Thursday, February 19, 2015

In most prophecy for Jesus&I,there is a......©

In most prophecy for Jesus& I,
There is a "ra"& "wicked iris" going on.
 Like "city of angels"
"a kim&Jesus wanna be"
Sometimes they use guys who even look like Nicolas cage&meg ryan.
That is why Lord of the rings is happening,
See what all of you are doing,
you don't want me to be me,you all want to be Jesus&I&Benor you want to replace us,
This is called:
"Wicked iris&ra,baal,osiris,&re,
I am the only iris of Jesus,I am "the righteous pure "white iris"
All others are purple&yellow,like van Gogh"s painting.
And Jesus is my"bearded iris"
***Any,and I mean anyone
Who tries to lift their throne above Jesus's&mine,is called
***Look up what Lucifer did to God,in the bible.
If you have denied the power that wrought forth my&Jesus"s miracles&or have acted like,you are who my&Jesus"s story is about&or tried to find someone you think this is about,you are absolutely Luciferean,and you are going to hell,bible is clear.
*** If you unknowingly did this,
well how!
Not reading my&Jesus"s story.
***Still you are guilty of being in on this plot&purposely trying to harm,Jesus,me&my family,


© copyrighted Kimberly marie lapointe revelation 12.,Jesus Christ's wife
© Kimchirev12

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~Ma-La-Kim~kim~la-m-me-la-kim~h-am-me-la-kim~b-am-me-la-kim~Ma-L'ki-s-hu-a~&GOOGKE WILL NOT:STOP:REMOVING(EDITING)ALTERING: JESUS'S AND MY REVELATION 12 LOT-RE-T-C HOLY&SACRED-BLOG POSTS!!!!.

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