Tuesday, May 3, 2016

A baby girl unicorn was born on the same day as Jesus's&My(Our)baby girl from Narnia

Dream: (April 2008)~A baby girl unicorn was born on the same day as Jesus's&My(Our) baby girl from Narnia~©

I Drempt that on the day that Jesus Christ My Husband The Messiah"s&My(Our)baby girl,
 the oldest girl from:The Chronicles of Narnia was born that a baby girl unicorn was also born,
In the Dream Jesus Christ My Husband The Messiah were in the woods and I was holding our baby girl,
As Jesus&I walked in the woods I saw A Vision flash in my mind
A baby girl unicorn was born in the woods,
I was shown the baby girl unicorn as she lay on the ground in the woods with her mom,
She absolutely was just born,
Her mom was pushing on her,
Nuzzling her to get up,
To stand on her legs,
She had the softest looking,
tiniest littlest horn on her head,
&it really did have iridescent colors strewn through it,
Like the rainbow,
She was so beautiful that I wanted to cry,
(This Dream also was a Confirmation& Confirmed what God Vowed to Jesus Christ My Husband The Messiah&My rev.12 Self for Our Oldest Daughter from:The Chronicles of Narnia),
I then saw Jesus in the Vision kneeling and touching the baby unicorn,
I knew that He was absolutely pleased with the baby unicorn by the Expression upon His Beautiful Face,
He was touching her and after a moment she stood right up on her little legs,
As if she was obeying now Jesus Christ My Husband The Messiah"s Command,
*I saw her just stand-up on her legs,
the Vision returned to the Dream and Jesus and I were still walking,
I noticed that Jesus had His Dark Grey wool cloak on,
&I had a creamy white wool cloak on,
Our baby girl was wrapped in a country rose pink Blanket with a white knitted or crocheted baby bonnet that had country pink flowers embroidered on it,
But I noticed now that she was not a newborn baby anymore,
She was now bigger than a newborn baby,
Jesus and I with our baby girl then came to a clearing in the woods and as I looked I could see the baby girl unicorn was with her mother in the clearing,
In the grass they stood together,
The baby girl unicorn was also not a newborn anymore,
But she was still a baby,
The next thing I knew Jesus was taking our baby girl from my rev.12 arms and holding her to His body,
And He started to walk over to where the Unicorns were Standing,
I followed Right next to them,
And then as we got right to them,
Jesus knelt down and stood our baby girl on her feet,
He helped her stand up,
Then He touched the baby girl unicorn and also kept His hand on our baby girl so she wouldn't fall down,
She was standing but not able to on her own too well,
&She was wearing the sweetest dress: a white knitted or crocheted baby dress with country pink flowers with little white sandals,
Our baby girl then put both of her little hands on the baby girl unicorn and started to smile the biggest most gorgeous smile and this made both Jesus and I smile So Big!!!!
Jesus looked at me and said,
His Hands One Still on our baby girl,
&One on the baby girl unicorn,

"On the Day this Our Baby girl was born this unicorn was delivered unto her,
A Gift FOR her and of who she is,
 and Who she will become"©

©~Emmanuel&Kimberly Marie Lapointe,rev.12 Arwen&Aragorn:
Lord of the Rings~©

©~Em&ki rev.12 Great~Eagle Rescue,
& Tge Flood II~©
& Tge Ark II~©
& Tge Genesis II~©


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