Saturday, July 9, 2016

~My Revelation 12 Great~Eagle Rescue Dreams~©

~My 1st Revelation 12 Great~Eagle Rescue Dream:May 2004~©

I was wearing an old-fashioned long white night gown,
I had no shoes or socks on and I was looking forward,
I was Standing on dirt and I was Surrounded by a mountain of dirt,
The Mountain of dirt was Surrounding Me but far enough away from Me that it was not touching My body,
In the dirt was:Garbage,dead bodies,
As I Stood there facing forward I saw from above me Came two very Big Yellow bird feet(Eagle"s talons;Eagle's feet),
&I Absolutely knew that the Eagle's Talons were too BIG to be a literal Eagle,
***I knew that this Eagle was a Supernatural;Symbolic Eagle,
And this Very Big Eagle then gently picked me up by my shoulders and Lifted Me Up Out Of this Place Of Great Upset that I was Standing in and flew away with Me the woman from revelation 12 Jesus Christ's real wife,Queen Israelite,Prophet~©

~My 2nd Revelation 12 Great~Eagle Rescue Dream:September 2004~©

~The 2nd Dream was As the First except this time the Great~Eagle Swooped down quickly and grabbed Me the woman from revelation 12 Jesus Christ's real wife,queen, Israelite, Prophet~©

****Symbolism of:
The Mountain of DIRT that Surrounds Me the woman from revelation 12 Jesus Christ's real wife,queen, Israelite, Prophet= What Lu-People are using to try and Bury Me With,
***The Dirt;Gossip;Rumours,Lies,Vicious talk,and Mocking are all make up the Mountain of DIRT©

***The Garbage=All of the Persecution that is at Me the woman from revelation 12 Jesus Christ's real wife,queen Israelite, Prophet©

***The Dead Bodies=All of the Lu-Spirituality Dead who are Not in Jesus Christ,
****Or Are No-Longer in Jesus Christ©

****The Worms are Symbolic of:Hell

©~Emmanuel&Kimberly Marie Lapointe,rev.12 Arwen&Aragorn:
Lord of the the Rings Prophecies~©

©~Em&ki rev. 12 Great~Eagle Rescue,
& Tge Flood II~©
& Tge Ark II~©
& Tge Genesis II~©


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