Saturday, March 14, 2015

you are Admitting to fact that you are not a christian if you...(edited)

a person admits to not being a christian if they ever try to or actually  do sue a christian.

*** The Bible is clear christians don't sue christians.

***you are admitting to the fact that you are not a christian by trying to or actually going through with suing a christian person.

***you donot  call the police on a christian either under any circumstances.

***The bible is clear.

*** And Before you scoff;
***have you ever read this in the bible!

***I can guarantee you that this is in the bible.

*** And this goes especially for government trying to accuse a christian or a jew at all of anything and I mean anything at all whatsoever.

*** if the government does accuse a christian or a jew;
***The U.S. Constitution is written based on the bible;
***The church& the state are seperate entities.

***a "Bible" Christian and a "Torah"jew would not ever do anything against the government.

***This is an absolute fact.

***government workers who accuse a christian or a jew,
*** absolutely are supposed to be fired&replaced.
***No questions asked.

***and I absolutely mean this from the bible with all of my heart.

*** you can go look it up...

© copyrighted Kimberly marie Lapointe, revelation 12.,Jesus Christ's wife,eternal.©

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