Sunday, October 19, 2014

She self combusts, ash blown to the wind...portent from heaven...prophecy...

In this dream,
That girl "gifted1",Is with a different man,
He is some kind of building designer, he builds, buildings, using bricks and stones, sticks stucco, and clay, he is trying to help her build a building, some kind of investment business,
The foundation for her business is being poured,I see the mixture in a large cement container,
people are ripping pages out of my books and my notebooks,  then  they are making copies of my writings, to put into this foundation mixture for that building,
Then on these copies, they are putting lines through my name and adding "gifted1", her name
to my writings, and she was overseeing this and putting her own stamp of approval on it,
My own and Jesus's stamp cannot be removed from my writings it is  Jesus's and my name and is the "gold blood covenants", she would try to change it, and for a, second it would look like new faces would appear where Jesus and my faces were, on Jesus's and my blood covenants, then after a second Jesus, and my face would "reappear miraculously every time", and any time she would try to change it, in any way no matter the blood covenant of ours she used, (in my writings are pictures of Jesus's and my blood covenants", it would always go back to Jesus, and my face etc., she was getting so upset, and said," just put them in the mixture anyway", she was also trying to put her own writings into the mixture, when she would they would burn to ash,  still she is getting really upset,
  that her foundation mixture, consisted of ash as well, the final thing she put in was my leaf,(the miraculous leaf, of Jesus's  face,she had stolen this from me,
 she unwrapped from the saran wrap, it and crumbled it all up and like a spice she put in her foundation, I got so angry, I could feel myself get so hot that the heat was pouring off of me in a wavelike motion, it was heading right for "gifted1", and the man helping her, herself, the others making the foundation, and the mixture itself, the wave of heat then hit them, and a blinding light flashed,i could see through it, I then see all of the people turn to ashen pillars, and then they all fell over into the mixture,some of the ash was in the air and a slight wind was going through this place,and that wind blew some of the ash around,
the mixture then starts wildly churning and bubbling up,it  shoots straight up like a geiser, and out of the building,obviously through the roof,it goes outside onto the tar,and pours down onto the ground like someone invisible is pouring it,It is pouring and pouring  into some kind of building, it is making ,but is also into a formation of  a statue too,a building with a statue hooked to it, the statue looks like a girl forming, then it stops pouring, I look and the statue,"graven image" "is gifted1"\,
she is now a "statue"i get scared next, on the statue of her, appears her real face,and her breasts and private are showing,I am embarrassed and,then from between her legs pours this gray ash liquid (her foundation, for her building)mixture, and it pours out of her statue body from her private place,,
It then hardens into a what appears to be a baby statue, " a baby",
the baby statue, it has demon eyes, a snake tongues,forked and is holding a cross upside down,inverted, the baby also has horns on its head 3prong like horns,and  it has 2mouths,it has tiny wings,and a man size male genitalia,a fully grown man size genitalia,
So gross on a baby,it scared mt see this again on someone else,
Next, "gifted1" (this statue of her, starts talking to me),speaks to me,and says",I knew I was special,I knew I was special,how could this happen to me???",just as she said this Jesus is standing next to me,,he says to her NOTever again to be looked at are you" gifted1",your destiny, you shall not ever escape:into eternal hiding in hades you shall go,you wicked foe,you have tried to murder my wife and her name, Kimberly Marie lapointe,  The woman that is my wife,you surely now know was not ever  who you are,,with the crow you shall go,into eternal damnation there you shall remain,for the sin of  bringing harm to my wife andMy future generations,snakes have taken over your mind,so may they live upon it ,as your eternal covering.",her hair then turned to snakes,so many snakes,alive on her head now is her hair,her hair is snakes,The building has columns and the rest of the mixture started pouring forth and made steps up to the building, more of the mixture goes onto "gifted1",a crow forms from the foundation mixture, and is on her breast.
Kimberly Marie lapointe revelation 12.Jesus Christ's wife.

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