Thursday, February 19, 2015

in two places ,living one existance.©

Taken from my body
brought to another place,
left in a coma
without a trace,

My soul  then materialized
Not destroyed
living one existence
In a trance martyrized

I collide with my unreal
find of a seemingly helpless circumstance of the mind

Can't wake up in one place;
Can't stay asleep in the other
screaming  to get a message through to the place of interface

I am "the only true holy ghost writer"of this phase& daze of "His"grace

Seen so many things
Songs of days,
and songs about
this unwinding maze

Pages upon pages of my&my husband"s every phrase
my writings not from sages

But from me&my husband,Jesus Christ,
Not done in rages
but sung for the ages

my own writings for my husband Jesus Christ,me,our family&
to the masses in their cages from the clashes.

Days wrought  by my pen in hand,
this is where I stand
taking one, against
My enemies of every land

My words as the sands of
time,neverending and
No lack of shell revelry from me
 in my rhyme.©

"His"= Jesus Christ.

© copyrighted Kimberly marie lapointe revelation 12.,Jesus Christ's wife
© Kimchirev12

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~Ma-La-Kim~kim~la-m-me-la-kim~h-am-me-la-kim~b-am-me-la-kim~Ma-L'ki-s-hu-a~&GOOGKE WILL NOT:STOP:REMOVING(EDITING)ALTERING: JESUS'S AND MY REVELATION 12 LOT-RE-T-C HOLY&SACRED-BLOG POSTS!!!!.

        ~(k-la-io-usa)~(k-la-io-usa) *(k-la-io-usa) *(k-la-io-usa) *(k-la-io-usa) *(k-la-io-usa) *(k-la-io-usa) *(k-la-io-usa) *(k-la-io-usa...