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#1 Edited by AssInAss (3299 posts) - 


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Revolution adventures have had considerable success - but the traditional publishing model has prevented us receiving the required royalties to fund future games. With limited financial reserves we have been unable to fund our own titles and so we have not benefited from their success. Now you can help us to change this. For the first time in our history, we will be funding an original adventure game: Broken Sword - the Serpent's Curse. This will give us full creative freedom, and let us work with you. We promise to keep you up to date with all aspects of development and we will value your support.
Development of the game is going well - we hope that you like what you see. Kickstarter funding will allow us to proceed at a faster rate, and ensure the game achieves its ambitious design. Without this funding we will risk having to cut back features and delay the game's release.
Whether you are able to back this project or not, if you're a fan of the Broken Sword games then please share this with your friends so they can help make the next Broken Sword the best game yet!
Welp, there goes $100 for my most anticipated game! XD

Original Post:

Sounds like a new Broken Sword game, and possibly in 2D!
If the new title is the fifth instalment in the Broken Sword saga, it will be Revolution’s first fresh iteration of the point-and-click adventure series since 2006.
“We’ve risked the frustration of the fans,” says Cecil. “They know that we’re writing a new game. We’re going to be announcing it with a fanfare.”
Cecil claims the decision to move back into 2D for the new game is not down to criticism of the third and fourth entires in the series, but he did acknowledge that games can “lose something” with the switch to 3D. Cecil said: “When you move to 3D it changes the essence. With 2D the game feels like a classic adventure. But in our next game we will use 3D where appropriate.
“Visually in 2D we can go for a ‘2D look’. Layout artists bend perspective to suit a mood, whereas the 3D camera is literal,” added Cecil.
The game will be a retail and digital release for PC, Mac, iOs and Android, but Cecil - a “huge fan” of Xbox Live marketplace and PlayStation Store - has not ruled out console versions.
“These are extraordinarily exciting times for Revolution," he says. "Things have changed radically with the digital distribution model, especially when you have brands people recognise.
“After quite some wait we are thrilled we are writing original games.”
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First two games are adventure classics, but I really liked Sleeping Dragon too. Never finished Angel of Death, though, got to Istanbul. Nico Collard is widely regarded as one of the best female videogame characters. Stobbart and Collard's interactions were sweet, hilarious, and thrilling which is what I liked most in the character interactions of Uncharted games.
#2 Posted by Pie (7334 posts) - 
#3 Posted by Pie (7334 posts) - 
I need to go play/replay them now!
#4 Posted by zyn (2765 posts) - 
#5 Posted by HiCZoK (396 posts) - 
I am replaying broken sword1 (original - not terrible directors cut) on scummvm on my android :D
For 15 years I wanted to play this and finally got to it. Amazing game
#6 Posted by AssInAss (3299 posts) - 
@HiCZoK said:
I am replaying broken sword1 (original - not terrible directors cut) on scummvm on my android :D
For 15 years I wanted to play this and finally got to it. Amazing game
Oh wow, didn't know ScummVM was on Android! I'll have to try this :D
#7 Posted by Steve_C (1768 posts) - 
Awesome. I really need to play the original. I remember playing a ps1 demo a bunch of times, but only played BS2 in the end.
#8 Posted by Phatmac (5935 posts) - 
OH DUDE! Yesss! :D
#9 Posted by Rattle618 (1505 posts) - 
I still have to finish the first one, damn it.
#10 Posted by WinterSnowblind (7598 posts) - 
This would be great, but I'd hope they do something similar to what Telltale did with the new Monkey Island game and kind of just pretend certain games in the series never happened.
#11 Posted by MattyFTM (14850 posts) - 
Awesome. I really need to go back and play the first two Broken Sword games to completion. What I played of them was awesome, but I never finished them.
#12 Posted by HiCZoK (396 posts) - 
@AssInAss said:
@HiCZoK said:
I am replaying broken sword1 (original - not terrible directors cut) on scummvm on my android :D
For 15 years I wanted to play this and finally got to it. Amazing game
Oh wow, didn't know ScummVM was on Android! I'll have to try this :D
I is and it works fantastic! At least BS1 and 2
#13 Posted by el_tajij (865 posts) - 
OH GOD!!!!!!
#14 Posted by sparky_buzzsaw (8393 posts) - 
That's awesome news! Side note, if you haven't heard, the remastered original is on sale on GOG right now for the day.
#15 Posted by Ducksworth (671 posts) - 
Maaaan, I have almost no interest in this game but now I feel obliged to play the older ones just to see if I should be excited. GOG, here I come!
#16 Posted by JoeBigfoot (128 posts) - 
@HiCZoK said: 
I am replaying broken sword1 (original - not terrible directors cut) on scummvm on my android :D
For 15 years I wanted to play this and finally got to it. Amazing game
Played the original and the director's cut, thought they were both ok. The only one i didnt like was the last one, the angel of death. 
Either way I'm excited about this, my girlfriend loves these games, means we'll have something new to play!
#17 Edited by JamesJeux007 (586 posts) - 
Oh please god no...
Broken Sword 1 & 2 are among my favorite point & click games and I played and replayed them so much I know them almost by heart by now. The 3rd installment, The Sleeping Dragon, was "meeeeh" mostly because of the controls and the not so great QTEs (and the fact that this game was BUSTED on the PS2). The 4th Broken Sword, The Angel of Death, was one of the crappiest P&C... No, GAME, I've ever played. The scenario was uninspired and dumb, the voice-acting was bad, the gameplay (i.e. P&C puzzles) was abysmal, the graphics were aweful... And then came Broken Sword Director's cut which, from what I've heard and saw (so I don't really know), was not very good at all. So... Yeah. Not excited whatsoever.
But in case you're wondering, Broken Sword 1 and 2 are great point & click games, with really funny dialogue, a great plot, good voice-acting and well-designed puzzles. And they are availible on GOG :'D (And I'm glad they now include the original game. Before, you could only get the "Director's Cut" :'/)
#18 Posted by HiCZoK (396 posts) - 
I've finished Only Broken Sword 3 and remember loving it.
Played bs2 demo when I was a kid so couldn't appreciate advernture games back then. Now I am all on adventure games and finalyl playing whole trilogy. (Don't like angel of death too).
Still. My fav adv is Black Mirror. Have 2,3 games but not played them yet. adv games are soo long
#19 Posted by kindgineer (3102 posts) - 
@AssInAss: I've been staring at this franchises entries for a while now wondering if I would enjoy them. I absolutely hated Monkey Island, but thoroughly enjoyed Resonance and Gemini Rue.
Would I like this game, and it's franchise, or should I stop staring and pass.
PS: I feel weird replying to "AssinAss," lol.
#20 Posted by Jeust (11739 posts) - 
I loved Broken Sword 3 too. A pity they aren't making one similar too it. But any Broken Sword is good!
#21 Posted by AssInAss (3299 posts) - 
@ck1nd said:
@AssInAss: I've been staring at this franchises entries for a while now wondering if I would enjoy them. I absolutely hated Monkey Island, but thoroughly enjoyed Resonance and Gemini Rue.
Would I like this game, and it's franchise, or should I stop staring and pass.
PS: I feel weird replying to "AssinAss," lol.
Gorgeous hand-animated visuals in 1st two games by Dave Gibbons (Watchmen comic). Hilarious writing. This is a very relaxing and mature adventure series that any fan of Wadget Eye games like you would like. If you like Indiana Jones, globe-trotting, and great writing. Brilliant and charming characters in the form of George Stobbart (the Nathan Drake of his time) and Nico Collard.
Some of the puzzles can be obtuse, but this is perfect to have the family around solve puzzles together. I remember playing Broken Sword 2 and 3 with my sister and cousins (local co op? :P) playing together, figuring it all out.
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#22 Posted by jakob187 (22942 posts) - 
Everyone thank Double Fine and Telltale.
#23 Posted by ImmortalSaiyan (4748 posts) - 
I sometimes feel as if I missed out having never played a adventure game. I wonder if I would enjoy them.
#24 Posted by dekkadekkadekka (874 posts) - 
Broken Sword 1 and 2 remain two of the best point and clickers ever. Broken Sword 3 was a pretty decent puzzler, and I like it.
Broken Sword 4 was shit. Utter shit. Completely listless voice acting, poor character animation, dumb story.
If you want to get ahold of Broken Sword 1 and 2, get them from GOG.com. Purchasing it there gives you both versions of both games, the original and Director's Cut. The Director's Cut of 1, while not awful, completely changes George Stobbart's character in the opening scene. The DC of 2 was unchanged as far as I could tell when I last played it, aside from graphics of course.
#25 Posted by AssInAss (3299 posts) - 
@ImmortalSaiyan said:
I sometimes feel as if I missed out having never played a adventure game. I wonder if I would enjoy them.
I love introducing adventure games to a family or relatives, it's the perfect introductory genre for anyone. Broken Sword is a pretty good way to get introduced to the genre, as are the recent Wadget Eye games like Resonance (they did a Quick Look a few days ago) or Telltale's more cinematic Walking Dead.
One of the very best along with Broken Sword and Lucasarts games is The Longest Journey.
#26 Posted by Lucien21 (138 posts) - 
#27 Posted by AssInAss (3299 posts) - 
#28 Posted by Damodar (2096 posts) - 
#29 Posted by guyver0 (203 posts) - 
I've given $100! this needs to be made or i will cry!
#30 Posted by SamStrife (1331 posts) - 
@HiCZoK said:
I am replaying broken sword1 (original - not terrible directors cut) on scummvm on my android :D
For 15 years I wanted to play this and finally got to it. Amazing game
I've just done this and it was awesome!
#31 Posted by WinterSnowblind (7598 posts) - 
@Guyver0yk: It will hit the goal by the end of the week, pretty much guaranteed.
#32 Posted by SamStrife (1331 posts) - 
@AssInAss said:
@HiCZoK said:
I am replaying broken sword1 (original - not terrible directors cut) on scummvm on my android :D
For 15 years I wanted to play this and finally got to it. Amazing game
Oh wow, didn't know ScummVM was on Android! I'll have to try this :D
Yeah, I run a load of ScummVM games on my tablet and they work near flawlessly. They're awesome to chill out on a sofa/in bed with.
#33 Edited by SamStrife (1331 posts) - 
@dekkadekkadekka said:
Broken Sword 1 and 2 remain two of the best point and clickers ever. Broken Sword 3 was a pretty decent puzzler, and I like it.
Broken Sword 4 was shit. Utter shit. Completely listless voice acting, poor character animation, dumb story.
If you want to get ahold of Broken Sword 1 and 2, get them from GOG.com. Purchasing it there gives you both versions of both games, the original and Director's Cut. The Director's Cut of 1, while not awful, completely changes George Stobbart's character in the opening scene. The DC of 2 was unchanged as far as I could tell when I last played it, aside from graphics of course.
I really can't be bothered to play the directors cut because I hated the Nico part so much (it felt really unnecessary). What does it do to ruin George's character?
#34 Posted by Ducksworth (671 posts) - 
Why is Beneath Steel Sky and Lure of the Temptress one of the "rewards" for pledging $50? Those games are already free on GOG. I might pledge $50, I haven't played any of the games but only heard good things.
#35 Posted by zyn (2765 posts) - 
FUCK YEAH! I hope it gets funded.
#36 Posted by WinterSnowblind (7598 posts) - 
Well, I've just given them $100. Never played the later two games, but I think I'll replay the first two again now at least.
#37 Posted by WickedFather (1694 posts) - 
My girlfriend says "The door was securely locked" in a French accent after closing it when she's 'receptive'.
#38 Posted by MachoFantastico (6552 posts) - 
Love the franchise dearly, first two games are two of my all time favourites. I enjoyed the third game to, despite it's stupid box puzzles. Backing this needs no thinking.
Just hearing Rolf Saxon's voice was enough for me. Already noticed a few familiar characters.
#39 Posted by UncleDisco (878 posts) - 
Threw $50 at them. I just hope that it dosen't end up having a bullshit ending, like 4 did... god damn.. that ending was the worst.
#40 Posted by dekkadekkadekka (874 posts) - 
@FlemmingM said:
Threw $50 at them. I just hope that it dosen't end up having a bullshit ending, like 4 did... god damn.. that ending was the worst.
Dude the whole game was the worst.
#41 Posted by MachoFantastico (6552 posts) - 
Yeah, its interesting hearing Charles Cecil talk about the changes they made in the franchise. Get the feeling the publishers had more sway then Charles liked, the reason he's gone with Kickstarter and I don't blame him. Allows him to make a proper Broken Sword.
Love the new look, the 3D stuff reminds me of the Runaway stuff but it still as the artistic style that (being totally honest here) made me actually want to visit Paris. :D
#42 Posted by dekkadekkadekka (874 posts) - 
Enjoyed the pitch video, the one complaint I have is that Nico sounds like a heavy smoker, or that she's in her 60s.
#43 Posted by MachoFantastico (6552 posts) - 
@dekkadekkadekka said:
Enjoyed the pitch video, the one complaint I have is that Nico sounds like a heavy smoker, or that she's in her 60s.
Pretty sure it's the original Nico voice actress, I know they've had a few different women playing her in past games.
Her voice sounds different because... well age! Rolf Saxon hasn't lost that classic tone though.
#44 Posted by UncleDisco (878 posts) - 
@dekkadekkadekka said:
@FlemmingM said:
Threw $50 at them. I just hope that it dosen't end up having a bullshit ending, like 4 did... god damn.. that ending was the worst.
Dude the whole game was the worst.
I liked it.. well except for the ending. But I do think it's the weakest game in the series.
#45 Posted by dekkadekkadekka (874 posts) - 
@TrueEnglishGent said:
@dekkadekkadekka said:
Enjoyed the pitch video, the one complaint I have is that Nico sounds like a heavy smoker, or that she's in her 60s.
Pretty sure it's the original Nico voice actress, I know they've had a few different women playing her in past games.
Her voice sounds different because... well age! Rolf Saxon hasn't lost that classic tone though.
Is it? I guess it'll grow on me, but it just seems out of place for that character.
Unless of course Nico herself is a heavy smoker, in which case it fits!
#46 Edited by dekkadekkadekka (874 posts) - 
@SamStrife said:
@dekkadekkadekka said:
Broken Sword 1 and 2 remain two of the best point and clickers ever. Broken Sword 3 was a pretty decent puzzler, and I like it.
Broken Sword 4 was shit. Utter shit. Completely listless voice acting, poor character animation, dumb story.
If you want to get ahold of Broken Sword 1 and 2, get them from GOG.com. Purchasing it there gives you both versions of both games, the original and Director's Cut. The Director's Cut of 1, while not awful, completely changes George Stobbart's character in the opening scene. The DC of 2 was unchanged as far as I could tell when I last played it, aside from graphics of course.
I really can't be bothered to play the directors cut because I hated the Nico part so much (it felt really unnecessary). What does it do to ruin George's character?
I don't want to say I'm the only person put out by it, but I probably am.
In the original, the opening has a more mysterious tone, along the lines of "and it was to change my life, forever..."
In the director's cut he's way more forthright, more in the tone of "I am going to catch these guys if it's the last thing I do."
The lines are in the same spot, right at the beginning of the game. None of the rest of the game is changed, however just from that single line, George's motivation changes entirely. He goes from simply wanting to solve a mystery, to revenge.
#47 Posted by SamStrife (1331 posts) - 
@dekkadekkadekka: Yup, I can totally see why that bothers you. It changes George completely. I always got the impression that he set out to catch the guys because he felt like the police were never going to get the job done (psychic police work for instance) and he quickly got in over his head to the point where he could only go deeper. That makes it sound like he has a hero complex.
#48 Posted by Karkarov (3385 posts) - 
While I have never played the Broken sword games or been a point and click fan I can see why they appeal to people and know the original Broken Sword games are serious classics. However the 400k goal may be reaching a little too far. Either way I hope it makes it.
#49 Posted by dekkadekkadekka (874 posts) - 
@SamStrife: Just to show I'm not crazy, here's a video of the Director's Cut line (skip to 2m20s)
Loading Video...
#50 Posted by Baillie (4709 posts) - 
@dekkadekkadekka said:
Enjoyed the pitch video, the one complaint I have is that Nico sounds like a heavy smoker, or that she's in her 60s.
Are you crazy? The first thing I thought was, thank god they've got the right voice actor back!
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