Thursday, January 31, 2019


Scammers impersonate the Social Security Administration

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Your Social Security number is an important key for an identity thief. Scammers want it, and they think of all sorts of ways to trick you into giving it away.
Here at the Federal Trade Commission, we’re getting reports about calls from scammers claiming to be from the Social Security Administration. They say there’s been a computer problem, and they need to confirm your Social Security number.
Other people have told us that they have come across spoof websites that look like the place where you would apply for a new Social Security card – but these websites are actually a setup to steal your personal information.
If you get a phone call or are directed to a website other than that is claiming to be associated with the Social Security Administration, don’t respond. It’s most likely a scam.
Here’s some tips to deal with these government imposters:
  • Don’t give the caller your information. Never give out or confirm sensitive information – like your bank account, credit card, or Social Security number – unless you know who you’re dealing with. If someone has contacted you, you can’t be sure who they are.
  • Don’t trust a name or number. Con artists use official-sounding names to make you trust them. To make their call seem legitimate, scammers use internet technology to spoof their area code – so although it may seem they are calling from Washington, DC, they could be calling from anywhere in the world.
  • Check with the Social Security Administration. The SSA has a warning about these scams and suggests you contact them directly at 1-800-772-1213 to verify the reason for the contact and the person’s identity prior to providing any information to the caller.
If you come across one of these scams, please report it to the Social Security Administration’s Fraud Hotline at 1-800-269-0271, or 1-866-501-2101(TTY), and then tell the FTC about it.
Tagged with: identity theftimposterscam


I got a call like this today..The man had an accent and became angry when I told him that I wasn't comfortable giving out my SS# over the phone. He said that he would just have to contact the court and proceedings against me would begin..He gave me his name, Badge # and extension #..
Can't believe these people are getting away with this.!#

I got a call from a Michigan# last week, leaving a voicemail saying that the local police had warrants out for me, funny because some friends of mine work for the PD...SCAM...then today I got a call from a MD #, I answered, I was asked to give my SS# which I never give out unless I'm at a doctors office or something along those lines...the gentleman on the other line had a brittish accent and ended up hanging up on me...

was called from "SSI" about suspicious activity and they said they are going to suspend ssi account. hung up immediately, i know its fake. indian accent ... number they called from was 800 702 8765. just trying to help the next person out.

Just got the same SSI scam call from 408-844-4137 - San Jose, CA area.

I just got the same weird call voice message was a recorded computer sounding. Though it wasn't right. Googled as well. Also got IRS fake call to. Yo this girl ain't no dummy. Haha scammer

I just received a recorded call (via checking messages) from 888-759-4240, claiming to be the Department of Social Security Administration, saying I needed to call them so they could take legal enforcement action for criminal activities on my SSN that have occurred.

I got the same call! They wanted me to verify my birthday and social over the phone. That my social was used to drug trafficking and fraudulent criminal activity.

I just received a call from a Massachusetts # 781)923-0694 stated I committed some type of fraud and my social security will be suspended. The automated voice was speaking so fast I couldn't hear everything it was saying. I called back from another phone but no answer. I'm calling social security to report this now. To be on the safe side.

got the same call from a robo voice stated my SS would be suspended due to suspicious activity or criminal activity on my SS. called from 800-269-0271 and left a call back number of 530-341-5028 total fraud

I just got a call today saying they are going to put me in jail for 9 years and I need to change my social Security Number and I won’t go to jail. I got a call from this number (214) 731-7507

I asked where the jail is so I know what to bring.

I got one of these today! Same story. Using SS’s number too!!

I finally called them and started asking questions . I could hear everyone in their calling room yell out “sucker!!” You can imagine what my reply was. I didn’t give them any info and haven’t had any data infringements but sure felt good. I just instantly block all those calls

I just got a call from a new York number threatening me about a warrant. I asjed the person to tell me about the warrant and he said it was from the state of Texas. I have never set foot in Texas. They wanted my ss# and when I told them I would not give it to them they said for me to stay put and they will come and arrest me.

LOL that is funny. Good for you. I am not an EA but just this morning I received a call same song calls I ve been getting a lot from some IRS person stating this and that. I am aware of this fraud so before they could go any further I told them “No” “I am an IRS Agent “ they hung up immediately..
Yes I so wish that they would make a Public service announcement about these frauds so that the young inexperienced and older seniors are made aware so that the do not get caught up in this messy cycle.

You have put an incorrect phone# on your site, this is a sign of a scammer. 1-800-772-121?

We corrected the text: The SSA has a warning about these scams and suggests you contact them directly at 1-800-772-1213.

this is the same number my phone call came from.

I tried that number. It’s useless for reporting telephone scams.

Your paragraph "check with...." has an incomplete phone number for ssa.

We corrected the text: The SSA has a warning about these scams and suggests you contact them directly at 1-800-772-1213.

You left a digit out of phone number 800-772-121.

We corrected the text: The SSA has a warning about these scams and suggests you contact them directly at 1-800-772-1213.

Given all the SSNs obtained in the Equifax breach, I'm somewhat surprised these scammers don't just obtain them on the dark web. Perhaps the dark web asking price is too high...

thank you for your helpful warnings!

I work with Seniors in a Senior housing facility in the Bronx. Would someone be able to come and speak to my seniors about these scams? It is happening very often to them.

Eileen, We don't have staff right now to do that, but we do have free material you can order and share with people. There's a set of material for older adults called the Pass It On material. There are fact sheets and other items about IRS imposters, charity fraud, online tech support scams and much more. Shop and order free material at
And, the Pass It On campaign page has brief power point presentations and fun activities (word scrambles, word search, etc) to go along, if you'd like to give a short talk.
If you have questions, write to Thanks!

Usually banks will provide as resident services. Check at the banking institution you use. Also check your local senior center may have an idea and department of aging services for your state.

I also work in a senior community as a service coordinator. I have the local police and a local bank come in and speak with my residents about fraud.

Thank you for your good work, as usual. I hope some day there will be methods and techniques to report and to catch these jerks on the spot -- not to mention that it will create jobs!

A lot is going on with the call centers,e.g. mail order rx,call centers are demanding credit card information,meds are being tampered with. Scams are taking place with phone card providers,abuse with credit cards to different place an order withb"ebay",Someone else will ship a partial order from "eg amazon" and charge your credit card $99/fee..

This morning I received a call from a man with a very thick Asian Indian accent. Said his name is Sam Jones. Yeah... right.

2 years ago, "Dan" (with an Indian accent) from the IRS told me he would have me arrested if I didn't pay my back taxes. I'm still waiting for my doorbell to ring with an IRS officer holding out the handcuffs.

Thanks for the warnings!

I got an email yesterday had a name on it as to who sent it and it said fill this out and send it back I quickly rikosheyed it.

In addition to the SS impersonators there are FBI impersonators. I received an email yesterday that said I was being investigated for internet fraud and if I didn’t respond to there message or call them within 24 hours a warrant would be issued for my arrest. I immediately knew it was a scam and deleted. So beware.

Yes I do need social security card number now

I have a friend who got this call, she called the SSA telephone number to report it.

Thanks for the information I have been inundated with unwanted emails, calls, and piles of JUNK mail and magazines that I never ordered. I have contacted the publisher's they are saying another company? Is sending but they will stop. I don't answer calls with out a name I know, but it's crazy how they continue non-stop harassment calling, email, JUNK mail, I would like to know how to STOP IT. YES I signed up all of our phone numbers for no solicitation, no JUNK mail, etc, but after throwing out a "TREE WORTH of paper, any ideas? I did get a scammer pretending to be IRS, stating that they were taking us to court, I hung up. Thanks.

After getting many of these calls, I finally made up my mine and called up the FBI. I got through to them, and they told me that I could say anything I wanted to the phony's without getting into trouble. My next call from the phony's I let loose every x-rated words I knew. It made me feel so good. After a few more times, I rarely get any more calls from them. It might have been wrong to do, but after all the anxiety they caused me I felt it was worth it.

Take a picture of the email or text(screenshot) with your phone.Don't respond to it.Report it to the correct organization/company by calling them directly at their official number. Pay/invest in a reputable/effective credit monitoring service for all three credit bureaus. If your info is being used, make out police report. Contact all financial and credit card companies, change card #'s, and change passwords, notify all associated with your ID theft. Place fraud alert. Freese or lock credit. Find out!

Thanks again. These timely notices are appreciated.

At what $$$-minimum amount can help/investigation by government be received for identity fraud by a family member or any other criminal that you find has used your SSN and other personal identifying information to impersonate you or obtain cell phone or cable and internet services?

You can help yourself for free. There is a secure government website where you can report identity theft. You will create a report to law enforcement. You can print letters to send to credit bureaus and businesses to show you are an identity theft victim. Go to for help.

i don't trust my device.

Last year I received couple phone calls from somebody who claim to be from IRS telling me that they had money for me, I replied that they could sent me the check and they hung up on me.....later some months after the same Asian guy call me again with the same story.

How can I help a Sr.citizen relative who in my opinion has been brainwashed by scammers who continue to tell her she has either won money from the Western Union lawsuit (US governemnt won) and they will help her get her money but she has to pay their fee to help AND in recent years have called to say she has a "WINNING" to collect and they will help her do it but she must 1st pay the IRS the tax on the winnings. She send them $ and gets their bounced checks, etc.

I am a senior who keeps getting phone calls from 407-519-2859 . They say they are with Social Security office and want information from me. I get these calls daily. I have spoken to Social Security they say it is not one of there numbers. I believe many seniors would fall for giving them info. that could be harmful to them. Please help stop them from calling folks, Thank You

BLOCK their number. If you don't have a Block Call feature, perhaps your telephone service provider can assist you.

I keep getting calls from a recorded line saying that my SSN has been compromised but the caller ID is the SS phone that real?


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