Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denounced major Israeli media outlets as "Fake News" in a Facebook post Monday evening claiming they "lie to you night in and night out" and targeting a senior Channel 2 reporter in the process.

A graphic, with the words "Fake News" underlined and in bold, decried Channel 2, Channel 10, ynet, Walla!, Kan, Haaretz and TheMarker as purveyors of the rallying cry of United States President Donald Trump.

In the accompanying text, Netanyahu wrote, "Here is another example of daily Fake News: self-important reporters and commentators like Moshe Nussbaum, who report on clashes with state witnesses - something that never happened. They keep lying to you night in and night out.That's what their reports are worth, one large Fake News."

Channel 2 and 10 are both seen as critical of the prime minister; ynet, Walla! and Kan are all left-of-center, and Haaretz, and its publication TheMarker, is the paper of record for Israel's Left.

In December, Netanyahu apologized to Nussbaum, a senior police reporter for Channel 2, for mocking him at a Likud Hanukka candle-lighting event. At the event, Netanyahu imitated Nussbaum’s voice and put his fingers over his eyes to match the reporter’s bushy brows, giving a fake analysis by Nussbaum that  allegations against Netanyahu are "Very serious recommendations." "I must say they’re very serious, I want to say, among the most serious the state has ever known," his mockery continued.

Fake News is prominently seen as a contributor to Trump's election as US president in November 2016, and the president frequently criticizes media outlets as "Fake News," especially in times he appears to disagree with them and notably only an accusation he levies against liberally-slanted media. Frequently, he refers to The New York Times and CNN as "Fake News," and awarded "Fake News Awards" in January.

Earlier today, Trump criticized "Fake News" on Twitter, writing "So much Fake News. Never been more voluminous or more inaccurate. But through it all, our country is doing great!"

The post caught the attention of media personalities worldwide, including Politico senior writer Jake Sherman, who wrote on Twitter, "@netanyahu is in on it too," referring to Trump's barrage of "Fake News" cries.

Sherman is a co-author of Politico's influential non-partisan newsletter "Politico Playbook," which chronicles the daily activities around the capital and is read daily by an estimated 100,000 people, including lobbyists and congressional officials.

Lahav Harkov contributed to this report.