Thursday, May 12, 2016

The female bear,the rev.12 puzzle&the bear trap that finally muzzled her fat guzzle©

Dream:May 12th 2016;The female bear, The rev.12 prophecy puzzle,
&the bear trap that finally muzzled her fat guzzle©

I Drempt that I was watching a female bear as she was sitting on a beach,
She had her two-bear cubs with her,
They were sitting with a picnic basket,
I could see that this female bear was sitting on top of a ruler,
The ruler looked almost squwooshed,
I saw that she would take the ruler out from under her,
Stare at it,
She would also put it to her ears as if she was listening to the ruler, then she would get upset and angry,
And she said to the ruler at one point,
"You are Shit"

Not a lie,
That is what she said to the ruler and then stuffed it back under her butt,
&I could also see that she was trying to put a puzzle together,
As she would stare at& listen to the ruler,
Puzzle pieces would appear in front of her on the sand in a blue velvet box,
The bear then started to try and sing,
I wasn't sure of what at first the female bear was doing but as I listened she was trying to sing,
It sounded BAD,
but the female bear just kept on trying to sing and I noticed that she actually thought she could sing and I was cringing from the embarrassing feelings that I had about her thinking that she could actually sing,
she was aweful,
And I mean it,
I then saw that she was now wearing a bright red(scarlett)bathing suit top and and a thong bathing suit bottom,
I was nastied out,
She also had white creamy lotion on her upper inner leg,
I geuss she was trying to apply sun tan lotion to her fur,
****Weird ass bitch bear,
Next I saw her eating a yodel,
Her cubs were now playing in their picnic basket it was shaped like a snail,
And I gasped,
It was oozing clear thick liquid and the bear reached her paw into the basket and like it grabbed honey but it was this thick clear mucousy liquid and then the bear ate it,
I was again grossed out,
as she continued to put the puzzle together she was getting even more upset and angry looking down at it,
As she put the next two pieces into place she just stared at the puzzle for a moment as she stared,
I saw at that exact moment she put her head back opened her mouth,
Her body tensed up and as this happened at that exact moment,
A bear trap appeared on her face and head and muzzled her,
I was then even more curious about the puzzle so I focused on the pizzle and as I did I could see as I looked Jesus Christ My Husband The Messiah in the puzzle and He was wearing The Custom Wedding outfit that I had made for Him,
&I had also seen that next to Him that it was absolutely My rev.12 Self Standing there with Him in the puzzle and I was wearing My Custom made Wedding Dress with the Outer Covering and My Vail,
And that was The Center Pieces of The Puzzle,
&I could see The Ark II~© in the Background of the Puzzle,
The next thing I knew The ruler she had been sitting on was now not under her,
It was now on a throne that had Appeared on the beach in front of the female bear,
Within The MOMENT I was translated from watching this scene to Sitting on the Throne in that had Appeared in front of her,
I was wearing My Custom made Wedding Dress with the Outer Covering,
&My Vail,
&Jesus Christ My Husband The Messiah Was Standing Right Next to Me rev.12,
I then saw that A Stingray was flying through the air and landed on and suctioned to that female bears gut,
And as I watched two baby stingrays also flew through the air and they each landed one one each of her cubs faces and Suctioned to thei faces.©
I then heard heard  a voice tell that female bear,

"And this is,
That Kimberly Marie Lapointe is whom that u DONOT want her to be,
She is The Wife of Jesus Christ,
The woman from revelation 12"
&Then I heard Jesus Christ My Husband The Messiah tell her,
"Ur voice is but a grating upon My Very Soul,
DONOT Try and Make an Effort of ur toll"

©~Emmanuel&Kimberly Marie Lapointe,rev.12 Arwen&Aragorn:Lord of the Rings Prophecies~©

©~Em&ki rev.12 Great~Eagle Rescue,
& Tge Flood II~©
& Tge Ark II~©
& Tge Genesis II~©


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