Wednesday, April 1, 2015

black in mourning&despair; not brown©

Black angel wings in symbology:represent:

*not brown

Prophecy  about God&I©
*not Jesus&I,
*are torn apart emotionally.©

*the everlasting marriage blood covenants donot allow for us to ever be torn apart in any other way.©

*God turned to the DARK side,
*NOT Yeshua(Jesus)
*God is the one to whom I am singing this to&about.©

*my heart is broken

© copyrighted:Kimberly marie Lapointe,rev.12,Jesus Christ's wife, eternal.©

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  ■ ~ISAIAH: 9:6~ ■ ~6For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall...