Saturday, February 21, 2015

I have already told you that God is likened unto....

I have already told you that God is likened unto;

a goddamned asshole mafia husband;
Treats His whore mistresses better than His wife.
God is allowing this plot but if you piss Him off,

Like with any mafia Don,He will not people like hitting me,at a moment when it hits Him in the wrong way,God will rend you into pieces.
You know like when He keeps giving me gifts(miracles,etc.) when I cry.
He HATES when I pout that real pout.
See,I'm His vagina too.
Be careful.
A man can get UGLY,if you hit,His woman&when you hit His woman,
And,God could also go completely bullshit for letting Himself,
 Hurt Jesus,me&Ben,yup.
God is just like a mafia man.©
God's name in Hebrew is;
(He has many names)

I am God's wife, symbolic wife,
I am the physical embodiment of Israel(God's Everlasting love),&
I am Jesus's physical wife,
They are "One Lord"
So they can only have wife,
Jesus&God can have(legal),
But none of enemy nations,none,That He gave up as ransoms.©

© copyrighted Kimberly marie lapointe revelation 12.,Jesus Christ's wife.
© Kimchirev12

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