Thursday, October 9, 2014

Dream of that arrogant older woman...

Dream, that older arrogant woman was sitting on a metal folding chair, she had Penny loafers on, she was wearing a mini skirt and a shredded halter top and  her stomach showing, she was covered in tar,her hair was like dred locks from the tar, she had a money purse with her, she was also eating a hole box of donuts, one after the other she kept on eating them, Jesus was standing with me and told her to look over the table, he showed a vision of her kitchen table, on it a dead roasted pig, with a crow in its mouth, he told her this is you, slothful woman, the pig you see,a defiled creature, with the work of your arrogance in your mouth, the crow moved,I got scared, the woman then went to speak and crow feathers came from her mouth, Jesus held my hand as he told that woman, about me, this is the woman that is all to me, her name is what I know you would not want it to be, Kimberly Marie lapointe, rev.12., my wife.

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