Thursday, March 15, 2018

'Ich heisse Catherine': Kate practices her German with the locals - after apologising to Chancellor Angela Merkel for not speaking the language

  • Duchess was asked by German chancellor earlier today if she can speak German
  • Kate apologised for her lack of ability, but luckily Mrs Merkel speaks English
  • Later practiced phrases as she chatted to crowds near Brandenburg Gate
  • Asked how to say 'what is your name?' and practiced 'my name is'  
The Duchess of Cambridge appeared to be feeling a little sheepish about her lack of German language skills this afternoon, after apologising to Chancellor Angela Merkel
On meeting the head of state at the Chancellery in Berlin this morning, she was asked if she spoke German but replied: 'No, no sorry.'
It seemed to be playing on Kate's mind as she decided to get some impromptu lessons while chatting to wellwishers near the Brandenburg Gqate. 
The Duchess chatted to Tracey Spagatner, 49, an English security guard who has lived in Germany for 36 years. 
Ms Spagatner recalled her conversation with the Duchess, saying 'She said "My German is a bit rusty. How do you say, 'What is your name?' in German?". I said "Wie heissen sie?" or "Wie heisst du?''.'
Later, Kate chatted to 15-year-old Sina Hennig, from Stuttgart and the teenager reported: 'She said that she had just learned a new phrase -"Ich heisse Catherine". It was very good.'
The Duchess of Cambridge today apologised to Chancellor Angela Merkel for not being able to speak German on a visit to Berlin 
The Duchess of Cambridge today apologised to Chancellor Angela Merkel for not being able to speak German on a visit to Berlin 
The Duchess had an impromptu lesson with wellwishers near the Brandenburg Gate today, asking how to inquire about someone's name in German  
The Duchess had an impromptu lesson with wellwishers near the Brandenburg Gate today, asking how to inquire about someone's name in German  
The royal couple spent nearly 20 minutes at the Brandenburg Gate, where they were greeted by the Mayor of Berlin, Michael Muller, and his daughter, Nina.
Among the throng of people was a German television crew whose reporter had dressed up in a guardsman's uniform, complete with bearskin hat.
'I am trying to attract her attention,' said Daniel Boschmann, from breakfast channel Sat 1. 'I wanted to make her feel at home.'
Gesturing at his scarlet tunic, he added: 'Is it nearly like the original, or is it an obvious fake?
Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are greeted by Angela Merkel
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visit Strassenkinder, a charity which supports young people from disadvantaged backgrounds
visit Strassenkinder, a charity which supports young people from disadvantaged backgrounds
A royal fan chose a very appropriate accessory to keep the afternoon sun off
A royal fan chose a very appropriate accessory to keep the afternoon sun off
TV reporter Daniel Boschmann was feeling the heat after making the brave decision to dress up as one of the Queen's guards, complete with a mock bearskin hat
TV reporter Daniel Boschmann was feeling the heat after making the brave decision to dress up as one of the Queen's guards, complete with a mock bearskin hat
A delighted Kate was mobbed by children during a visit to a children's charity in Berlin this afternoon, including a little girl in face paint who presented her with a bouquet 
A delighted Kate was mobbed by children during a visit to a children's charity in Berlin this afternoon, including a little girl in face paint who presented her with a bouquet 
The couple paid a visit the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin, which pays tribute to the six million Jews who died
The couple paid a visit the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin, which pays tribute to the six million Jews who died
Prince William and Kate visit former Nazi concentration camp
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'It's all plastic, you know. I'm sweating my a*** off, to be honest.' 
Thousands turned out to see William and Kate walk through the capital's famous Brandenburg Gate, a symbol of German unification, which for many years was trapped in the No-Man's Land between the Berlin Wall. 
The couple were cheered as they arrived by around 2,000 people who had stood in sweltering conditions to catch a glimpse of the royal visitors.
Some were lucky enough to chat to the Duke and Duchess when they went on a quick walkabout before posing for a picture with the monument in the background.
Prince William on UK and Germany sharing values
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Diplomatic dresser Kate looked stunning in cornflower blue - the shade of Germany's national flower 
Diplomatic dresser Kate looked stunning in cornflower blue - the shade of Germany's national flower 
Introducing my wife! Prince William looked delighted to have the chance to introduce Kate to German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin this afternoon 
Introducing my wife! Prince William looked delighted to have the chance to introduce Kate to German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin this afternoon 
The couple went on to visit the Holocaust Memorial after the walkabout, before dropping in on the children's charity Strassenkinder, which helps young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. 
They then returned to the west of the city and meet President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at the Bellevue Palace. 
In the evening they will attend a Queen’s birthday party held in the gardens of the British ambassador’s residence.




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