Monday, February 16, 2015

God has fallen. "The Lord of the rings"ect. has begun.©

God made man&women in His own image.(likeness)
(Genesis 2)

God made angels&they fell,
Not all but many.
They are known as "demons."
God made men&women unto Himself,
and they fell.

If men&woman can fall,
Know that God can then also fall&

Lord of the rings has begun.©

"The underworld"
has also begun,

Over 7 years ago.©

Watch these prophecy videos...
"The underworld"
"Wake me up"
***I am salene,Jesus is Michael&God is Victor.

"In the end"
Linkin Park
***in this video,
I am "the sepulchre"
God's grave.
And doesn't that asshole
Look pissed.
He is the creepy looking
They show.
I'm a sepulchre not a graven image.©

"Wake me up"
Jesus is Arogorn& I am Arwen.©

***God is already DEAD AS THE GOD PEOPLE KNEW.
These are just a few of the
Prophecy videos.©

© copyrighted Kimberly marie lapointe revelation 12.,Jesus Christ's wife

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