Queen and Philip lunch with German branch of family once tainted by Nazi past

THE Queen and Prince Philip had a family reunion in Germany today with the descendants of relatives once banned from their wedding because of Nazi connections.

The Queen and Prince Philip in Germany today
They met different branches of Philip’s side of the family at a lunch in Frankfurt and again at a reception at the British Embassy in Berlin tonight.
There was a time when such a meeting would have had to be far more discreet – all but one of Philip’s German relatives, his mother Princess Alice, were excluded from the couple’s 1947 wedding because of sensitivities over his sister’s Nazi connections.
Three of his four sisters joined Hitler’s party and married princes who were prominent Nazis, although other relatives were persecuted after being accused of opposing the party.
But there was no sense of any awkwardness today, as the 89-year-old monarch and her husband, 94, chatted to guests in Frankfurt’s city hall, Philip using his fluent German.
There were three groups of Philip’s relatives seated at tables: the Battenbergs, the von Badens and the Hesses. 
Among them was his 81-year-old nephew, Maximilian, Margrave of Baden, and his distant cousin, Prince Donatus, Landgrave of Hesse.
Both are related to Philip through his sisters. Maximilian’s father Berthold was married to the Duke of Edinburgh’s sister Princess Theodora, and Prince Donatus is related through another sister, Sophie, who married Prince Christoph of Hesse, an SS officer.
Donatus, 48, who shared a lunch table with the Queen and Germany’s President Joachim Gauck, was spotted laughing over a joke with her at one point. “We had a good table and I know her of course as a relative and I see her once in a while,” he said.
“I was only able to talk to Prince Philip for a second, we weren’t on the same table. I’m related to both the Queen and Prince Philip, because Prince Philip is a Battenberg.
banquetThe Queen and Prince Philip at a State Banquet in Berlin [ALPHA PRESS]
“Mountbatten is Battenberg and Battenberg is coming from my family and I’m also related to the Queen through Queen Victoria - she’s my great, great, great grandmother, something like that.
“Normally I see the Queen in England at Windsor so it’s lovely to see them here.” 
Philip, who was pictured at the funeral procession for his sister Cecile in Darmstadt in 1937 amongst a crowd that included Prince Christoph and other prominent Nazis, has regularly made private trips to Germany to see his relatives over the years and they are frequent visitors to Windsor.
He and the Queen were feted by the city of Frankfurt when they strolled through the city’s old town on one of the longest red carpets ever rolled out for them.
Their hosts in Germany’s financial capital laid 300 metres of red carpet so the royal couple could walk along the cobbled streets of the city’s picturesque old town, reconstructed after the Second World War.
I’m sorry I’ve forgotten your name. I forget everyone’s name nowadays
Prince Philip
A 5,000-strong crowd of flag-waving Germans lined the streets to cheer the royal couple in the heart of the city.
At the party at British Ambassador Sir Simon McDonald’s residence tonight the Queen spoke to hundreds of guests after an already busy day.
She wore a Stewart Parvin shift dress of white cotton tweed flecked with coral ribbon with a matching coat edged in bias fringed braid and a hat by Rachel Trevor-Morgan.
The 650 guests had been given strict instructions about etiquette in advance, including a ban on selfies or photographs of the royal couple, and proved impeccably behaved.
queengermanpresidentMARK STEWART
The Queen with German President Joachim Gauck
Prince Philip, meanwhile, was busy making mischief, telling one man he had a “terrible” tie.
He also asked a guest who had recently returned from West Africa whether he was all right, presumably referring to the Ebola outbreak.
And despite being remarkably alert for a man of 94, he admitted to one wellwisher: “I’m sorry I’ve forgotten your name. I forget everyone’s name nowadays.”