
*I am her.©
*but He absolutely can have biblically legal mistresses.

*God can go to goddamned hell.©
*God is not picking them,

*it's a parody:
 but is prophecy for Jesus&I,etc.©

"Polygamy wives exposed"

"exposing polygamy wives"

*we are not this corny.©

*I have been writing about this for years.©

*polygamy is not a sin it's the absolute correct *Biblical&Torah way.

© copyrighted:Kimberly marie Lapointe,rev.12,Jesus Christ's wife, eternal.©
© kimchirev12

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  ■ ~ISAIAH: 9:6~ ■ ~6For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall...